Death Fortress Preview “The Warrior’s Mantle”

Death Fortress previewed a new track, “The Warrior’s Mantle”, from their upcoming album Triumph of the Undying. Unlike the band’s earlier material such as Deathless March of the Unyielding, the primary influence of “The Warrior’s Mantle” seems to be Immortal instead of Hate Forest. This is a sign of potentially great improvements. Have Death Fortress ascended the “Mountains of Might” to join the lords of the raven realm in Valhalla? Probably not but we will have to see when Triumph of the Undying is actually released.


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Vallenfyre Preview New Album

Vallenfyre premiered a new Swedish sounding track, “Nihilist” (Get it?) from their upcoming album, Fear Those Who Fear Him, which comes out June 2nd on Century Media. “Nihilist” is nothing special in the grand scheme of things but is not nearly as godawful as much of the metalcore pretending to be metal today. The earlier preview track, “An Apathetic Grave”, was reminiscent of Autopsy, one of the main influences on Entombed, Carnage, Dismember, and Grave.



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Desecresy Releases First Single “Amidst” From Fifth Album The Mortal Horizon To Be Released In August

Finnish ambient death metal band Desecresy let loose its single “Amidst” yesterday. This track comes to us from the fifth Desecresy album, The Mortal Horizon, which will be released in August through Xtreem Music, who released the four previous full-lengths from the band.



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Entombed Win Entombed Trademark Case

The three musicians from Entombed‘s classic Left Hand Path lineup, Nicke Anderssen, Alex Hellid, and Uffe Cederlund, won their trademark dispute against Left Hand Path vocalist Lars-Goran “L.G.” Petrov’s Entombed A. D. project in the Swedish Court of First Instance (Patent and Market Court [PMD] at Stockholm District Court). Petrov has used the Entombed A.D. moniker to release lame death ‘n’ roll to tour behind long after the rest of Entombed hung in the towel and admitted they would never be rock stars.


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Ripper Planning Euro Trip

Two of the best and only worthy modern speed metal bands are embarking upon a European tour together this fall. Ripper and Entrench, who made our lists of The Best Underground Metal of 2014 and 2016, are planning a European tour and need to get some gigs to knock headbangers on their backs. From Ripper’s Funbook page:

RIPPER announces first European Tour together with Swedish Thrashers of ENTRENCH!

Interested promoters please get in touch with Roadmaster Booking.

Available dates between September 15 and 30.
Booking via



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Morbid Angel Only Playing Steve Tucker Era Material on Upcoming Tour

Current Morbid Angel vocalist Steve Tucker claimed in an interview with the Orlando Weekly that Morbid Angel will only be playing material that he originally recorded in the studio on their upcoming tour with Suffocation. Sole original member Trey Azagthoth will not be playing any of the band’s best material off of Abominations of Desolation.

You and Trey have been working on a new studio album, Morbid Angel’s first in six years. Will the new music be featured in the live set?

Probably one or two new songs; the album’s almost done, but we don’t want to put out too much with YouTube putting it up the next day. The setlist will be different, too – in the past, we’ve covered all of Morbid Angel’s discography, but this time we went with the discography between Trey and I. I’m really excited about the fact that every song we play is a song I was a part of. There are some Morbid Angel classics that aren’t there, but we made our own classics.



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Profanatica Playing Maryland Show Next Week

Profanatica are playing a one off show in suburban Silver Spring, Maryland, next week right outside of the politician-infested swamp that is Washington, D.C. This will be a good chance for capital area fanatics to see Profanatica live if they missed them at the Maryland Deathfest pre-show last year. Hopefully Profanatica will change up their set list and play songs not from from Sickened by the Holy Host / The Grand Masters Session EPs and the not so good The Curling Flame of Blasphemy. Recent shows have been very heavy on compositions from those three recordings.


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Bangladesh Deporting Krisiun

Bangadesh continued the worldwide governmental war on mediocre speed metal by arranging to deport mediocre Brazilian speed metal band Krisiun for supposedly blaspheming against monotheism and Islam in the lyrics to their music. Krisiun were in the overwhelmingly Muslim third world country to play a sold-out festival. Bangladeshi metal fans should man up and listen to better metal bands now. Krisiun then confirmed that they were special snowflakes who believe in equality for all people, creeds, things, places, trees, and toilet paper brands regardless of their quality, proficiency, or absorbency:



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Blessed Are the Sick Full Dynamic Range Reissue Announced

Earache Records announced a reissue of Morbid Angel‘s last great record, Blessed Are the Sick, as part of their “Full Dynamic Range” series. The Full Dynamic Range reissues are sourced directly from the analog mix tapes or digital Betamax or DAT ones with no compression applied in mastering when released on CD, LP, or lossless FLAC formats. They all sound great for the most part and far better than most other vinyl reissues that just print whatever the current CD master is to wax using direct metal mastering. The digital (CD/FLAC) Carnage, Carcass, Realm of Chaos, and Altars of Madness ones are the best sounding versions of those albums by far.



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