Austrian black metal Ainur Summoning announced that they have a new album coming out next January.
9 CommentsTags: Australian Black Metal, Austria, Black Metal, modern classical, Napalm Records, news, Summoning, upcoming album, upcoming release
Austrian black metal Ainur Summoning announced that they have a new album coming out next January.
9 CommentsTags: Australian Black Metal, Austria, Black Metal, modern classical, Napalm Records, news, Summoning, upcoming album, upcoming release
Phil Anselmo of Pantera, in a now deleted Instagram post, loved the awful new Satyricon track, “Deep Calleth Upon Deep”, from their sure to entirely awful upcoming album of the same name.
28 CommentsTags: adult contemporary, black 'n roll, homosexuality, news, pantera, phil anselmo, random, satyricon, sodomy
Blasphemy released Fallen Angel of Doom gym shorts meant for war metallers’ Satanic Weightlifting Sessions.
15 CommentsTags: blasphemy, merch, merchandise, news, nuclear war now! productions, nwn, War Metal
Hammerheart Records is reissuing a remastered version of Pestilence‘s second album, Consuming Impulse, this October.
1 CommentTags: compact disc, death metal, Dutch Death Metal, hammerheart, hammerheart records, news, pestilence, reissue, remaster, the netherlands, vinyl
Disma are playing a show in Quebec City, Canada on August 27th.
No CommentsTags: canada, death metal, disma, news, quebec, upcoming shows
Retortion Terror and Invidiosus serve up a high-speed, fourteen minute technical grindcore split with one stronger half holding up the weaker side as on most split releases.
8 CommentsTags: 2017, death metal, deathcore, Grindcore, invidiosus, retortion terror, review, split, Takafumi Matsubara, techdeaf, technical metal
Blood played an inspiring live show at Cafe Central in Weinheim, Germany just two years ago.
No CommentsTags: blood, death metal, germany, Grindcore, live, live shows, video, youtube
Music serves many roles in our lives, but the one closest to our sense of well-being is a rediscovery of beauty and purpose in the world. While neither is universal, or experienced by all people, the former is closer to the objective, meaning that it concerns the world itself, and the latter is closer to subjective, in that we each find our own path and so our purpose — while a descendant of broader purpose like adaptation, excellence, or knowledge — reflects our discernment and choice of that path in the moment.
24 CommentsTags: art, article, artistry, crypto-indie, ick, lame metal, music, music quality, musick, o9a, occult, Occultism, order of nine angles, richard moult, Satanism, the mutilator, wallpaper music
Grafjammer play crossover thrash with a black metal production on Koud Gemaakt.
7 CommentsTags: beer metal, black 'n roll, Crossover, crossover thrash, funderground, grafjammer, pizza thrash, review, the netherlands, thrash metal, trends mosh core fun