Deströyer 666 have announced a short North American tour supported by Ares Kingdom.
1 CommentTags: ares kingdom, beer metal, Black Metal, death metal, destroyer 666, news, Speed Metal, tour, tour dates, upcoming tours, US tour
Deströyer 666 have announced a short North American tour supported by Ares Kingdom.
1 CommentTags: ares kingdom, beer metal, Black Metal, death metal, destroyer 666, news, Speed Metal, tour, tour dates, upcoming tours, US tour
Article by Corey M. Whoa that piece of shit is on the toilet lid. Someone has to wipe that down after the photo session. Reaching into toilets to fish out footlong pieces of shit that look like salamanders is what Death Metal Underground staffers do everyday. Our asses are worn out like whoever crapped that one out.
11 CommentsTags: death metal, Heretique, Incarnal, sadistic metal reviews, stinking shit
Death ‘n’ roll goth rockers Tribulation will be touring North America for their first ever headlining run of the continent.
1 CommentTags: death 'n' roll, death metal, goth metal, gothic metal, hipster bullshit, homosexuality, modern metal, progressive speed metal, Speed Metal, tribulation
Modern death metal is a cesspool. Riffless atonal texture and rehashed generic riffs combine into a poppy carnival of random boring bullshit to feed the typical underground record label ponzi scheme. Rare was the new release anything worth the attention of any older fans even over a decade ago in 2005. Coming years after their heroes in Morbid Angel, Incantation, and Immolation stopped releasing worthy or even interesting material (but before they went “radikult”), Dead Congregation’s debut EP, Purifying Consecrated Ground, showed a powerful potential that awed many into submission.
26 CommentsTags: 2005, Black Metal, blackened death metal, Brutal Death Metal, dead congregation, death metal, EP, Martyrdoom Productions, nuclear war now! productions, Nuclear Winter Records, Purifying Consecrated Ground, review
Article by Lance Viggiano.
Innumerable Form’s Frozen to Death is a compelling and brief release which recalls Dark Descent’s roster yet avoids the calculated, clean retro nostalgia trips that mires their outfits. Motifs follow in the Darkthrone tradition of John Carpenter managing menace on a Casio. The melodic component of Innumerable Forms is steeped in Finnish death metal which delivered mystical melodies that sounded as if they were being recited by a saw blade descending into steel. Here the effect greater resembles mental anguish as if one was forced to say, “Yes!” to an incomprehensibly vast and hostile existence. Frozen to Death distinguishes itself from its inspirations in this way.
6 CommentsTags: 2012, death metal, demo, Frozen to Death, Innumerable Forms, review
Belarussian Ljosazabojstwa’s Staražytnaje licha has finally been released on CD.
6 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, hellthrasher productions, Ljosazabojstwa, mystifier, news, reissue, Staražytnaje licha, War Metal
The line up to 2016’s returning Summer Slaughter Tour has just been announced.
5 CommentsTags: Brutal Death Metal, cannibal corpse, death metal, deathcore, Krisiun, mainstream metal, news, nile, suffocation, techdeaf, Technical Death Metal, upcoming tours
Memoriam, the new project from Bolt Thrower veterans Karl Willets and Andy Whale, have announced that a demo will be released this summer…
No CommentsTags: Andy Whale, Bolt Thrower, Cosmic Key Creations, death metal, demo, festivals, karl willets, memoriam, tour dates, upcoming release
Gruesome have released a new music video and shared an exclusive brutal touring story with Death Metal Underground…
26 CommentsTags: Dave Vincent, david vincent, death metal, Dimensions of Horror, GRUESOME, Matt Harvey, modern metal, music video, news, relapse, relapse records, stinking shit
Profanatica are touring this summer.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, hells headbangers, news, paul ledney, profanatica, tour dates, upcoming tours