Necrotic war metal and black metal hybrid band Sammath bring inner melody to battering relentless martial metal, and now premiere the first track from their latest album, Grebbeberg:
62 CommentsTags: Black Metal, sammath, War Metal
Necrotic war metal and black metal hybrid band Sammath bring inner melody to battering relentless martial metal, and now premiere the first track from their latest album, Grebbeberg:
62 CommentsTags: Black Metal, sammath, War Metal
Sammath has always had two bands inside: one that writes subtle melodic music, and another that wants full-on pounding rhythmic warfare like early death metal. On Grebbeberg, Sammath unites its Gemini-like two halves with the aggression of Dodengang mixed into the melody of recent works.
33 CommentsTags: Black Metal, sammath
Continuing their journey into the hybrid of black metal and war metal, Sammath mix in a little more grinding classic death metal for their seventh full-length album, Grebbeberg, to be released on Hammheart/Napalm records on June 16.
1 CommentTags: Black Metal, sammath
Excoriating black metal band Sammath has unleashed a new crop of patches for your kutte or battle jacket, or maybe the sails on your yacht; these can be found from the Sammath direct merchandising site.
20 CommentsTags: Black Metal, merch, sammath
Antisocial and violent black metal band Sammath unleashed a video of the band playing in Moscow, using the track “Ferocious Mortar Fire” from Across the Rhine is only death as the canvas for a newly elitist and intolerant sound. Expect all of the violent of war metal, with the precision of death metal, and the melody of black metal.
10 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, sammath, War Metal
While 2019 has shown that home studios are only getting better with the release of better emulators and cheaper “ready to record” prepackaged setups, the increase of quantity has not shown a proportionate increase in quality across the music spectrum. Metal has been in a particular weak state despite the best releases of the year being better than those of previous years, the overall quality was so low that even the present editor had to explore non-metal underground music in hopes of finding something of great quality. While such “expeditions” have been for the most part fruitless, the best of the year can only leave the metal listener with a sense optimism of what the new decade has to offer. Without any further ado, here is the best underground metal of 2019.
28 CommentsTags: angel of light, Angel Witch, best of, best of 2019, diplodocus, hatred prayer, sadistic drive, sammath, slow and heavy, trench warfare
Furious melodic war metal band Sammath published its stream of its sixth album, Across the Rhine is only death, late last night. This new album shows the band integrating the streams of its influences from death metal, black metal, hardcore punk, ritual music, and war metal into a single voice.
This will delight those who think that metal lost its guts and balls, but also who are tired of melodyless and repetitively-structured three-chord “NWN/FMP” styled bands which hold zero musical interest for minds above the yeast level. You can acquire your copy via preorder. Blast it loud and make your neighbors, friends, family, and coworkers weep in terror!
15 CommentsTags: Black Metal, melodic war metal, sammath
Blazing war/black metal operators Sammath opened pre-order for Across the Rhine is only death, the sixth album from the black metal fusionist Dutch/German band. This includes a wooden box version of the album which incorporates artifacts from WW2 and a Sammath logo patch with a copy of the digipak album.
5 CommentsTags: Black Metal, hammerheart, sammath
Controversial war/black metal hybrid Sammath homebrewed a video for the first track from Across the Rhine is only death, “Ferocious Mortar Fire,” demonstrating the visual aesthetics of a form of ruthlessly inhuman music that sees the evil in humanity as a product of our stupidity, not religious symbolism.
13 CommentsTags: Black Metal, sammath, War Metal
Sammath returns to the days of its second and third album with a shredding assault that emphasizes tight, technical riffing that keeps to a simple theme and develops it with precision strumming integrated with exacting percussion. This takes the war metal idea into the technical death metal realm while preserving the black metal sense of melody and epic architectures to unite these alienated and reductive riffs.
11 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, sammath, War Metal