Sardinian black metal cadre Infamous recently released its most recent album, Muttos Pro S’Aristocratzia, on CD for a new generation of fans to appreciate this somewhat difficult to acquire offering.
4 CommentsTags: Black Metal, infamous
Sardinian black metal cadre Infamous recently released its most recent album, Muttos Pro S’Aristocratzia, on CD for a new generation of fans to appreciate this somewhat difficult to acquire offering.
4 CommentsTags: Black Metal, infamous
In the midst of the coronavirus devastating Italy, melodic Sardinian black metal act Infamous recently released a new track entitled “Forza e Onore” on a split with Ordo Sanguis Noctis entitled Strength and Honour/ Consecration of Mossy Sanctuary. With “Forza e Onore” mastermind S.A. explores familiar melodies with perhaps a greater sense of violence and urgency than those tracks which appeared on the previous full length.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, infamous, ordo sanguis noctis
The faster news cycle of the post-internet metal era places pressure on bands to release frequently in order to cultivate an audience which can pick them out of the seemingly endless flow of new and similar material. Having taken a pause, Infamous returns with more of an influence from traditional black metal in its aesthetic.
4 CommentsTags: Black Metal, infamous, sardinia
Infamous contributed two tracks to the split CD/EP with Cmentarny Zew, Thorncastle and Ordo Sanguinis Noctis named Winter Ruins in Howling Mist released by Darker Than Black Records. These songs demonstrate why Infamous remains at the head of the new brand of black metal, mainly by staying true not just to black metal, but to idea-driven music.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, darker than black, infamous
This split showcases two favorite bands contemplating their next steps. A much-anticipated release, that is nothing sort of provocative and promising. Some have said that Infamous adapt themselves to the style of their fellow bands, yet on this work, it is Cromlech who let loose on punk and black metal influences.
1 CommentTags: cromlech, Hammer of Triumph, infamous, NWOTHM
By now established as one of few post-nineties black metal acts worth saving for posterity, Infamous returns with yet another joint effort production on the Hammerbund label. Joining the bill is the somewhat amusingly christened Gorrenje, a band previously unknown around these quarters but apparently of a slightly older vintage than their Sardinian counterpart. As has earlier been the case, Infamous proves to be vastly superior to their collaborators and is therefore the one most worthy of our attention.
Tags: 2017, gorrenje, infamous, Italian-German Black Metal Brotherhood
For centuries Italian engineers were valued throughout the western world for their skill in both destruction and construction. The great Imperial warlord Albrecht Wallenstein, who exhibited a keen eye for excellence, had Italian mercenaries in his army and Italian architects for his for his manors. With their relatively recent split release with German band Gorrenje, the Italian black metal band Infamous carry on this tradition of dual excellence.
5 CommentsTags: Epic Metal, graveland, infamous, metal, review
Underground flowing black metal band Infamous, who combines the atmospheric torrential melody styles of Graveland with the old world melodies of Southern European black metal, joining with doom-black metal band Cromlech, has announced plans to release Hammer of Triumph, an EP with one song by each band. (more…)
4 CommentsTags: Black Metal, cromlech, infamous
Italian single man black metal band Infamous have a new split out now on CD with German band Gorrenje according to Infamous’s Facebook on Hammerbund.
No CommentsTags: Black Metal, compact disc, germany, gorrenje, hammerbund, infamous, Italy, new releases, news, split
Underground occult metal blog Praefuscus Ferrum recently posted a piece entitled “Underground turned Funderground, and the Obscurantist Elite” proposing that what killed underground metal was widespress consumer access to new technologies such as the internet. These and the increased exposure to fans led artistically successful underground metal bands to pursue raw consumerism at the expense of writing transcendent music. D.A.R.G. points out that “the truest artists purposefully hide away from the profane eye” as the communication mediums the underground metal utilized (physical mail, tape trading, and BBSes) have been usurped by ones more accessible to laymen. He states the underground became the “funderground” in the blink of an eye as mainstream rock and pop fans who felt adventurous wanted rock and pop music with “black” and “death” “metal” production aesthetics, not actual death, black, or even heavy metal. Now the musicians actually writing novel underground metal compositions hide unbeknownst to the typical beer metaller in plain sight.
11 CommentsTags: Black Metal, consumeriam, death metal, demoncy, desecresy, funderground, hidden metal, infamous, metal underground, praefuscus ferrum, sammath, Serpent Ascending, underground, underground metal, underground music, underground never dies