Check out this video of Sammath rehearsing “Stalingrad”, featuring their new drummer Wim van der Valk (Inquisitor):
30 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, news, rehearsal, sammath, tour dates, video
Check out this video of Sammath rehearsing “Stalingrad”, featuring their new drummer Wim van der Valk (Inquisitor):
30 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, news, rehearsal, sammath, tour dates, video
French Canadian Gothenburg style metal band Forteresse announced a rehearsal album, Récits Patriotiques, today for all those who care about their boring Gothenburg material that sounds like early Amon Amarth with no tempo changes or variations for beer metallers who do not critically listen to music and prefer to just leave metal on in the background like a heavier version of smooth jazz they can ignore and check in on once every two minutes to see if the band did anything new or are back to scratching their asses. Récits Patriotiques will be released on March 18th, 2017 by Sepulchral Productions on 750 CDs for 750 fundergrounders or hipsters who want to crank frogified Davy Crockett metal to feel special about themselves like kale-flavored ice cream sandwiches. Preorder Récits Patriotiques here if you hate money and wear coonskin caps during sex.
5 CommentsTags: beer metal, Black Metal, canada, cash grab, elevator music, Forteresse, funderground, gothenburg metal, Heavy Metal, nationalism, quebec, Québécois, rehearsal, sepulchral productions, upcoming release