While some loser-in-life Huffington Post reporter named Tulio Baars (the magazine does not typically employ males) continues spending his mommy and daddy’s money on a botnet to launch cyber attacks on Death Metal Underground, a temporary backup solution has been created for Hessians to get their fix of metal chaos and destruction.
An official DMU 8chan imageboard has been created and can be found at https://8ch.net/deathmetal and we’ll host all of our articles there for the time being until the Brasilia Policia catch up with Tulio. On this board anyone (including readers) can make posts there or engage in articles. Just don’t be a pussy!
And for the record, DMU is not- nor ever was- an Alt-Right or white nationalist website. We have never once have written about race. So if you think you’re a left-wing liberal crusader doing the word a service by shutting down a niche metal website you’re just retarded and probably confused about your sexual orientation.
For everyone else, thanks for still visiting here despite these pansies knocking the site offline for a couple of weeks.
7 CommentsTags: DMU under siege, trench warfare