Recently many of the other “metal” websites, blogs, publications et cetera have been doing articles about the business side of music industry. Unsurprisingly noneĀ of these articles had the testicular fortitude to address the ugly reality of the underground metal economy as they are written by either slaves to the machine itself or losers who genuinely believe that they have “careers” in music which heavily depend on acceptance by the community. Since the Death Metal Underground staff bow to no masters social or corporate, we are in the rare position give you the truth in its rawest form. So with absolute disregard for the powers that be in metal, let’s take an honest look inside this machine to see how it really works.
34 CommentsTags: blast beat network, crustfundies, cvltnation, decibel, dumbing-down, economics, economics of metal, funderground, ghost bath, judas iscariot, liturgy, mainstream metal, metal economics, metal industry, metal injection, MetalSucks, music industry, vice magazine