Famed for being a crypto-realist who lives in a world of imagination, Glenn Danzig laid out the brutal truth about political correctness:
6 CommentsTags: glenn danzig, kafkatrapping, political correctness, punk, sjws, the misfits, woke politics
Famed for being a crypto-realist who lives in a world of imagination, Glenn Danzig laid out the brutal truth about political correctness:
6 CommentsTags: glenn danzig, kafkatrapping, political correctness, punk, sjws, the misfits, woke politics
We make fancy terms for obvious things. Political correctness means making taboo any terms except those which support our “Libertarian Communist” style system; cancel culture and deplatforming mean the public spectacle of removing dissidents and non-conformists.
31 CommentsTags: cancel culture, censorship, chaim witz, deplatforming, KISS, lemmy kilmister, motorhead, political correctness
Guest article by Eugene Stryker
The PC witch-hunt of the Leftist Indie/Mallcore Mafia continues ever on in its plaguing of the Metal scene throughout the 2010’s. No longer content to pillory some of the most vicious and well-respected acts in the Black Metal genre, the latest victim of character assassination and social media hysteria is none other than former Agalloch leader John Haughm.
70 CommentsTags: aesop dekker, Agalloch, anti-semitism, antifa, Betrayal, Black Metal, bruno ganz, don anderson, drama, facebook, hipster black metal, hipsters, hitler, hypocrisy, jason walton, john haughm, judenbook, metalgate, MetalSucks, pillorian, political correctness, portland, post-rock, privacy violation, social media, stephen parker, threats of violence, trevor matthews, uada, virtue signalling
Sometimes recognizing parasites becomes difficult. They sidle up to your genre, think that is fairly cool and they want a piece of that action, and then they morph themselves into clones of the fans of that genre. Then they shlurp their way inside of its cell walls, consume its vital energy, and inject their DNA into its core, replacing all that made it unique and meaningful. (more…)
24 CommentsTags: jay h. gorania, MetalSucks, political correctness, sjws, trench warfare
A few times every decade, a work of literature or film comes along that astonishingly predicts the future with unbelievable accuracy. Back in 1994, we were given a dead-on glimpse of the social climate that we’re currently living in across modern western civilization through a seemingly harmless silly, good times college comedy, as it advertised itself to be. But instead, PCU showed us the world we would be inhabiting twenty years later.
10 CommentsTags: 90s, alt-right, antifa, culture wars, film, lifestyle, PCU, political correctness, sjws, social justice warriors, Trump, war
Former Megadeth shredder Marty Friedman attacked modern political correctness and the hypersensitivity of special snowflakes in a recent interview with the Cleveland Scene:
17 CommentsTags: AIDS, censorship, communism, communists, cultural marxism, Marty Friedman, news, political correctness, self-censorship, sjws, social realism, socialists, special snowflake
Crybaby social justice warrior metalcore blog MetalSucks posted a statement from a group of metalcore musicians calling for American distro and label Hells Headbangers to stop releasing “Nazi propaganda”or else.
18 CommentsTags: antifa, antifascists, Black Metal, blast beat network, censorship, communism, darker than black, elegy records, fascism, hells headbangers, hipster idiocy, idiots, metalgate, MetalSucks, news, nsbm, political correctness, RAC, werewolf records
Politically incorrect Texan black metal band Nyogthaeblisz attempted to play undercover gigs in Philadelphia and New York last weekend.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, censorship, hellvetron, metalgate, news, nyogthaeblisz, political correctness, shows
Washington, DC area crust punk and metalcore scenesters decided that anti-religious Texan black metal band Nyogthaeblisz were racist and got their show at Gaithersburg, Maryland tattoo parlor Raw Ink canceled according to the Washington City Paper and moved to a Philadelphia bar hours away.
14 CommentsTags: Arghoslent, attention whore, censorship, communists, crustfundies, dcheavymetal.com, Grand Belial's Key, hypocrisy, idiots, maryland, metal chris, metalgate, news, nyogthaeblisz, political correctness, racism, raw ink, scenesters, sjws, social justice warrior, social justice warriors, special snowflake, washington dc
Social justice warrior Paul Resnikoff of Digital Music News whined that some metal bands on Spotify were on a Southern Poverty Law Center list of “hateful” bands on Itunes in hope of virtue “signal boosting” his pathetic music industry blog.
12 CommentsTags: ad hominem, attention whore, battlecry, Bolzer, censorship, centurion, communism, communists, cultural marxism, Dark Fury, digital music news, endless pride, geimhre, Grand Belial's Key, granulosum, hate forest, kamaedzitca, kolovrat, metalgate, music streaming, national socialist black metal, news, nokturnal mortum, nsbm, paul resnikoff, political correctness, seges findere, selbstmord, sjws, social justice warriors, socialists, southern poverty law center, spear of longinus, special snowflake, spotify, streaming, thunderbolt, virtu