Social justice warrior Paul Resnikoff of Digital Music News whined that some metal bands on Spotify were on a Southern Poverty Law Center list of “hateful” bands on Itunes in hope of virtue “signal boosting” his pathetic music industry blog.
12 CommentsTags: ad hominem, attention whore, battlecry, Bolzer, censorship, centurion, communism, communists, cultural marxism, Dark Fury, digital music news, endless pride, geimhre, Grand Belial's Key, granulosum, hate forest, kamaedzitca, kolovrat, metalgate, music streaming, national socialist black metal, news, nokturnal mortum, nsbm, paul resnikoff, political correctness, seges findere, selbstmord, sjws, social justice warriors, socialists, southern poverty law center, spear of longinus, special snowflake, spotify, streaming, thunderbolt, virtu