American drama has spilled over to Australia and New Zealand as Destroyer 666 have been scrapped from their Oceania tour with BÖLZER that are now headlining the tour. This is probably due to the hysteria surrounding the Fortnite inspired Christchurch shooter. Who through his actions has managed to shift public opinion towards certain values seen in the left and with media hysteria creating a parallel narrative to the anti-Trump narrative espoused by the histrionic rejects of America, the American tradition of attacking metal bands for no reason has been transported halfway across the world. Soundworks Touring who are responsible for the organization, have sidestepped this whole issue without announcing why KK Warslut and his team were kicked but chose to push all their efforts into promoting BÖLZER with this phrase.
11 CommentsTags: Bolzer, christchurch shootings, darkthrone, destroyer 666, hardship of the scots, hysteria, idiocy, leftists, Oceania