Somewhere in the middle ground between Winter and Maudlin of the Well, this attempt at an avantgarde+progressive version of drone metal succeeds in part and adds several interesting riffs and a handful of song approaches to the metal canon.
Finnish death metal occultists Adramelech last year unleashed two compilations of their early works, Spring of Recovery and Recoveries of the Fallen, which compiled the many EPs, singles, demos, live tracks, and rehearsals that make up a successful death metal oeuvre.
As a related project to Demigod, the Finnish death metal band Adramelech aimed to create dark tunneling atmospheres of morally ambiguous and unstable spaces in order to snap people out of their bourgeois socializing and trend-following.
Ayasab’ amagwala (cowards are scared)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot )
ayasab ‘a magwala (cowards are scared)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
awu yoh
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
awe mama ndiyekele (mother leave me be)
awe mama iyeah (oh mother)
awe mama ndiyekele (mother leave me be)
awe mama iyo (oh mother)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Ayasab’ amagwala (cowards are scared)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot )
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
ayasab ‘a magwala (cowards are scared)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
iii yoh
dubula dubala (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
awe mama ndiyekele (mother leave me be)
awe mama iyo (oh mother)
awe mama ndiyekele (mother leave me be)
awe mama iyo (oh mother)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Aw dubul’ibhunu (shoot the Boer)
dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Ayasab’ amagwala (cowards are scared)
Dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Ay iyeah
Dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Ayasab’ amagwala (cowards are scared)
Dubula dubula (shoot shoot)
Ay iyeah
You can hear this formerly banned and now deemed inciteful track here:
Working within the liminal ground between death metal and doom metal, Swiss depressive onslaught Excruciation bring out their latest, which works funeral doom pacing and grindcore riffing to the doom-death genre, removing excess to leave a plain and sub-lingual mood of futile antagonism and existential anomie.
We knew heavy metal birthed itself from the intersection of UK guitar rock, nascent punk music, and progressive rock, and Sarcofagus shows us with this re-issue of an album from 1980 just how much early metal borrowed from the progressive side of things.
Possessed created songs using death metal riffs in speed metal frameworks, but Laceration follows Immolation and Demigod in using speed metal riffs within atmospheric death metal songs, allowing the momentum of the song to merge with the mood, in which the different riffs tell a story through complement and contrast.
When bands do something well, this summons all of the weaker voices against them to demand that they do something else, namely whatever is trending at the moment. Ideally, talented bands would be bought by kings and sequestered in monasteries to keep doing what they do well.
As war metal matures, it becomes more like the grindcore that inspired it, basically fast-paced chromatic rhythm riffing that expands into melodic conclusions, following that bands as varied as Terrorizer, Trench Warfare, and Death Siege have been doing in recent years.
For those who follow the legends of early proto-black metal, the name Sarcófago conjures up a vision of the ultimate boundary: barely in time, barely musical, and yet intensely creative and focused, this band open the door to a new world.