Emperor are headlining the 2018 Metal Mania festival in Katowice, Poland.
4 CommentsTags: asphyx, Black Metal, dead congregation, destroyer 666, emperor, festivals, news, Norwegian Black Metal, poland, zbigniew bielak
It is time to put the piss-poor recommendations of these bonzos to bed. Forever.
34 CommentsTags: bandcamp, blood incantation, boring, dead congregation, death metal, deathcore, encoffination, Father Befouled, Grave Miasma, grave upheaval, incantation, Portal, poseurs, sadistic metal reviews, stoner doom, stoner rock
Greek death metal band Dead Congregation pulled out of California Deathfest 2017, which is being held later this month in Oakland, California.
14 CommentsTags: California, california deathfest, dead congregation, death metal, festivals, Greek Death Metal, news, oakland
Angel Witch and Dead Congregation are booked to play the Interceptor 2017 festival which will be held October 5-7 in Bordeaux, France.
12 CommentsTags: Angel Witch, dead congregation, death metal, festivals, france, news, NWOBHM, upcoming shows
Sadistic Intent seem to be playing sets at every iteration of the Deathfest series of festivals as of late.
6 CommentsTags: california deathfest, dead congregation, diocletian, festivals, maryland deathfest, merciless, news, nunslaughter, oakland, pissgrave, poser metal, posers, poseur metal, poseurs, sadistic intent, samael, siege, sjws, social justice warriors, trends mosh core fun, \
2016 is over. The funderground mentality continued spreading forth, infesting metal over the last year just the same as it had in the decades past the genre’s artistic high-point in the early nineties. Rehashes of past greats pandering to a lowest common denominator audience continue to dominate the release schedules of metal labels all too willing to please the lemmings with music fit to safely ignore during drunken socializing. Ever-flowing streams of posers are desperate to be rock stars, pumping out plagiarism, and paying their way to record deals. File sharing and streaming reducing the cost of hearing new music to essentially nothing has led fans to constantly consume whatever is new regardless of quality. However the purging is at last at hand. The day of doom is here. The filth who have lied and corrupted the underground must be cleansed while the commendable elite few will remain.
145 CommentsTags: 2016, ananku, best of, Black Metal, crossover thrash, dawning, dead congregation, death metal, Grindcore, Harley Flanagan, infamous, Jarno Nurmi, Kshatriya, mortalized, ripper, Serpent Ascending, sorcier des glaces, steve cefala, Takafumi Matsubara, tarnkappe
Dead Congregation annouced a new Greek tour to promote their recent Sombre Doom EP today on their Facebook page. Only two dates have been announced so far but more are coming.
No CommentsTags: dead congregation, death metal, death-doom, Doom Metal, greece, upcoming tours
Webzine Bardo Methodology interviewed Dead Congregation guitarist and frontman Anastasis Valtsanis. AV touched upon Dead Congregation‘s imitators (even though they worship Immolation and Incantation), record labels forcing bands to conform to release schedules, the decline of Greek black metal in the mid 90s, how most “lost gems” are mediocre, and why the accessibility the internet affords along with the decline of the music industry revenue genericizes metal bands into pedestrian products.
2 CommentsTags: bardo methodology, dead congregation, death metal, greece, interview, music industry
Sombre Doom is the new EP from Dead Congregation. The riffing is in the same Immolation and Incantation style with simple but effective variations as on their past releases while the production is a less compresssed version of Dead Congregation’s prior album, Promulgation of the Fall, some of The Best Underground Metal of 2014. Thankfully gone are the cheesy Kerry King style leads and guitarists AV and TK have markedly improved the song structure.
4 CommentsTags: 2016, dead congregation, death metal, death-doom, Doom Metal, EP, greece, Martyrdoom Productions, review, Sombre Doom
Greek death metal band Dead Congregation have posted the entirety of their upcoming Sombre Doom EP on Youtube for streaming. Fans of the band should have a listen before purchasing:
3 CommentsTags: dead congregation, death metal, Doom Metal, EP, greece, Martyrdoom Productions, Sombre Doom, stream, upcoming release, youtube