Nocturnus Keyboardist Fired Over SJW Death Threats

Nocturnus AD fired their keyboardist after Mike Browning’s daughter received death threats online from SJWs mad about band’s keyboardist’s public Facebook posts about his constant failings at bedding sane women and mocking women showing solidarity online with with sexual harassment victims.



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SJWs Threaten Nocturnus Over Keyboardist’s Facebook Posts

Some punk scenester social justice twat named Alyssa Lorenzon lashed out at Mike Browning after comments the keyboardist of his Nocturnus AD revival of Nocturnus made on Facebook documenting his poor sexual success with sexually abused and bipolar women.



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Vincent Crowley Attacks Snowflakes

In a Facebook post, Vincent Crowley (Acheron) attacked the special snowflakes whining about metal and the funderground social justice warrior promoters who refuse to book his new thrash metal band Infidel Reich due to their Third Reich imagery and anti-Islamic lyrics.



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Metal-Archives’ Marxist Mania

Article contributed to Death Metal Underground by Richard Sullivan.

Western civilization is currently gripped in a culture war unlike any that preceded this one. You may ask what makes it so different than the others, considering the West witnessed a similar one of its kind back in the late 1950s with the emergence of the New Left. Arguably, there’s never been a real difference in the left’s rhetoric. For as long as anyone cares to remember, white, heterosexual, “cisgender” men, who maintain the “capitalistic, racialized, cisnormative patriarchy” have always been at the center of their ideological attacks. The only thing that has changed has been their ability to have said rhetoric heard beyond the confines of university lecture halls. It was rare to encounter an enlightened™ human™ bombarding you with vitriol and threats of violence – because you failed to recognize the intersectionality between race™, gender™, and sexuality™ – outside a gender studies class. Of course, these things still occur, but with greater frequency, and to the point where a flash mob of overweight, hipster beta males twerking in tutus in a school’s atrium is viewed as them just “expressing themselves”, but, more boldly, as an act of defiance against conventional norms of masculinity.



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Trump Appoints Corporate Stooge to Head FCC

President Donald Trump, who nixed his predecessor Barack Obama’s transfer of American wealth to rice paddy waders for the benefit of plutocrats through the Trans Pacific Partnership, followed Obama’s example and appointed a corporate stooge for the telecommunications industry to head the Federal Communications Commission. Ajit Pai replaces the retiring Tom Wheeler who was head of both the the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association which both previously lobbied on behalf of large telecommunications providers against net neutrality, one of the founding principles of the internet. Ajit Pai sat on the board and has opposed all regulations and rulings in favor of consumers, supporting the right of internet service providers to censor and throttle content to their customers’ connections.



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Trey Azagthoth’s Mom Mad Dave Vincent Formed Morbid Angel Cover Band

Former Morbid Angel frontman Evil Diamond Dave Vincent formed a Morbid Angel cover band, I Am Morbid, with the last Morbid Angel drummer, Tim Yueng, to tour South America with. Apparently the whole country music, honky tonk bar band schtick hasn’t been working out for Evil D. The transition from Necromonicon to NASCAR failed to bring fruit financial rewards.



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#Metalgate: Destroyer 666 Doxx MetalSucks


Destroyer 666 expressed their displeasure with MetalSucks and Invisible Oranges’ social justice warring on their Facebook page:

Los Angeles,,a perfect storm to finish an amazing whirlwind tour.
Our sincere gratitude to all who came out and supported us.
We`d all like to extend a thanks to Paul Dunski for putting it altogether for us,Ares Kingdom for being so fkn great and upstanding men and Sharon of Derketa and Oath of Cruelty.
And to all those who took the time to speak to us in person and express their disbelief and contempt for the tirade of lies and bullshit spread by Matt Goldberg who hides behind the name of Axl Rosenberg and Ben Umanov the liar behind the name Vince Neilstein (His address is posted below folks)along with the little lying dishonest whore who calls herself Blair Hopkins and ‘writes’ for Invisible Oranges and seemed more intent on advertising her attractiveness to drunks than she was in writing an honest review. Clearly your insecure about your looks woman and felt a burning desire to advertise just how irresistible you are.To drunks.Sad desperate bitch.
Despite almost every comment on all their platforms callin them out for being lying cunts,they still have not removed,corrected or amended any of their ‘articles’.

We have considered making a statement to dispel the bullshit and clarify our position for those gullible enough to fall for this SJW virtue signalling garbage. But how does one argue with a fool with an axe to grind and clicks to collect for their advertising revenues?
By stating the obvious facts? These fkn clowns are fact resistant. And they could have got the fact themselves.Isnt that what journalists are meant to do?By goin through every one of their groundless claims and disproving them? Thereby validating their right to make accusations against anyone they see fit? By trotting out every non-white (Left approved) friend I have to show Im ‘cool’ and hip to the shit? That to me reeks of fkn racism.And God damn am I so fkn sick of that word. These vermin throw the word around so damned often its losing any meaning whatsoever and only serves to undermine any real and serious instances of it. And off course,the fact Ive never written a racist lyric in my life and Ive never used the band to denigrate another race…well that dont matter does it?,cos it dont fit their narrative.Theyll get round that any way they can.My view has always been the same,NO race should be made to feel ashamed of the colour of their skin.NOT ONE.
And it could well be asked what good would come of it?They clearly wont retract their articles even when fans from the show tell them its a lie,(because they exist from the clicks?).
These fk-knuckles insult myself,the band and our supporters alike with their complete disregard for the truth..And I cant help thinking it has helped to weed out the gullible and the spineless from our ranks.Not to mention increased shirt sales on our site.For anyone dumb enough to still have ‘doubts’,go read all the comments left by people on all thier sites.If that aint enough.Then just go Fk yaself.Sell our records,burn our shirts,dont come to the shows and dont come here to this page to looking for attention for yourself.Its really that fkn easy.It aint Nazi rocket science.
End of the day Im an old fashioned kinda fella and now that their real names are out there in the public domain,nature will take its course.
I aint no racist fool,BUT I am exceedingly, overtly prejudiced against fools and especially fools who make it their duty to make me their enemy.Make of that what you will.I call it instinct.
No Surrender.No forgiveness and No fkn Mercy!

Now to enjoy 4 weeks in NYC.

PS – If ya wanna show these scum where you stand and buy a shirt at

MetalSucks quickly issued an apology for their attempted pogrom, crawled into a corner, and curled themselves into a fetal position:

It has recently come to our attention that members of Australian black metal band Deströyer 666 have been receiving death threats related to articles we published on MetalSucks last week.

All of us at MetalSucks are appalled. Under no circumstances do we condone violence, or threats of violence, against anyone for any reason. We encourage open discourse on this website and in our comments section, but it should be relegated to just that — conversation.

Additionally, we spoke with K.K. Warslut directly, and he vehemently denies all of the accusations leveled against him.

We apologize to any members of Deströyer 666 who have felt threatened or whose names have been dragged into the mud on account of our actions. We have taken down the prior posts about the band to avoid drawing further attention to the situation and will refrain from posting anything further on the matter.


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Myrkur frontwoman receiving death threats

Myrkur promo pic

It doesn’t take much time to notice that we’re not big fans of Myrkur’s music, to the point that I tend to drop a link to my review of the act’s full length debut when something displeases me in modern black metal and its descendants. Other parts of the internet are rather more vitriolic in recent times; a few days ago, Myrkur’s Facebook page disabled private messages in response to a torrent of death threats. Amalie Bruun promptly followed this up by claiming the problem was American in origin.

myrkur drama

In a more hyperbolic world, the internet would explode. In ours, it still triggered many of Myrkur’s fans and critics alike; even now, metal enthusiasts worldwide are trying to score social points by writing editorials about how sending death threats is bad (m’kay), and near-battles are almost fought over an issue that probably shouldn’t have been publicized in the first place. You don’t want people making threats against you to feel like they’ve accomplished something of value, have you? The more cynical part of me thinks all this is going to do is build up further buzz, attention, and record sales for Myrkur, as if her upcoming tour alongside Behemoth wasn’t enough of an opportunity. Still, responding to Myrkurphobia with xenophobia is not the answer we’re looking for here at DMU.


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Eric Hoffman to sodomize Glen Benton and Steve Asheim

The Deicide decomposition continues:

Let be known I am going to fix Steve Ashamed’s nose like he always wanted, fuck boy. As far as Glen Benton you wannabe tommy lee, that looks like he swallowed the Hoffmans, have not paid us in 7 years. You must not have rememberd what happend to you when you stole my money last time. I have more towels to soak up your fucking head, you piece of shit. So shoot me and ask questions later, like you said. You got hierd in DEICIDE from me, and steal my shit scumbag. I cant wait to see you 2 again. – StalkFace

Whatever happens, everybody on earth wins if you guys start making more material like the first three Deicide albums. That’s a goal worth overcoming a lot for. It’s also your chance at a type of immortality most people can only dream of.

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