Elegiac is a one man band from California formed in 2014 by sole composer Zane Young, whom has released a large number of records under the name of Elegiac- far too much for any band yet alone a one man band. Like many bands of this generation, Elegiac play a basic form of black metal that can be described as the bastard child of Bathory, Satanic Warmaster and generic modern rock. This is not what one expects from USBM at all despite their promo toting this release as the return of the micro genre’s glory days.
James Theodore Stillwell III Power Nihilism: A Case for Moral & Political Nihilism
Power Nihilism is a ruthless yet entry-level application of logic to religious, moral and political superstitions of all kinds. Central to this exposition is the clarity given by the ‘is-ought gap’- something apparent to independent minds given to logical thought which is also commonly known to students of philosophy (themselves apparently often unable to come to this logical conclusion on their own) as Hume’s Guillotine. The idea is basically that one cannot derive absolute ‘oughts’ from ‘facts’, since the latter are simply ‘descriptions’, while the former are ‘prescriptions’. “The only ‘oughts’ that are cogent,” argues Stillwell, are those conditioned by a formula entailing the wish of an effect based upon causes (if one wants ‘A’ to come about, then ‘B’ ought to be brought about).
Tags: literature, might is right, nietzsche, Nihilism, power nihilism, Stillwell
2018 Predictions
2017 was a year of total war and, culturally, a year of victory. What it lacked in quality metal it made up for in illuminating many of the harsh truths about metal’s business side, the narcissism of metal musicians, disloyalty of metal fans, and the desperation of metal journalists to fit in with flavor-of-the-weak liberal hysteria. Outside of metal, conservatism has won almost every battle and leftism continues to be on the defensive. With the death of Antifa in America, the complete meltdown of liberal journalists in and outside of metal, and endless infighting and cannibalization within the left, 2017 has been perhaps the most amusing and fulfilling year in recent memory.
Yet as great as this last year was, we must keep our eyes on the future with maximum alertness as the war continues. Therefore let’s leave the crystal ball reading to the crazy cat lady witches running Cvlt Nation and instead make some logical predictions on where the world of metal may be headed in the next year:
35 CommentsTags: 2018, conservatives, death metal, hipsters, liberals, metal, MetalSucks, pedophile, rape, toilet ov hell, transgender, triggered
Ritual Chamber – Obscurations
Hidden in plain sight, there is some fine metal being released- even in recent years. Nestled in the convoluted release schedule of one of the most popular indie rock labels (although in fairness, Profound Lore has gotten death metal right before) is a rare foray into dissonant death metal grandeur that is certainly worthy of praise. The newest solo project by Numinas/Crom/Dario Denerio, whose well-ventured resume also includes Infestor, Khrom, and Evoken, Ritual Chamber’s 2016 full length debut Obscurations (to Feast on the Seraphim) masterfully imports the lost wisdom of classic death metal spirit into a contemporary flesh of sound and production. Suffering from poor marketing through mainstream channels and tired aesthetic trends that mask its originality, this cultured release flew well off the radar of the audience it was most suited for and was not digestible enough for the retro/rehash death metal crowd of hipster swine it mostly reached. But although it initially evaded the underground’s most trustworthy mediums, Death Metal Underground’s undying commitment to unearthing the best in the genre now gives us a late opportunity to acknowledge a great work of elegance.
Tags: 2016, 2017, death metal, good albums, metal, reviews, ritual chamber
Star Wars: Tie Fighter 1994 LucasArts
Throughout literature, film, and any other telling of the Arthurian legend there is usually a hard line stance taken on characters or ideas being indisputably good or evil. The heroes and villains are on conflicting sides of a fundamental and absolute morality despite reality often being much more complicated. The Star Wars franchise followed this school of thought- casting the Empire as the evil and soulless reflection of Western history’s teaching of the axis powers of World War II. It parallels the post-French Revolution narrative that all democracy is good and all imperial reigns are heinous and wrong.
It is because of this that we can remember LucasArts’s 1994 PC flight simulator Tie Fighter as such a refreshingly bold and surprising experiment in a world of video games where the narrative is always fixated on “the good guys.” In Tie fighter, you are- from start to finish- fighting on behalf of a faction that the movies portrayed as dark and merciless dictatorship that is completely void of humanity. No change of heart in your character halfway through (as in this year’s disastrous Battlefront 2), no surprising twist- you’re essentially waging war with all that is good and just in the galaxy. It’s one of the first and possibly few games that take this perspective, and – for one of the first times for a mainstream game of this caliber- Tie Fighter gives the player a unique chance to embrace the understanding that morality is often a form of perspective.
13 CommentsTags: authoritarian, Black Metal, death metal, imperial, jontron, lifestyle, lucasarts, metal, Star Wars, tie fighter, totalitarian, video games
Demonomancy- Poisoned Atonement
Review by Nicholas Vahdias
An Italian 3 piece from the legendary city of Rome, Demonomancy released their first demo in 2010 and have since released an album and another demo. Poisoned Atonement marks their decade as a band although few are aware of their existence. They claim to champion the freedom of a sick soul held back by the shackles of the human body but ultimately deliver medicore war metal with cringeworthty aesthetics.
The Relevance of Obsessed by Cruelty

Article by Hereweald Cola Algar
Happy HolidAIDS!
In celebration of the Yule Christmas Hannukah Eid al-Futr End of Year shopping season, join us and Chuck Schuldiner, Dimebag Darrell, and Jesse Pintado in celebrating the reason for the season. In modernity everything is equal, and so if you do not have AIDS yet, you will get it soon.
Tags: christmas, eid al-futr, hannukah, holiday, utopia-dystopia, world genocide, yule
War and Sodomy
Trendkillers #1- Death to List Culture!
Trendkillers #1- Death to List Culture!
29 CommentsIn Trendkillers, we will engage the unseen and/or uncontested trends that have permeated metal culture. Death to false idols!
Tags: 2017, Album of the Year, Best Metal, music, narcissism, Top 10, Top 20, Trendkillers, Year end lists