The classic film portrayal of Bret Easton Ellis’s viciously dark novel American psycho has an incredibly open-ended ending that ultimately leaves the film’s conclusion up to the viewers. Chronicling the growing insanity of Christian Bale’s outstanding Patrick Bateman character, the film never makes a firm establishment of how real any of what we were seeing actually was. After eluding what seemed like certain doom in the form of confessing a massive killing spree to his lawyer, Bateman himself wonders if his murders really did happen.
This leaves the opportunity to make a case for three different theories:
- Bateman committed none of the murders, all of them happened inside of his mind.
- Bateman committed some of the murders, but hallucinated the others.
- Bateman committed all of the murders.
My belief was always the least popular of these three theories, but before I elaborate let’s take a moment to examine the other two.
12 CommentsTags: American Psycho, consipricy, ending theory, film, horror movies, Kate Spade