A bunch of pussy beta male cucks have spent a ridiculous amount of money on a botnet to shut down Death Metal Underground, the free speech social network Gab, and a number of Alt Right websites such as Amerika, The Right Stuff, and American Resistance. Why did they consider DMU “Alt Right” despite the fact that we’ve never written about race and have even expressed support for Israel emasculating their scumbag neighbors? The answer is simple- DEATH METAL UNDERGROUND IS DANGEROUS AND FEARED BY LIFE’S LOSERS.
In an age where the terms “far right” “Alt Right” “fascist” “Nazi” and “racist” are all collectively lobbed at anyone who expresses social/political/cultural views that are not liberal (including centrists), depressed failures are dedicating much of their time and money to try and shutdown any school of thought outside of the pop culture group think of the moment. This has spread to all forms of society, ranging from the mainstream normies to obscure music genres as niche as death metal. With nothing to look forward to in their future, these neo-communists want to drag the entirety of society to their world of emptiness and sorrow. A world where feelings supersede logic and nothing matters in the world outside of the individual’s comforts.
The war with the left must be waged in every space, on every front, by every rational human being in this nation. Therefore Brock Dorsey, Brett Stevens, and the whole Death Metal Underground team will keep fighting until we are obliterated from cyberspace. Fortunately, this fate will take a lot more than a lightweight botnet and a bunch of nu-male dweebs spending a ton of money to do little more than elevate our status to the stuff of legend.
37 CommentsTags: alt-right, American Resistance, amerika, BotNet, brett stevens, Brock Dorsey, censorship, culture war, DDOS, death metal underground, Gab, leftism, sjws, soyboys, The Right Stuff, total war, under siege, victory, Western Civilization