Tags: batAIDS, coronavirus, covid-19
Dodging Coronavirus, Corvus Corax Stream Concert Worldwide
As the world shuts down because of the COVID-19 pandemic, German medieval necrofolk band Corvus Corax have opted to stream a live performance through the internet so people can attend from within their shelter-in-place auto-quarantine nests.
4 CommentsTags: corvus corax
Funeral Bitch Re-Issues Old Demos With The 1980s Demos CD
From roughly 1984 to 1992, Paul Speckmann recruited different lineups to express the same idea through different band names such as Master, Deathstrike, Abomination, Funeral Bitch, and Speckmann Project. With similar basic sounds and shared songs, these bands differed mostly in personnel.
1 CommentTags: abomination, death metal, deathstrike, funeral bitch, master, paul speckmann, speckmann project, vic records
Perdition Temple – Sacraments of Descension
Gene Palubicki from Angelcorpse notoriety returns with a new album that continues within the tradition of Black metal informed Floridian Death metal. Perdition Temple bring a level of technical acumen that has been denigrated by fans and practitioners of this style in recent years without falling into the pitfalls of Modern metal.
3 CommentsTags: Blood Sacrifice Shaman, Floridian Death metal, gene palubicki, perdition temple
Metalhead Humor In The Time Of A Possibly Illusory Pandemic
Triptykon Announces Release of Requiem (Live at Roadburn 2019)
Celtic Frost conceptual continuation project Triptykon, with full classical orchestration by the Dutch Metropole Orkest, presenting the trilogy of songs spanning 1987 to the present.
3 CommentsTags: celtic frost, death metal, symphonic
Avzhia Announces New Album Fear of my Existence For 2020
Mexican flowing black metal act Avzhia have released a promotional video for their upcoming 2020 record Fear of my Existence. According to details the new album will contain eight tracks of new material spanning over an hour of listening time, without the intrusion of synthesizers or other modern weaknesses.
No CommentsTags: Avzhia, Black Metal, mexico
Necrophiliac – No Living Man Is Innocent (2020)
In nature, nothing can exist in stasis, but radical change forms the same chaos that stasis does, namely a loss of energy potential. This means that anything enduring exists in a constant state of internal conflict but within the parameters of continuity between past and future to its roots.
4 CommentsTags: ambient metal, death metal, Necrophiliac
Demilich Announces 2020 North American Tour
Murky obscure atmospheric death metal band Demilich, famous for spidery and bizarre riffs, have announced their 2020 North American Tour with Divine Eve, Outer Heaven, and Cardiac Arrest. You can find out more at the Demilich 2020 tour page or catch them on the dates below.
3 CommentsTags: cardiac arrest, death metal, Demilich, divine eve
Conjureth Releases Foul Formations EP
Conjureth, a project of Decrepitaph personnel, released its new EP Foul Formations on February 15, 2020, featuring more of its hybrid between Incantation and Immolation style mid-paced trudging death metal. Each song builds its main riff out of a central theme, then creates a staggered counterphrase for the chorus, and features a more thorough and basic elucidation of the theme as a transition, but otherwise for the most part is riff-chorus metal.
4 CommentsTags: conjureth, death metal, decrepitaph, OSDM