Blood are taking pre-orders for their upcoming Inferno at their own online store.
3 CommentsTags: blood, comeback, compact disc, death metal, germany, Grindcore, news, upcoming album, upcoming release, vinyl
Blood are taking pre-orders for their upcoming Inferno at their own online store.
3 CommentsTags: blood, comeback, compact disc, death metal, germany, Grindcore, news, upcoming album, upcoming release, vinyl
Heritage Recordings pressed Graveland‘s 1050 Years of Pagan Cult collection of rerecordings to wax.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, flowing black metal, graveland, heritage recordings, news, poland, rerecording, vinyl
Ripper’s Experiment of Existence, one of the best recent speed metal records for whatever that is worth, is being repressed on vinyl courtesy of Dark Descent Records.
4 CommentsTags: dark descent, dark descent records, news, repress, ripper, Speed Metal, vinyl
Tau Cross regress from playing Motorhead and Killing Joke influenced crust punk and heavy metal on Pillar of Fire to mainstream 1990s alternative rock similar to Amebix‘s Sonic Mass swansong. Boredom awaits.
Tags: alternative rock, crustcore, dumbing-down, hard rock, pillar of fire, Post-Punk, relapse, relapse records, review, rob miller, tau cross
Internet version control suppository and hosting service GitHub censored a press release by the G.N.A.A. exposing zoning violations by the feminist dating cell phone application Bumble.
7 CommentsTags: austin, bumble, censorship, communism, communists, cultural marxism, feminism, github, GNAA, news, sjws, social justice warriors, socialists, texas
Italian single man black metal band Infamous have a new split out now on CD with German band Gorrenje according to Infamous’s Facebook on Hammerbund.
No CommentsTags: Black Metal, compact disc, germany, gorrenje, hammerbund, infamous, Italy, new releases, news, split
New Wave of British Heavy Metal legends Angel Witch are playing their first ever show in Poland on September 30th in Lodz at the Magnetofon club.
5 CommentsTags: Angel Witch, Heavy Metal, malokarpatan, news, NWOBHM, poland, upcoming shows
Suffocation announced some September gigs in South America after their Euro trip next month on their Facebook page:
7 CommentsTags: death metal, news, South America, suffocation, tour, tour dates, upcoming tours
Pek brings death metal of the traditional, direct kind to your table that advances through simple but effective melodic phrases in low register and makes ample use of chromatism. Pek makes a progression between riffs happen, but it is more of an exchange than something that feels “through-composed”. Instead, we find cyclic structures that help expand simple content into longer songs simply by playing upon the replayability of the collection of riffs as narrative paragraphs, which helps the music support itself on more than the complexity of a single riff.
1 CommentTags: 2008, belgium, Black Metal, death metal, pek, preaching evil, review
Autarcie could be easily dismissed for being assembled from the elements we expect from narcissistic yet generic post-black metal or “modern metal.” Instead, it presents to us a transition between black metal and either assimilation or a new form which is organic and local, and yet while the band does more with the elements of modern metal than that genre, its failure to conquer the modern mindset within precludes it from achieving the ancient sensibility and sensation of black metal, leaving it as identifiably “post-metal” in spirit but second-wave black metal in form.
4 CommentsTags: article, autarcie, Black Metal, disco, france, Les Légions Noires, modern metal, peste noire, post-black metal, post-metal