Darkthrone – Arctic Thunder (2016)

Article by Lance Viggiano

Darkthrone have spent the records FOAD through The Underground Resistance regressing into their pre-Celtic Frost influences. Sensing their customers’ growing unpopularity with this black ‘n’ roll approach, Fenriz and Nocturno Culto try to save face on Artic Thunder by regressing into their own work. The upshot is that nobody but Miller Lite Throne can sell mediocre riffs in cyclical songs as well as these two. The downshift is that they cannot muster enough enthusiasm or energy to play their own ideas with the dedication of a devoted bar-tier cover band.



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Immolation Announce More Death Pop

Immolation announced a new album in their recent style of taking their own material and simplifying or parodying it down into pop rock for a beer swilling speed metal audience who eat up every new Metallica and Sodom record of randomly rehashed tunes. Atonement is the story of Cecilia (Keira Knightley) and Robbie’s (James McAvoy) life turning to hell when Briony, Cecilia’s bratty little sister, falsely accuses James McAvoy of rape. Cecilia and Robbie die horribly but Briony becomes a successful novelist. Ross Dolan insists that Keira Knightley did a great job wearing that green dress in Immolation’s best sounding release to date despite the fact that Dawn of Possession still exists and was recently reissued:



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Leftists Ignore Scientific Research & Pander to the Mentally Ill

Johns Hopkins has recently started offering genital reassignment surgery to patients, commonly called transsexual or transgendered, with the body dysmorphia of deluding themselves the opposite gender from what they physically are. This change comes decades after the hospital discontinued the surgery to no positive psychological long term benefit to patients who underwent it, only dysfunctional genitalia and incontinence. This change is probably due to the leftist Humans Rights Council condemning the recent scientific report from two noted Hopkins physicians, Dr. Lawrence S.Mayer and Dr. Paul McHugh as, “An attack on LGBT communities.” Promulgators of sexual deviancy Human Rights Council also attacked the freedom of speech of Mayer and McHugh along with Johns Hopkins’ academic freedom, threatening that “its Healthcare Equality Index score will be reduced substantially” as “the HRC Foundation’s Healthcare Equality Index will rate hospitals with a numerical score and will consider whether hospitals and health systems’ practices reflect “’responsible citizenship’.”



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Arghoslent Declare Intent To Complete Songs

Arghoslent, a speed metal/black metal hybrid famous for their politically provocative lyrics, have taken notice of criticism of their songs as disconnected bundles of riffs and heavy metal conventions which go nowhere despite having promising beginnings. Those who read the subtext of their statement, “CORRECTION: The band has decided not to write new music since it is ‘merely a collection of riffs and heavy metal wank’,” can infer that the band is re-focusing on their songwriting as a result of those quoted incendiary statements made here at Death Metal Underground.



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White Death Releases “Immortal Hunter Of The Moon” Off Upcoming Eponymous Debut

In anticipation of their eponymous debut, Southern Karelia’s White Death released a track from the album, “Immortal Hunter of the Moon.” This mid-length track instills expectation by improving upon the previous also eponymous two-song EP released in 2014. Where that recording consisted of raw, foot-stomping black metal that was pleasant enough for a listen once in a blue moon, the new track shows an increase in dynamics that lifts the material to a new level of intensity while also –- perhaps more importantly -– giving it a sense of direction.



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Trench Warfare Prepares Split Album Paths to Victorious Perversion

Necrotic war metal band Trench Warfare recorded four songs in late 2016 for appearance on a future split with Goatdusias and Bestial Karnage entitled Paths to Victorious Perversion. The band recruited drummer Lee Fisher (Commit Suicide, Psyopus, Overlord Exterminator) to record percussion for the upcoming release. Titles on the album include “Twisted Lies of a Wretched Pedophile,” “Astral Projection into the Shapeless Abysmal Void” and “Hatred Prayer.”



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Arab States Lie About Funding Islamic Fundamentalism

Saudi Arabia and the other too consanguineously bred Gulf monarchies are denying the fact that they support Islamic extremism in western states against accusations by the domestic German intelligence agency according to recent news reports. The Saudis are denying that they even support the Salafist ideology despite “Salafism” simply being an appeasing, more hen-pecked liberal term for Wahhabism, the fundamentalist Sunni movement founded in the 18th century that is the ideological bedrock of the Saudi monarchy.



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Mortalized – 呪われた …Complete Mortality (2016)

Mortalized was the other grindcore band of Gridlink guitarist and riff master Takafumi Matsubara呪われた …Complete Mortality is the total and complete collection of everything the Japanese grindcore legends ever recorded. Since Mortalized is a grindcore band, Complete Mortality is effectively a giant collection of effective riffs in various styles: grindcore, death metal, heavy metal, black metal, Gothenburg, hardcore, post-hardcore, crust, speed metal, you name it and Matsubara probably had an original riff resembling that style of metal or hardcore on this release. Complete Mortality is a true riff bible from the mind of an incredibly creative and talented guitarist.



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Jarno Nurmi Interviewed by Raw War

Jarno Nurmi was interviewed by black metal blog Raw War to promote his one man band Serpent Ascending‘s new album, Ananku. Jarno reveals he has left Desecresy and discusses the Finnish black and death metal scenes along with the mythological, occult, and esoteric motivations behind his latest work, Ananku.

Aṇaṅku is a different concept from ancient Tamil language and the word was chosen because it is widely unused and unknown, in many senses, but also because of it’s meanings of course. This is a nod to my earlier interests towards Indian and Asian esoteric traditions from where the process began though it ended up in something quite different.
The album turned out to have emphasis mostly on Northern European culture and identity from which it seeks to find the hidden sacred force that the word Aṇaṅku symbolises in the context. The album is adoration to Earth’s and Nature’s holiness, soil, blood and death.



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Graveland’s 1050 Years of Pagan Cult Rerecordings Out Now

Graveland‘s 1050 Years of Pagan Cult rerecordings of Rob Darken’s greatest hits from the best of Graveland‘s black metal period is available now for download on Bandcamp. This release appears to be another rerecording for losers with iPhones who want to hear old songs with a modern, less necro production.



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