Infester‘s To The Depths, In Degradation has been finally been reissued by Martyrdoom Productions on CD and LP. Do not pay scalpers, profiteers, and fetishists hundreds of dollars for the original CD that cost ten buck a decade ago on Discogs or Ebay. Buy the reissue and case of beer and spin it until you understand it. Progress beyond a three-chord speed metal hooligan who went from playing Street Fighter and NBA Jam in pizza parlor arcades to rehash metal shows at bar grills. Wait, half the people buying this reissue from A.V. 666 are too young to remember Mortal Kombat II in the arcade and Super Nintendo. Just buy To The Depths, In Degradation, stop whining that you can’t jump up and down to Infester like a seven year old snorting pixie sticks, and listen to the record until you reach the depths of hell from a hole in the ground.
7 CommentsTags: Black Metal, compact disc, dan lowndes, death metal, Infester, Martyrdoom Productions, reissue, remaster, to the depths in degradation, vinyl