After a dozen years, French independent underground metal label Deadlight Records has ceased operation. The label released the following statement:
1 CommentTags: deadlight records, RIP
After a dozen years, French independent underground metal label Deadlight Records has ceased operation. The label released the following statement:
1 CommentTags: deadlight records, RIP
As of yesterday, Reddit has deleted both the Havohej and Profanatica channels, or “sub-reddits,” with the following cryptic notice:
No CommentsThis subreddit was banned due to a violation of Reddit’s content policy against harassing content.
Tags: big tech, havohej, profanatica
As a teaser to forthcoming album Dawn Of The Damned set for release later this year, Necrophobic plans to issue its Mirror Black EP on July 17, 2020, featuring the brand new track “Mirror Black” and a live recording of an older song, “Darkside.”
1 CommentTags: death metal, necrophobic
Legendary Mexican old school death metal band Cenotaph re-issued its classic demo “Tenebrous Apparitions” this week in digital format so that new waves of metal aficionados can bathe in its doom-laden morbid glory. During the early 1990s, this band explored a style of basic riffs in journey-oriented compositions and defined a national sound for Mexico.
2 CommentsTags: cenotaph, death metal
Xtreem Music has struck again by selecting the 1989 Asphyx demo “Crush the Cenotaph” as one of their upcoming Ten Inches of DeathCult series re-releases.
3 CommentsTags: asphyx, death metal
Innovators of California thrash Cryptic Slaughter return with a cover of their classic song “Nation of Hate” featuring its newest lineup, a twin-guitar attack featuring longtime guitarist Les Evans teamed up with Repulsion shredder Matt Olivo.
7 CommentsTags: cryptic slaughter, repulsion, Thrash
Musicians in the 1960s thought a lot about getting beyond scales, chords, and key, and making pure music, but the results usually ended in chaos because they were still thinking about music. K.K. Null creates dynamic sonic textures that convey a poetic sense of contrast and evolution, and uses that to create beauty from ugliness.
5 CommentsHippie intellectual poseurs The Guardian are like a broken compass: whatever direction it indicates is North can be safely assumed not to be North. Their foaming vat of slime mold and anal yeast that manages the music section produced a shrill complaint about tribalism in music:
8 CommentsTags: assimilation, tribalism
For the first time since its inception in 1992, the Atrocity album Todessehnsucht will be available on vinyl LP. According to the release schedule at Massacre Records,Todessehnsucht is slated to be re-released on July 24th of this year.
11 CommentsTags: Atrocity, death metal
This album will make waves because it is going to divide audiences based on who will give it a chance and who will categorically ignore it; this, like trolling, is the pure provocation that forms a necessary part of Art as opposed to Entertainment. The album possesses a fatal flaw, but makes up for it with some of the more interesting experiments within the notion of doom — dark, melancholic, sentimental, but not self-pitying — sounds, going beyond metal and rock in composition.
9 CommentsTags: Ambient, atmospheric, celtic frost, death metal, hellhammer, triptykon