Pipes and Cigars sent out its tobacco-drink pairing guide:
7 CommentsTags: hermeticism, pipe smoking
Pipes and Cigars sent out its tobacco-drink pairing guide:
7 CommentsTags: hermeticism, pipe smoking
Easily a candidate for album of the year, Het Zwarte Dictaat from Kaeck makes a form of war metal that incorporates the subtle melodies of black metal and the longer atmospheric riffs of later death metal, melding a primitive assault along the lines of Zyklon-B and Blasphemy with the type of elaborate construction we might expect from Emperor or Demigod.
With use of precise riffs, this album creates atmosphere in the classic underground metal style that contrasts loping hypnotic riffs with bursts of fury, allowing the song to emerge from a smoldering inner conflict like a car shooting out of a darkened tunnel into the light, looking for clarity within a shifting landscape of ambiguity and violence.
In its blend of war metal, doom-death, and black metal, Kaeck runs the gamut of tempi and rhythms over the course of this album, transitioning from the primitive to the almost reverentially mood-driven. By blending current methods with the most ancient of metal traditions, Het Zwarte Dictaat keeps a foot in the past while stepping into the future.
2 CommentsJason Kiss of Goatcraft has reinvented himself again with a podcast called Necropolis, and he graciously invited me on to talk about ANUS, Dark Legions Archive, the classic underground, and the nowadays internet and corporate/hipster metal.
13 CommentsTags: dark legions archive, jason kiss, necropolis, spinoza ray prozak
In addition to tape trading, compilation albums back in the day allowed a label to sell you one track from each of its most promising bands for a few dollars total, making them both a good way to find new bands and a cross between the mix tape and a radio show when you wanted varied listening.
No CommentsTags: anatomia, cadaveric incubator, cemetarian, coffins, death metal, horror pain gore death productions, infamous glory, inisans, leprophiliac, Mortuary, nominon, putrisect, reckless manslaughter, ribspreader, ruin, sacrifixion, seraphic disgust, undergang
We warned years ago that assimilation by the ancestor is a common fate of breakaway genres; rock, consumerism, and popular culture have been trying since the early days to turn metal into a variation on their basic formula.
15 CommentsTags: assimilation, normies, propaganda
For most listeners, the core of Pazuzu can be expressed as an Autopsy-inspired take on grindcore, with the slower doomy riffs like the tug of a scalpel through flesh alternating with bounding hardcore riffs much as the Bay Area band applied, but with elements of black metal and doom metal filtered in.
2 CommentsMelodic war metal band Kaeck has issued forth a mysterious new video from its new album Het Zwarte Dictaat due out on Folter Records on October 15, designed to shock and awe the metal community with fierceness from the old school:
5 CommentsTags: folter records, kaeck, melodic war metal
Texas post-death metal band Condemner — which seems to combine Celtic Frost, Incantation, and Blasphemy in its sound — posted its latest rehearsal track yesterday, showcasing its desire to stack primitive chromatic riffs against rumbling discursion in order to make wandering, melancholic tracks with an undertone of violent Nietzschean-Galtonian “might is right” conflict.
5 CommentsWe all love a good feel-good news story, in this case about an Irish baron who rewilded his estate:
According to the UN, the world needs to rewild and restore an area the size of China to meet commitments on nature and the climate – but not everyone applauds Ireland’s pioneering effort. “You’d be surprised when you live in a castle how many times people think you’re an idiot,” says Plunkett, the 21st baron of Dunsany.
He still loves death metal, and sports a ponytail and (fake) leather jacket, but he decided seven years ago to turn over 300 hectares of his estate to nature – no livestock, planting, sowing or weeding.
Before, the estate had just three types of grass, now it has 23. “I didn’t do it, the birds did.” Trees regenerated and multiplied – oak, ash, beech, Scots pine and black poplar. “I see a lot of saplings growing that I haven’t planted.”
Death metal emphasizes reality over human pretense. This leads us to see the importance of eternal things, instead of immediate novelty-based social gratification, and therefore treasure that which is out of human control.
On the other hand, any time you get a committee or a herd of people together, they start demanding that human desires become more important than reality, and this never works, so they double down and it becomes an obsessive mania to smash anything other than human desires.
This culminates in a state like Communism or Consumerism where human rules control everything, and as a result, life detaches from both nature and common sense, leading to a tedious existence of servitude to the lowest common denominator.
10 CommentsAs more people flee the world of vapes and cigarettes, pipes and cigars — but mostly cigars — show the signs of experiencing a renaissance. If you can work from home, why not enjoy a leisurely two-hour relaxing smoke instead of hurriedly wolfing down a nicotine jolt in the parking lot?
42 CommentsTags: dark fired kentucky burley, mac baren, pipe smoking, pipe tobacco, royal twist, tobacco