Our goal in having comments on this site targets a single objective: enable the exchange of relevant information, including ideas, which are not so much factual as they are descriptive or aesthetic. To this end, owing to the huge amount of low-quality or insincere information out there, we need a comment policy.
56 CommentsKaeck Unleashes “Het vurig gemaal” on YouTube
Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû Announces Release of Self-Titled Debut
Longstanding mythological metal act Absu collapsed in a series of legal challenges to the name last year, but the core of the band — songwriter Proscriptor McGovern — continues with a new band named Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû which plans to release its debut Proscriptor McGovern’s Apsû later this year.
1 CommentTags: absu, apsu, Heavy Metal
Carcass – Torn Arteries (2021)
The Carcass guys never wanted to be grindcore; they wanted to be guitar fireworks speed metal, and on this album, they stick to roughly where they were on Heartwork: fast and intricate speed metal and power metal riffs based on established patterns with an ear for melody but linear development.
19 CommentsTags: carcass, Speed Metal
Metal Blade Reissues Classic Slayer Releases
Poised somewhere between speed metal and death metal, Slayer re-invented heavy metal by incorporating punk and classical structures with trademark raging speed, complex arrangements, occult and literary allusions, and intricate rapid-fire guitar solos.
17 CommentsTags: death metal, metal blade records, slayer, Speed Metal
Sprecher’s Root Beer
Ruben Elizondo (1966-2021)
It is with sadness that we note the passing of Ruben Elizondo, famed Houston-area percussionist for bands such as Imprecation, Adumus, Dark Reign, and Morbus 666. We wish him well in the eternal battle of good versus evil that plays out on the land as well as the lands beyond.
1 CommentTags: imprecation, ruben elizondo
Interview with Jan Kruitwagen of Kaeck (2021)
Already gaining a lead on all other contenders for the most compelling underground metal album of the year, Kaeck has on Het Zwarte Dictaat made the masterpiece of violent rhythm riffs and melodies that much of the underground wishes it could, combining black metal and war metal with doom metal and death metal to create a constantly changing mood within a fluid style. Fortunately, guitarist/composer Jan Kruitwagen had a few moments to give us his take on the band and state of the metal genre.
2 CommentsTags: Black Metal, jan kruitwagen, kaeck, War Metal
Smoking Outside the Box
They always tell you to “think outside the box,” as if having everyone focused on non-conformity will result in anything but a new variety of conformity. So much of life comes back to the mirror image, where we are staring at a representation of ourselves, and trying to change how it looks, despite everything happening in reverse since left is right and right left.
2 CommentsTags: gawith hoggarth & co., pipe smoking, pipe tobacco, pipes, tobacco
Sarcófago Releases “Woke Reissue” of 1987 Classic I.N.R.I.
Foundational proto-black metal band Sarcófago announced today that its 1987 classic of blasphemy, I.N.R.I., has been re-issued in a “woke version” by Washington, D.C. label Dischord and will be in stores shortly, packaged with a commemorative Satanic Lust N95 face mask.