A Fine Day to Die Records will re-issue the classic album Impergium and corresponding EP Towards Judgement by Niden Div. 187 as a limited cassette release, and is currently taking pre-orders.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, niden div. 187
A Fine Day to Die Records will re-issue the classic album Impergium and corresponding EP Towards Judgement by Niden Div. 187 as a limited cassette release, and is currently taking pre-orders.
3 CommentsTags: Black Metal, niden div. 187
Pioneering and prolific black metal act Graveland announced that an official video clip for the track Possessed by Steel will appear exclusively on the D.R. Silesia YouTube channel sometime during April 14th, 2020. This track will adorn the upcoming album Hour of Ragnarok to be released in autumn of 2020.
4 CommentsTags: Black Metal, graveland
Animate Records announced plans to re-release Master Let’s Start a War on a six-panel digipak. Attempting to mix the Master “sound” with a greater heavy metal and sludge sensibility, some of which appeared on Faith is In Season, Let’s start a War might best seen as a transition record for a band trying to find its voice but also portended what would become the later and tighter manifestation of Master.
5 CommentsTags: death metal, master
Eucharist A Velvet Creation straddled the line between the metal of old and the “melodic death” metal that would ravage the Scandinavian scene. Intelligently the band still remained enough grit and the compositional maturity of the better genre while not being afraid to integrate an overt admiration for Iron Maiden and the occasional rhythmic tool. “Alone and Wounded” is a bonus track that manages to shape Melodic Death metal into what it should have been. The opening sequence however is so remarkable that it merits a closer look.
7 CommentsTags: a velvet creation, death metal, eucharist, riff analysis, wounded and alone
On April 24, this later-era death metal album will see re-issue in CD, LP, and digital formats. Demonstrating the fusion of Motorhead-styled aggressive punk-infused heavy metal with death metal, Divide And Conquer will come with three demo tracks, studio outtakes of “Choose Your Death” from the 1990 demo, a cover of At War “Ordered To Kill,” and original mixes of the tracks on the album.
15 CommentsTags: cianide, death metal
Hammerheart Records plans to re-issue Resurrection Embalmed Existence on April 20, 2020, bringing this second-wave Florida death metal release to the light once again. Originally issued in 1993, this slab of well-produced solidly chunky death metal never quite got the attention of other Florida bands.
3 CommentsTags: death metal, resurrection
While most of the world drools in panic at the fear that nature has finally engineered an appropriate comeuppance for humanity (namely, drowning in mucus) heavy metal and underground metal record labels have offered to keep our economy minimally functional through a series of sales on evil and antisocial metal music.
14 CommentsThe most epic bands often struggle to clarify their voice, which includes composition, technique, and performance. For Emperor, the first foray consisted of crepitant necrotic recordings which emphasized solidarity with the early works of Hellhammer, Sodom, and Sarcofago. Later they refined their approach.
35 CommentsTags: Black Metal, emperor
We all know the metal cycle: something gets press, people rush out to buy it, and then years later we see it in the sale bin as companies reduce stock in something which, since it is no longer in the metal media, is not selling. Right now the re-issue of the Abomination demos is getting this treatment.
4 CommentsTags: abomination, death metal, paul speckmann
In the modern metal lexicon, European metal has often been used to denote bands that relied extensively on Iron Maiden harmonies, keyboards, pseudo-classical melodies, female vocalists, tremolo picked riffs and overall less influence from Pantera and Metallica. Septic Flesh have come to epitomize this style despite adding a lot more Metalcore elements to keep with the times. Before the name change, the band were once an overlooked force and presented many ideas that metal as a whole was never fully able to capitalize on. Ophidian Wheel is the summit of the band’s creativity and pushes the romantic qualities of metal even further.
75 CommentsTags: death metal, Heavy Metal, hellenic black metal, septic flesh, the ophidian wheel