
Death Metal Underground (DMU) is the oldest and longest-running metal site on the internet with content dating back to 1988. Its mission includes ongoing inspection of heavy metal music, its history, culture, imagery and philosophy.

Our analysis originates in two ideas: that heavy metal is a form of art and culture, and that the origins of heavy metal can be found in the late Romantic movement in art and literature whose imagery and ideals it carries to this day.

Most people want disposable entertainment that puts no burden of understanding on them. They want something they can project into and then leave without feeling a sense of loss. They want television in audio form. Heavy metal interrupts this process and reconnects distracted people with the life hiding beneath our own mental obstacles.

With over 25 years experience listening to metal, supporting local scenes, writing about metal and interacting with metalheads and bands, our staff — a diverse group representing artists, technical gurus and professional writers — strive to represent metal for what it is, not how it can be marketed.


Death Metal Underground
PO Box 1004
Houston, TX 77411

For review, send:

  • Email link to an electronic press kit (EPK) including:
    • MP3 of the full release
    • Large (1200x1200px or greater) cover image
    • Contact information for the band
  • Or, physical copy to our mailing address.


martin_jacobsen-guitar_photoMartin Jacobsen writes the “Analyze it to Life” series where he explores the nuances, details and inner lacework of structure that makes a good metal album. In his spare time, he teaches English and heavy metal in Amarillo, Texas and plays a mean guitar.
chris_pervelisChris Pervelis has been active in the underground since the late 1980s, first as a fan and tape trader, then as a musician in the highly influential band INTERNAL BLEEDING, which first formed in the spring of 1991. The band has released five albums: three on Pavement Music, one on Century Media and one on Unique Leader and are currently in the process of writing their sixth album.
brett_stevens-death_metalBrett Stevens writes as a freelance journalist who frequently contributes articles, interviews and reviews. In addition to his columns here, he is the sole author of the Dark Legions Archive and The Heavy Metal FAQ. In his spare time, he is an agrarian and woodsman who prefers to wander the Texas woods in the company of canines.
cory_van_der_polCory van der Pol writes on metal theory and history. A recovered academic, van der Pol now writes mystery thrillers (under a pseudonym) and spends his time cycling the backroads of Syracuse, NY or fishing with his daughter.
aaron_lynn-writer_metalAaron Lynn is an amateur writer, published poet, and heavy metal fanatic. When not obsessing over heavy metal or writing, he watches horror movies and tends to his parakeets.
mark_crittendenMark Crittenden served as Editor of Death Metal Underground from 2011-2014. A full time worker in Information Technology, Mark became enamored of heavy metal music from early times and has amassed a collection of over 4,000 vinyls which he listens to in a comfy cabin by a lake.


DeathMetal.org is also home to a number of exhibits from the past and present of death metal. They are:

  • Zines Historical archive of death, black and speed metal zines from 1984 through 1996.
  • LARM A review site run by a user named Chorazaim which had short reviews of late black metal albums.
  • Dark Legions Archive the original metal site on the internet, covering releases “of note” from the classic years.

SUMMONING working on new material

After a longer winter-sleep summoning is back again and ow works constantly for a new release. We promise that in the near future we will regularly update the homepage again, so it will we worth the costs to check the page in regular intervals.

The present situation of Summoning:

In the past years we have worked on new material just very rarely because of different reasons (partly personal, partly being not motivated enough) but since the last months ,we intensified the work for new material and realised, that the old spirit is back again and we are very motivated for a cool new release and we are very committed in every terms of composing.

Meanwhile there are two songs which are fix starters for the album. 4 or 5 songs are in a more advance state and we composed riffs for at least 10 or 15 songs in a very early state. Btw. we still have one finished song from the last oath bound session which also will be in one or another way. so probably this time we are in the luck situation that we have more songs left, so maybe there will be some special limited fan releases beside the normal release, but this is of course just a wish right now.

We hope that until the end of this year most of the material for the new album can be finished. In the moment we have no concrete conception about the lyrical concept. All we can say right now is, that Summoning is still alive and middle earth will awake again. – SUMMONING official web presence

This is encouraging.

It does not sound like it will be soon, but so long as quality is high, it will be massively anticipated.

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Mix together the early CIRCLE JERKS, early BLACK FLAG, MDC, MINOR THREAT, SSD, TERVEET K�DET, and GANG GREEN, and you have something approximating these DIRTY ROTTEN IMBECILES (so-called by their parents). What can I say–this is manic, intense, tight thrash with great lyrics, and I can’t wait till these Houston boys unleash themselves upon the rest of us deprived people. 22 songs.
-Tim Yohannan (from Maximum Rocknroll #5, March/April 1983)

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Another DEMONCY update

Okay FPR confirmed the updated jacket design. I’m waiting to hear back that everything is accepted and in production. Remember everything is done but the jacket so once the jacket is done everything gets packaged and sent to us. I’ll confirm once the jacket is in production and then I’ll confirm once they give us an exact shipping date. I’ll feel so much better once these are in the hands of all who preordered as I know we are at fault for accepting these pre’s so damn early, considering the time its taking to get this finished.- FPR

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Typical Gojira Fan

This from fans of the band who penned this lyrical turd:

I hold my inner child within
And tell him not to cry
“don’t fear the living”
One day you will stand as a king
And no fear can erase
This light below us
Each one of us is now engaged
This secret we all have
This truth is growing
And as a warrior I have to fight
I can already feel
The love I’ll discover

Is it fair to point out that anyone who thinks this is “poetry” or “profound” is of the level of stupidity found mainly in Twilight fans?



Austin’s own Birth AD Joins up with WTF Fest

Incredible Hardcore Thrash Crossover masters Birth A.D. have just been added to the roster of amazing performers at the upcoming WTF fest coming to Austin, TX on March 14th.

The trio plays “crossover” metal, not unlike the classics like DRI, or for the younger generation think Municipal Waste, but with a harder edge. Timeless songs about what a mess the world is, are catchy and angry – ‘Equal Opportunity’, ‘Parasite Die’ and so many more. Their CD is called “Stillbirth of a Nation” and though unsigned they have already done a highly successful tour of Japan, and opened for DRI, Rigor Mortis, and others.

To see Birth A.D. share a stage with famed 60s revolutionary John Sinclair, musician and poet Mike IX, comedian Rick Shapiro, hip hop artists Broken and Input, and many more, will be a once in a lifetime experience, and not to be missed.

WTF is coming to Austin TX to put those corporate shills at SXSW in check, and give the people what they really want – Brutally honest words, spoken beautifully and delivered by some of the biggest names in the underground, crossing three generations of infamy and outspokenness.

More artists and performers to be announced.

And, in the spirit of Metal up thy ass, filmmakers Shane and Amy Bugbee will be releasing behind the senes footage featuring Dark Funeral mauling a porn star – IF the WTF kickstarter program hits $1000 by this weekend (feb 5th). Here’s 30 seconds of the 5 min video: http://youtu.be/2g36TvcvfvI

WTF Fest
March 14th, 2012
@ Ruta Maya Coffee House
‪3601 South Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78704-7250‬
‪(512) 707-9637 ‬‎

More to be announced, check our website for the latest:


DEMONCY “Enthroned is the Night” update

Demoncy Update:

Good news and bad news. The good news is the disc,booklet & wallet sleeve are complete!….. yay…… right? no the outer jacket is still on hold we were not happy with what was presented to us after a lot of going back and forth over this. Now I was told today that we could have this resolved as soon as tomorrow as far as getting this jacket in production but I have my doubts. I’m thinking we won’t have this situated to the point where the jacket will start production until next week (if we’re lucky). SoOO again delays plague “Enthroned Is The Night” but the digital downloads go live tomorrow. Now this could end in my version of the worst case scenario. The worst case scenario is we go to another manufacturer to complete the jacket, this could delay the release another month!!! so we are hoping this is an option we can avoid but hopefully I should know before the end of the weekend and be back with better solidified news. So thats all for now… I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


Why retro-thrash falls short

1980s: the world may end at any minute. The Cold War ravaged the earth: missiles inbound at any second had people living in fear of total obliteration, total erasure. There was passion in the moment and in striving for some sense of rationality despite it all.

2010s: it may never end. Rationality, liberal democracy, commerce, etc. — the “good guys” of the past 20 wars — have won. The result is a society so boring and unpleasant that we fear this may be all there is to life, and it makes us frustrated and futile.

Good novels about our dilemma:

  • “White Noise” by Don Delillo
  • “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley
  • “Journey to the End of the Night” by Ferdinand Celine
  • “Elementary Particles” by Michel Houellebecq

This lends itself to black metal, which is a rage not for order but for the passion in our hearts that can create a drive to order. It is rage against the meaningless, safe, conformist, and well-intentioned society. It is a statement that rationality itself has defeat us and we need to embrace the feral, irrational, and passionate again.

Of course, society gives us false outlets. Sports/vids, porn, shopping are substitutes for what we need.

The primary purpose of civilization is to allow the intelligent to rule over the unintelligent, which achieves better long-term results because it makes all of society as effective as its smartest members. The paradox of civilization is that by making the unintelligent effective, they survive at greater rates, which given their greater reproduction rates means they rapidly drown out the intelligent and reverse the advances of civilization.



Demoncy “Enthroned is the Night” new update

We are getting lots of emails from people wondering about the Demoncy – Enthroned Is The Night CD. We sincerely apologize for this massive delay that is at hand, but we are asking graciously for your utmost patience that the cd should not be much longer in progress. Everything is in production and should just about be done, except the outer jacket that is the piece giving us the most problems. I was told last monday that soon we should have the jacket resolved. I am hoping greatly that this week this issue is settled so we can get it into production and have the release ready in the first weeks of February. I know everyone must be getting tired of the delays, I’m getting quite tired announcing them but in the end the way I see it is, is that when the cd is done it will be done correct and not the other way around and for this I am reluctantly accepting the delays as for a good cause. We’ve already had problems in the past with products that went through too quickly and for that had perminent issues we could no longer resolve so in the end we will be much happier that the Demoncy CD was done precisely to our vision. So again I say I am thankful for everyones patience and hopefully all your understanding. Onward… (from FPR)

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