One wonders why even try. It seems like everything in the world has gone into the abyss and is being sucked down by a human refusal to see the obvious. Left and Right, Christian and atheist, corporate stooge and basement NEET seem to agree. So why bother?
50 CommentsCadaver Releases Modern Metal Hit “The Age of the Offended”
For death metal fans, this will be less exciting because as usual with humans, they melded the extremes and formed a new hybrid average generalist, “modern metal,” which is as much emo, late hardcore, indie, and alternative as metal, and like most bands with labels Cadaver is trying to “stay current.”
10 CommentsTags: cadaver, modern metal
Sammath Grebbeberg Publishes on June 16, 2023
Grinding martial black metal band Sammath publish their seventh album, Grebbeberg, on June 16th of this year via Hammerheart Records. The band has already released two tracks from the album, one of which is on our radiocast of underground metal.
7 CommentsTags: Black Metal, death metal, hammerheart records, Old School Death Metal, sammath, War Metal
Sadistic Metal Reviews: Death By Group Participation Issue
We should talk about dark organization in metal: whenever humans set up something thriving, it dies from within because individuals defer to the will of the herd, and also, under cover of that, individuals act against the goals of the group in order to advance their personal power interests.
119 CommentsTags: AIDS, Black Metal, death metal, modern metal, smr
Cavalera Release “Morbid Visions” From Re-Recorded Morbid Visions
Cynics among us may say they merely want a version of this album without incurring royalty payments to other musicians, but they did a good job of most of them with minimal modern influences, although the more rigid rhythm remove much of the organic charm of the original.
22 CommentsTags: cavalera, death metal, sepultura
Sammath Releases Preview of “Tot De Laatste Granaat” from Grebbeberg
Skull-smashing Dutch war metal and black metal hybrid Sammath unveils the second track from its latest album, Grebbeberg, with a look into the dark spirit of humans engaged in conflict against hopeless odds.
6 CommentsTags: Black Metal, sammath, War Metal
Xibalba – Itzalan (2021)
Picking up in the divide between funderground wargrinding and melodic but insipid mainstream black metal, Xibalba take the style they unleashed on their “Demo 2010” and push it further with racing primitive riffs overlaid with melodic lead rhythm guitar.
7 CommentsTags: Black Metal, xibalba
Digging Into the Vault: Thanatopsis A View of Death (2008)
In the busy postmodern era, we like to dig through the past to see what could have been, might have been, or has been but might be undiscovered. Unfortunately, we commit a lot of type I errors, namely false positives, in our zeal for finding that unpolished, uncut but valuable gem in the sands.
14 CommentsTags: Speed Metal, thanatopsis
Sadistic Metal Reviews: Total Commercialism Edition
It should strike you as funny that humanity, Western Civilization, and metal face the same problem in parallel: steady decline from having lost of sense of goal because they lost a sense of the why behind the goal after the sense of the transcendent also eroded.
23 CommentsTags: death metal, smr
A Tribute to Slayer
You hear a lot of people talking these days about their nostalgia for the 1980s or the decade following. It always provokes a couple blinks, and then we — we are the silent witnesses, who saw it all — shrug and walk on. It is easy enough to understand.