The Lurking Fear, the H.P. Lovecraft themed Swedish death metal band featuring At the Gates members Tomas Lindberg on the mic and Adrian Erlandsson behind the kit and Jonas Stålhammar from God Macabre on guitar, is releasing their debut album Out of the Voiceless Grave August 11th on Century Media. Hopefully the rest of the record will be better than the preview track, which sounded like a simplified, phoned-in and more boring Lucky Charms version of Grotesque. Will Tomas Lindberg take off the trucker hat and put the black leather trench coat back on?
3 CommentsTags: Adrian Erlandsson, century media, century media records, death metal, h.p. lovecraft, jonas stålhammar, Lovecraft, mainstream metal, Sweden, the lurking fear, Tomas Lindberg, upcoming album, upcoming release