It has become apparent that the mentally ill mutant publisher of the failed Terrorizer Magazine pulled a classic Blake Judd-style heist on everyone stupid enough to subscribe to it in 2017. Back in September, Terrorizer published a post on Facebooktarget=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external” indicating that “they’re having publishing problems” and promised to send everyone’s missing magazines that week. In reality, subscribers were lucky if they got 1/4 of the year’s magazines delivered as most never received at least 3 of the issues and even got shafted on digital copies (!!!). Absolutely no one has received the December issue (it was never published), yet everyone has been billed for the full year both last year AND THIS YEAR even though the last magazine was published in November! I was just as shocked to hear about this as you were: I couldn’t believe people actually paid money to read Terrorizer last year!
So as of yesterday the lefty metal media has finally been reporting on the embarrassing death of Terrorizer Magazine, but so far they are taking a sympathetic tone. But why is this, after the harshness they displayed on Blakey Judd for ripping off his fans in the exact same fashion? The answer has been thus far carefully concealed by the liberal metal media outlets reporting on this: Terrorizer’s publisher is trans.target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow external”
15 CommentsTags: beta-male journalism, blake judd, death, hypocrisy, liberals, metal publications, miranda yardley, mutants, robbery, scam, sjws, social justice warriors, terrorizer magazine, trannies, trans