Sick Sinus Syndrome – Rotten to the Core (2021)

While many of their riffs are clearly inspired by the early years of Carcass, Sick Sinus Syndrome introduce variety to this often tired formula by taking an aggressive approach comparable to Terrorizer, Repulsion, or Blood. In the grindcore tradition, most songs on this album consist of two themes juxtaposed, frequently a rising and falling action, sometimes presaged by an introduction.

Particularly noteworthy moments arrive when, like Carcass, the band utilize melodies eerily reminiscent of popular music, creating a mocking feel within the context of the surrounding violence, indicating a decay under the surface of control which society projects. Production follows current standards in comparison to fellow luminaries of this style, and while this is a welcome change in some ways to the almost impenetrable wall of noise of a band like Dead Infection, some may miss the ambience of the bass-heavy shuddering of an album such as Reek of Putrefaction.

In total, Rotten to the Core makes a valiant effort in a microgenre often imitated to death. It may not say much that is new, but it does give some hope that actual extremity is still practiced in some corners of the underground. For goregrind fanatics, this is one of the better entries to hit the genre in the face with an eviscerated organ in recent memory.

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12 thoughts on “Sick Sinus Syndrome – Rotten to the Core (2021)”

  1. Houston 2600 says:

    Why don’t people just give in to my egotistic desires?

      1. Houston 2600 says:

        Everywhere I go, people are resisting my desires. They insist on some weird reality thing that I don’t understand. Why do they resist me, when they are part of me?

        1. Correct answer says:

          Because you obviously can’t control yourself.

        2. Brad says:

          What in the hell are you talking about?

          1. What in the hell is he talking about?

            1. Harold says:

              No idea. It seems like cryptic passive aggression.

              1. There’s a lot of that going around… everyone sort of realizes everything is failing and the bitterness has taken over.

  2. Rashida jones Soledad O'Brien Beyonce must blow my big black weenie fuck wiggas metal korn crap Voltron shit punk.. says:

    Fuck you…what’s wrong with hybrid cunt slave? Killing mulattettes with no sex wtf

    So I should fuck darkies for you Brett? Ummm nooo my dick demands Rita ora punk stfu…Dua lipa toooo….

    Pussy compliments metal

    The galt gnathmortis prime raprockzilla German black metal gay serial killers kick your ass…

    Blacks should be the only rap rockers all rap sucks

    Fuck wiggas spiggas chiggas they suck aftershock sucks tooooo hehehe korn also really sucks…

    This song makes me feel like a thousand mile fucking metroplex or Trypticon fuck you

    Bulid robot ships buttrape mulattettes fuck whitey

    Hey Brett can I please enslave mixed women please? My dick would thank you…

    1. curio says:

      You would feel better with my ejaculate inside of you.

      1. “I love sodomy!” — Paul Ledney

    2. You mean like sex slaves? Naughty, naughty.

      For me, it boils down to having functional civilization. Successful civilizations are mono-ethnic, competitive, culture-driven, oriented toward transcendent and practical goals, and have strong leadership in an organic form like aristocracy. Anything else is a path to decay.

      I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I dislike listening to ordinary rock music… after death metal and black metal, it just seems… idk… empty.

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