Violent Opposition – Violently Enforced Poverty (2015)


Violent Opposition presents a one-man grindcore assault that upstages the milquetoast nature of recent underground music. This one musician plays the Jesus out of each instrument with raw pure aggression. The bass and drums are punchy and give the recording a lot of energy and verve. His song names are realist and take a strong stand against empire and against state sponsored violence.


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Abyssum – Thy Call (1998) en Español


Article by David Rosales. This review is David’s Spanish translation of his earlier review of the album.

Cuando decimos que el metal llegó a su cúspide en 1994, después de una breve época dorada, y que lo que siguió no fue sino un declive clarísimo, esto no significa que no hubo absolutamente nada bueno. Por definición, lo que le sigue a una cúspide es un declive – aunque la decadencia sólo sea aparente debido a la perspectiva. Aún más importante es aclarar que cuando hablamos de esta manera, nos estamos refiriendo a un promedio a través del género, y no señalando a nadie específicamente. Después de todo, tenemos un Summoning publicando su clásico de clásicos en 1996 y más música grandiosa a finales del siglo. En Centroamérica, siempre un paso (o más bien diez o treinta pasos) atrás del resto del mundo como resultado de procesos históricos que podemos identificar, lo poco que su reducida población, recursos y cultura permitieron desarrollar al metal local, floreció entre los últimos cinco años del siglo pasado.



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Five Budget Bourbons


The bourbon market has seen an incredible expansion over the past 10 years. Major distillers have added new brands to their portfolio and the proliferation of craft/artisan distillers has exploded. And with demand at an all time high, prices have become exorbitant, making many good types of bourbon out of reach for the average consumer.



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Malevolent Creation and Incantation October Tour

malevolent creation incantation frederick

According to Incantation‘s website, the gig in Frederick, Maryland is not a one off date as originally stated: the band is embarking on a national tour with Malevolent Creation in October. The dates are:

10/06 – Atlanta, GA – The Masquerade
10/07 – Raleigh, NC – The Maywood
10/08 – Virginia Beach, VA – Shaka’s
10/09 – Frederick, MD – Cafe 611
10/10 – Philadelphia, PA – Kunf Fu Necktie
10/12 – Brooklyn, NY – Black Bear Bar
10/13 – Clifton, NJ – Dingbatz
10/14 – Worcester, MA – The Palladium
10/15 – Rochester, NY – Montage Music Hall
10/16 – Kent, OH – The Outpost
10/18 – Indianapolis, IN – The Headquarters
10/19 – Chicago, IL – Reggies
10/20 – Kansas City, MO – The Riot Room
10/21 – Oklahoma City, OK – Thunder Alley
10/22 – Austin, TX – Empire Garage
10/23 – Fort Worth, TX – The Rail Club
10/25 – Houston, TX – BFE Rock Club
10/26 – New Orleans, LA – Sibera

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Sacriphyx – The Western Front (2013)


Article by Lance Viggiano.

Sacriphyx present a bog standard take on Hellenic black metal through the rollicking pulse native to Australia. The strength of the Greek strategy is in its ability to capture a variety of moods leading to a diverse heavy metal experience. The Western Front is a discontinuous concept album based upon World War I wherein its songs do not function as parts of whole; rather, they are self-contained units acting with autonomy in pursuit of the greater conceptual goal that is realized only through individual skirmishes. These compositional deployments reinforce stylistic choices by maximizing an array of emotive impact while minimizing any diminished efficacy of individual motifs as their power is not derived from their position in a greater narrative arc from song to song. Despite proficient execution, Sacriphyx fail to build upon the Mediterranean tactic in any meaningful sense and thus the movements of its elements will be predictable to those familiar.



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Severance Finish The Concession Continuum

severance key chain photo

Texas death metal band Severance have finished recorded and mixing their upcoming album The Concession Continuum and are currently looking for a label to release it according to their website:

Album Update
Well, as promised, here is the album update…The new material is all finished, mixed, and ready to shop around. We are currently shopping the material to various labels in hopes of finding one to work with us. The plan is to release The Concession Continuum as a DVD/CD combo. Hopefully, this will come to fruition. The artwork (which will be revealed soon) is also complete. We are really pleased with the final outcome; Charlie Vela at Sound of Rain Studios displayed why he is so sought-after in South Texas for his studio skills. The track listing is as follows:
1-Conceding to Consequence
3-Silenced Insolence
4-The Idle Idol
5-Intent (Interlude)
7-Stripped of Innocence
8-En Tiempos Muertos
9-Dying Aspirations
Total Time: 40:06

We will keep this site updated with any further developments. Thanks for your interest. JP

A preview track, “Dying Aspirations”,  is available on the band’s website.

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Why Heavy Metal Lost The Culture War


There is a religious war going on in our country for the soul of America. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we will one day be as was the Cold War itself.1

Many metal-heads think that metal died out as a genre because it went corporate and lost its edge. Undoubtedly more commercialized metal appeared, as it always does whenever a genre becomes popular and therefore, profitable. There is more to it than that, however, as larger cultural forces and schemes were at play.

The question of commercialism arose because there was a bridge between power metal/jock metal (e.g. Korn) and more old school thrash metal (Metallica/Slayer) which was never gapped. This paralleled the gap of a decade earlier, when the gap between metal bands like Motorhead and hard rock bands like Van Halen divided the fanbase between album listeners and radio listeners. This gave rise to entire subgenres like black metal, death metal and grindcore which were deliberately designed to avoid having large-scale commercial success. That in turn triggered the rise of the 1990s version of glam, grunge, which was basically slowed-down indie-rock influenced hard rock.



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