Amidst the soulless mediocrity of the Nowadays era labeled by some as “modernity”, there exist certain currents of contemporary music which hearken to a perennial spirit, evoking reminiscences of an ancient and timeless existence of a more vibrant, numinous nature – ultimately putting the listener in contact with a deep intimation of the greater Reality of which they are a part. It is assumed that many readers of this site intuitively recognize that the best of Metal exemplifies this. Many fans and musicians of Metal also tend to recognise similar expressions as they emerge in other styles of music, whether it be Classical, Electronic, Prog, Punk, Folk, Industrial, Goth, or whatever. One enduring group which especially stands out to the sensitively attuned is, of course, the eternal Dead Can Dance.
24 CommentsTags: 2018, Anastasis, Australia, Brendan Perry, darkwave, Dead Can Dance, Goth rock, Into the Labyrinth, ireland, Lisa Gerrard, New Age, Post-Punk, Spiritchaser, Spleen and Ideal, UK, Within the Realm of A Dying Sun, World Music