Infester – To The Depths, In Degradation Reissue Out Now

Infester‘s To The Depths, In Degradation has been finally been reissued by Martyrdoom Productions on CD and LP. Do not pay scalpers, profiteers, and fetishists hundreds of dollars for the original CD that cost ten buck a decade ago on Discogs or Ebay. Buy the reissue and case of beer and spin it until you understand it. Progress beyond a three-chord speed metal hooligan who went from playing Street Fighter and NBA Jam in pizza parlor arcades to rehash metal shows at bar grills. Wait, half the people buying this reissue from A.V. 666 are too young to remember Mortal Kombat II in the arcade and Super Nintendo. Just buy To The Depths, In Degradation, stop whining that you can’t jump up and down to Infester like a seven year old snorting pixie sticks, and listen to the record until you reach the depths of hell from a hole in the ground.



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Bad Brains Frontman Has Bad Brain

Article contributed to Death Metal Underground by Lucius Vorenus.

As reported on by basically every publication ever since bourgeois liberals were forced to learn the name ‘Bad Brains‘ by the graceful ascent of nebulous DC Rastagandist hardcore act into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame reject status, singer H.R. (Huge Rasta) is preparing to undergo brain surgery to correct SUNCT (Section-8 Unemployed Nation-of-Islam Crackrock Tension) on February 21. Huge Rasta has been using “holistic substances” to treat his bad brain. I asked my girlfriend what she thought, given that she listens to music that is thematically much more similar to Bad Brains (i.e. Minor Threat, Black Flag, MOI, TLC, Destiny’s Child, Kelis, Lady, et al) and she pointed out that the guy from Bad Brains has a bad brain. In addition to being a woman, she is wrong inasmuch as the soberly considered thematic direction of the album is that of facilitative Afropunk proto-nationalism. H.R. even managed to upset the singer of Cro-Mags by playing Louis Farrakhan tapes in the van.



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Forteresse Announce Récits Patriotiques

French Canadian Gothenburg style metal band Forteresse announced a rehearsal album, Récits Patriotiques, today for all those who care about their boring Gothenburg material that sounds like early Amon Amarth with no tempo changes or variations for beer metallers who do not critically listen to music and prefer to just leave metal on in the background like a heavier version of smooth jazz they can ignore and check in on once every two minutes to see if the band did anything new or are back to scratching their asses. Récits Patriotiques will be released on March 18th, 2017 by Sepulchral Productions on 750 CDs for 750 fundergrounders or hipsters who want to crank frogified Davy Crockett metal to feel special about themselves like kale-flavored ice cream sandwiches. Preorder Récits Patriotiques here if you hate money and wear coonskin caps during sex.



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Profanatica Sickened by Holy Host / The Grand Master Sessions CD Reissue

Hells Heabangers Records has reissued most of Profanatica‘s works from the third millennium on CD. Including are bonus discs for completionists and obsessive compulsive collectors. Profanatitas de Domonatia, Disgusting Blasphemies Against God, and Sickened by Holy Host / The Grand Master Sessions are all pressed on gold CDs like Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab and DCC CDs from the nineties for maximum shinyness and all include bonus CDs of live shows from the early 90s that will probably be only listened to in the car or as background music at work. The Grand Master Sessions was previously vinyl only and is the one that most of the die hard underground fans who moved onto superior digital technological formats will be picking up.

Order them from Hells Headbangers here if your obsessive compulsive disorder demands it.


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Solitvdo – Hierarkhes (2016)

Article by Lance Viggiano.

Solitvdo are yet another epic sounding sing-along, rootin’ tootin’, arm swingin’, marble-pilled good time with yer ole partner melancholy. Think Vikinglider Veldi with riffs about a quarter of the length, half the inspiration and none of the thoughtful placement. Riffing on Hierarkhes is mostly inspired by nu-Rotting Christ but with triumphant melodies echoing swords and sandals epics, song structures are mostly sing-along vocal driven black ‘n’ roll about the Romans, culminating in solos by someone just learning to play whose guitar god is not Jupiter Optimus Maximus but Slash from Guns ‘n’ Roses.



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Mainstream Media Silent as Antifascist Terrorists Attack UC Berkeley

The mainstream media has been relatively silent after antifascist and communist terrorists attacked the campus of the University of California’s flagship Berkeley campus. Masked antifascist scumbags shattered windows and firebombed the student union building to prevent conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos from giving a sold out talk at the supposed bastion of tolerance and liberalism. UC Berkeley of course canceled the talk, depriving fifteen hundred paying ticket holders out to dry.



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Black Ivory Tower Posts First Hand Account of Messe des Morts

Eastern European black ‘n’ roll blog Black Ivory Tower posted a first hand account of how antifascists and communists shut down the Messe des Morts festival in Montreal due to Graveland being booked to play and Graveland not being kosher for communists. Dubhthach explains how the new secular religions of leftism, socialism, and modern liberalism suppress others from the words of their little red books just as the restrictive monotheistic faiths of past and present did using the words of their own delusional demagogues.


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