Old school doom-death with a strong tendency toward bounding grindcore riffs, Pazuzu understands how to make a riff salad talk to itself and how to use enough internal contrast to keep the unfolding story that results interesting. Like a good horror movie, Revenant Of Blasphemies alternates between suspense, terror, flight, and violence.
Combining influences from the old school camp with a homebrew can-do attitude, Pazuzu sounds a lot like the love-child of Massacre, Cianide, and Imprecation, using bass-heavy chromatic riffs like a kind of pattern code, spelling out a hidden language in the subtle changes in rhythm, texture, and tempo.
Unlike most bands in this all-ahead style, Pazuzu knows how to vary its different approaches and most importantly, make them work together for a whole experience that like a good story moves from presentation to conflict, ambiguity, evasion, confusion, and finally, synthesis followed by a promenade of what has fused into clarity.
Tags: death metal, doom-death, pazuzu
Yea Cianide, track 2 5:30 could have been performed by Cianide
Yea yea
“Casual Death Metal” rules
Nice band thx