#MetalGate: Bestial Evil Reunite For All Three of Their Fans and Lovers

bestial evil's fans

Shawn Wright and what remains of Baltimore social justice warrior crustcore band Bestial Evil USA have apparently decided to reunite according to their Fuckbook page:

So after much thought on behalf of Myself, Nicky T and the Fans, WE have decided we are not done. We have put too much into this. All of you that wanna slander bring it! We return with an all new line-up! \m/ that’s right!!!!!

Bestial Evil have reunited for all three people who thought that Infectious Cross was a commendable work of antifascist, genderfluid propaganda. Only three as the redheaded furry on the right wandered in drunk from the Baltimore Comic-Con thinking the Sidebar was a Chuck E. Cheese. He was disappointed that even though Bestial Evil claim to be bisexual, no band member would put on the cowsuit and reem his rectum with the cryogenic feces. Now that token black “bi-sexual” (sic) guitarist Kevin Rucker‘s two foot long, “ritual fecal phalli” are gone, how will Bestial Evil possibly attract the coprophiliac crust punks yearning for authentic black shit out of a black-skinned man?


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#MetalGate: Bestial Evil (US) Disintegrates As Former Guitarist Kevin Rucker Explodes In Racist And Homophobic Rant


Mediocre and uninventive Baltimore death/crust band Bestial Evil (US) has left us, according to Facebook posts by its former guitarist and token African-American, Kevin Rucker. In his final statement, he goes off on a racist and homophobic rant which ends by telling the audience to “Eat some dicks.”



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#MetalGate: SJWs Turn Against Bestial Evil


Well, this is awkward…

SJW crust/death band Bestial Evil (USA) has made a quasi-career by advancing “social justice” ideas at the expense of the death metal genre. But now it comes out that their guitarist quit because their drummer was involved with a right-wing group, at least until he gave it up to rejoin the band which just released their mediocre debut Infectious Cross.

The band has attracted the ire of fellow SJW/ANTIFA groups who object to the presence of the drummer in an organization which is not Leftist and may have ties to the far right:

Phillips, however has been deeply associated with not just the Wolves but with other area neo-fascist groups. Earlier this year, another band he plays with, an Irish folk band called ShamRouges performed at the annual St. Patrick’s Day event sponsored by Baltimore-based Label 56, a White Power distribution outlet run by members of the Maryland “Skinheads”. Phillips also plays with another metal band called Vørgum, who last year released a live album of them performing at the Wolves of Vinland compound. He reportedly still performs with the band today under the name “Ulfhamr”.

Phillips told One People’s Project that had been involved with the Wolves for three years, getting into them through mutual interests in music, physical regiment and people being different and living on the outside rejecting technology and other things that would be seen as distractions. He said there were a number of people involved that had far right leanings but they never brought those ideals into any group meetings. Overall, he says the group focused moreso on other things that politics. “Those guys, they had an impact on me,” he said. “It was what it was but there’s other people in my life like my band that I have to stick up for and protect and I can’t be associated with stuff like that anymore.”

With the loss of token minority member Kevin Rucker, Bestial Evil stands revealed as four white guys who want to play pseudo-deathmetal with an SJW message and attract an audience on that basis and not for musical reasons alone, but with their SJW cred in doubt, Bestial Evil faces an uphill battle since their music is unexceptional and also not that interesting.


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#MetalGate: SJW Drama-Band Bestial Evil Implodes, Cancels Shows


#MetalGate pointed out the unsaid obvious: that “social justice” is destroying metal from within. Today we further explore this fertile (and obediently ignored in the media) topic with a small update on Baltimore-area SJW deathpunk band Bestial Evil, who recently fired and then rehired their drummer for his association with naturalistic and possibly right-wing civilization renewal group “Wolves of Vinland.”



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Blood Incantation – Starspawn (2016)

blood incantation star spawn

Article by Lance Viggiano.

Blood Incantation give birth to a star which rapidly dissipates its vibrant material into a pale dwarf by exhausting concise songwriting early in its lifecycle to leave only the raw core of extended jam sessions which cause the dead to be grateful for their passing. Each proper song begins with a clear objective but rapidly loses focus through descents into ill-fitting random pastiches of mosh riffs, doom, beer horn ready chug or atmospheric atonal ambience. By and large, the latter half of these songs are used to adroitly drift in the vacuum of purpose wherein it makes its residence. Unlike Altars of Madness which similarly abuses the listener by stretching the limits of tolerance towards virtuosity, this group lacks the voracious songwriting that is necessary to avoid wandering by achieving focus to force the captive into loving punishing bouts of self-indulgence.



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Acanthrophis Releases Twilight of the Vanquisher’s Reign


Acanthrophis has completed its debut, Twilight of the Vanquisher’s Reign, of blackened death metal in the style of Dissection with NWOBHM and progressive metal influences. The album will be available to the public in physical form at the first show the band will play, which will be June 25, 2016 in Milwaukee, WI with House of Atreus and Khazad Dum.



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Possessed by the Moon

full moon norway

Article by David Rosales.

A legendary time and place for underground metal, the Norway of 1993 is an esoteric landmark (1994 being the exoteric) in time and space in black metal history. It saw the rise of a mythology of its own, the mythology of black metal, and an eventual catastrophic demise worthy of a saga of its own.



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