Sammath have replaced their long term drummer, Koos Bos, with Wim van der Valk of Inquisitor.
6 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, hammerheart records, Inquisitor, jan kruitwagen, new drummer, news, sammath
Sammath have replaced their long term drummer, Koos Bos, with Wim van der Valk of Inquisitor.
6 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, hammerheart records, Inquisitor, jan kruitwagen, new drummer, news, sammath
Article by David Rosales.
A trend in the modern conception of anything has been that the newer something else, the better we expect or assume it to be. Experience in reality, however, has also given rise to another perception: that the new tends to be worse and not better. Attempts at rationalizing this drive the pseudo-intellectual, pro-sheeple crowd to say that times just change, but ratios of quality do not vary. This is not only unscientific but an obvious politically correct answer that has as its premise that everyone is equal, and hence, that the resulting products of these “equal” people must also be probabilistically equal. Impermeable external influence seems to them the only changing factor, with the internal being either infinitely constant or practically negligible. This is assumed and then possible causes are haphazardly and desperately pieced together, the answer is assumed and then anything is either positive evidence or brushed aside if too problematic to incorporate into the fairy tale. Ignorance compounded with pretense and emotional insecurity always results in capricious imposition of an arbitrary and dogmatic concepts and scale of values.
29 CommentsTags: Bathory, hell awaits, slayer, Under the Sign of the Black Mark, underground, underground metal, underground music, underground never dies
Article by Max Bloodworth.
Erick Shute, the vocalist on brutal death metal band Pyrexia‘s last two albums, has been arrested in Pennsylvania today after supposedly murdering three outside of West Virginia’s Cacapon Resort State Park.
14 CommentsTags: Brutal Death Metal, death metal, Erick Shute, murder, murderer, news, Pyrexia, trends mosh core fun
Artistically bankrupt metal bands typically rerecord their early material after milking the revenue streams dry through reissues, remasters, anniversary tours, and boxed sets. While the original recordings typically aren’t pristine productions, all charm is lost in the sample-replaced, quantized, digitally-reamped, and phase-butchered retreads shat out by an obsessive tinkerer’s digital audio workstation. All enthusiasm in the performances is butchered by years of alcohol abuse and aging journeyman musicians collecting just another paycheck, e.g. Sodom’s The Final Sign of Evil, Manowar’s Battle Hymns MMXI, and Bolt Thrower’s “World Eater ‘94”. Snowland MMXII is one of the few exceptions to this rule of rehash.
5 CommentsTags: 2012, Black Metal, rerecording, review, Snowland MMXII, sorcier des glaces
As it becomes clear that censorship is rampant on social media, Reddit is the latest company to stumble when its news channel censored all mention of the Orlando Pulse gay nightclub terrorist attack. According to users, the site removed all conversation about the event — including requests for a blood drive.
37 CommentsTags: censorship, facebook, gamergate, metalgate, reddit, social media, twitter, you have aids lol
A long time ago, in a (mental) universe far far away, the Death Metal Underground was part of a collection of pages known as the American Nihilist Underground Society, which itself was a continuation of a series of dial-up bulletin boards from the previous decade and the hacker/trouble group that emerged from them.
14 CommentsTags: american nihilist underground society, apocalyptic funhouse, dead animal pickup, flyer, Nihilism, turd
Recently I completed an in-depth and highly informative interview with Bill Venner of Disma. The interview covers the origins of the band, the theory behind its music, and the future direction of this dauntless tribe of death metal maniacs! (more…)
2 CommentsTags: bill venner, compilation of death, death metal, disma
Article by David Rosales.
Splits are usually revealing for reasons the bands do not intend. By allowing their music to be placed alongside that of another band in a way that listening to them one after the other is not only encouraged but, in metal culture, almost mandatory, they make comparisons and judgements based on performance differences inevitable. The aim might be to publish a few tracks more efficiently and getting the music to more people since people who know one of the two bands will listen to the other band out of curiosity. The more zealous metal fans, however, are bound to make harsher judgements of anything that is placed too close to the band they follow.
8 CommentsTags: black 'n roll, Black Metal, flowing black metal, folk, folk metal, graveland, neofolk, nokturnal mortum, review, split, synth neofolk
Surely somewhere Bacchus flicks this wine from his table with an irritated grimace. Making decent wine is not hard, but this is the updated version of plastic jug wine from the 1990s but given the “California sheen” of a unique label and hip, exciting, and different backstory.
7 CommentsTags: barefoot wine & bubbly, pinot noir, red wine, wine
Sanctuaire hearken back to an imagined Canadian Viking past in the hope of explaining their national hockey skills. Le Sang sur l’Acier presents three black metal songs written in a style similar to their compatriots Sorcier des Glaces but genericized for mass appeal.
3 CommentsTags: 2016, Black Metal, canada, Canadian Black Metal, EP, Le Sang sur l'Acier, modern metal, quebec, Québécois, Sanctuaire, Viking Metal