Desultory – Darkness Falls (The Early Years) (2024)

Before melodic death metal became a new way to rebrand Iron Maiden style heavy metal with death vocals, a few bands explored the idea of applying melody to death metal, and Desultory distinguished themselves early on with a speed metal influenced variety of heavy metal that used a lot of death metal technique.

Comprised of three demos — “From Beyond” (1990), “Death Unfolds” (1991), and “Visions” (1992) — this compilation shows Desultory moving from a hybrid of Destruction, Merciless, and Testament on the first to a smoother-flowing variety of metal that fit more into the death metal mold.

In particular, the ability to compose songs around a melodic idea accelerated over time and created more of a dark mood than an aggressive hiking with vodka vibe, culminating on the third demo with a more ominous sound hovering on the edge of what black metal would later develop.

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112 thoughts on “Desultory – Darkness Falls (The Early Years) (2024)”

  1. Dream Long Dead says:

    I’m not even nationalist, but I need to vent. Supporters of immigration seem to argue *against* the (far) right more so than *for* immigration. And in that argument they usually assume any stance against immigration will lead to 1930s Germany. Isn’t that gross exaggeration? I know you’re nationalists here (?), so maybe you’ll all be like “well, duh, that’s the point, we *want* 1930s Germany all over again!”, but I somehow doubt that. I just feel that there’s no grey area with these people, it’s either let your own people be bulldozed by foreigners or be a Nazi. What the hell?

    1. scoob says:

      ruh roh

    2. We are being given binaries at every level: support the current thing or be seen as an immoral degenerate opposing what it claims to do.

      Support the Green New Deal or you hate nature.

      Support diversity or you hate other races.

      Support social security or you hate the elderly (hmm if they are Boomers there may be some truth to this KILL THEM).

      1. NSBM sucks says:

        Yeah well as long as politics are left out of extreme metal, which should be “death to everyone” and not the hypocritical “death to only some”.

        Those who made good metal knew to keep their views out of it, and whenever they no longer could help themselves it was immediately noticeable in the tone of the music. For example Graveland went downhill after Celtic Winter when that Darken snownigger-wannabe got rid of those evil Satanists in the band – then the music degenerated into repetitive, softened white power carnival music.

        Bathory softened also and went downhill after Blood-fire-death to explore more of dat “muh epik viking heritage”.

        Never cared for Enslaved – was never actual Black metal, but more like generalized extreme metal.

        Immortal struck me as boring and goofy lately throughout all their stages. I put on Swedish death metal like Dismember and Entombed instead.

        And Burzum, this site’s poster-child, was always meh, unless you’re so damn openminded that you like shitty Krautrock. It’s funny though that even Varg thinks this site sucks and humbly admitted that there’s way better bands out there, but heck, the narrative must persist because I sense religious dogma here.

        1. which should be

          And that’s politics. As it turns out, a covert argument for the status quo.

          1. N says:

            But thats what politics is, all of us agreeing on what we do in the future. Every question starts in a grey area and ends at yes/no or abstain.

        2. Ralph says:

          Okay man

        3. curio says:

          “Yeah well as long as politics are left out of extreme metal, which should be “death to everyone” and not the hypocritical “death to only some”.”

          Sounds like retarded, Christian equality and apocalypse fetishizing talk to me.

          1. “We hate everyone equally!”

          2. Crionics says:

            Probably one of those urban commie faggots covered in Baphomet tattoos. Egalitarian Satanism ftw

            1. Egalitarian Satanism

              That’s called Christianity. Or Judaism. I get the two confused. Maybe it’s Buddhism I’m thinking of.

              1. Cynical says:

                Buddhism, at least to my limited understanding, seems incompatible with egalitarianism — I don’t think any concept of karmic resurrection can coexist with egalitarianism, or at least not without some enormously stupid mental gymnastics.

                1. The egalitarianism is their perversion of the esoteric: anyone following this procedure can attain some kind of enlightenment.

                  The Hindus had it more clearly with their Calvinist sense of inborn destiny as part of the karmic process.

                2. curio says:

                  Buddhism is probably more complex than I give it credit for, but the heart of it seems to be escapism from the world, or achieving nirvana as the world turns into dystopia. I’ve spent some time in SE Asia, and I quickly began to understand why a Buddhist inner calm has been so sought after in overpopulated, low IQ, MEEEE-REEEE-Fírst third worlds. It’s impossible to escape brain-dead behavior in such places. Individual inner calm is mandatory if you want to avoid chronic anger and eventual mass murder.

          3. We are all equal and therefore we hate ourselves. Bout what I expected from dumbocrazy.

        4. Cynical says:

          “or example Graveland went downhill after Celtic Winter when that Darken snownigger-wannabe got rid of those evil Satanists in the band”

          Do you think for a moment that the guy who did “The Fate Worse than Death”, “Three Weeds From the Same Root”, and “Polish-Hellenic Alliance against Z.O.G.” had a problem with Darken incorporating nationalist themes into his band?

          1. From what I can tell, 99% of metal and over 50% of punk is like 4chan: has some Black or Jewish friends, but sees diversity and socialism as fundamentally incompatible with functional civilization, and wants techno-medievalism instead of modernism or AIDS-dripping postmodernity.

            1. Frozenfarts says:

              Isn’t techno-medievalism what you get in Iran?

              1. There’s nothing medieval about their situation; they want a theocracy in the middle eastern style. What made the medieval period in Europe great was somewhat of an abatement of the forces otherwise roiling it. This allowed an agrarian manorial feudalist society to keep things very stable after great upheaval, although they made a couple vital mistakes: (1) not conquering the world in order to stave off Mongol invasions and (2) not enough eugenic removal of untermenschen.

                1. Your history prof says:

                  Medieval Europe conquering the world? That’s a laugh.

                  1. …and yet, just a century later…

                    1. Your history prof says:

                      A century into the modern era the West’s war making capacity finally surpassed that of Asia after having been consistently inferior during the entirety of the Middle Ages. And it would take another few centuries before we were anywhere near conquering the world.

                    2. Obviously not true, since the West turned back Asia multiple times.

                    3. Your history prof says:

                      Avoiding being conquered by the skin of our teeth doesn’t really scream rulers of the world. The Turks may not have taken Vienna, but Turkish armies remained more powerful throughout the 16th century and arguably into the 17th.

                    4. On paper, in theory, according to Leftist academics. Zzzz

                    5. Your history prof says:

                      Not at all in theory because this is what actually happened, while you’re dreaming up badly supported what-ifs.

                    6. zero says:

                      seems like neither was powerful enough to conquer the other. maybe this time we can just annihilate everyone.

                      but then again, how do we know we are not already dead? there is no way to know.

                    7. I do not think it matters if we are in a simulacrum, dead, or the dreams of a sleeping deity. The world is consistent and full of great things, so it is worth not just preserving but nurturing. That is the big point, and we have to keep that in focus, because most people would rather argue about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

        5. Ove Grov says:

          So silly.. Early Burzum is amazing music and some people/ethnic groups obviously deserves a lot more hate than others. Politics are generally boring in older music (80’s-00’s) but in today’s day and age it’s not always wrong. Taake’s Orkan is a good example – To hell with Muhammed and the mohammedans, unforgivable customs.

          1. Diversity is democracy’s biggest boo-boo so far, necessitated (in their view) to pay for the entitlements already owed to the Boomers (drown in gas station toilets, the filthier the better).

        6. We must hate everyone. That is fair. We are intolerant of intolerance by being intolerant of everything and making ourselves useless like fat Fox news watchers.

      2. Dream Long Dead says:

        Yeah, that’s it! But why is that? Is it just the way we’ve always been? Like, one starts with a binary and then, hopefully, it leads to further discussion? Maybe I’m complaining about something pretty basic, like I have to be prepared to take that discussion, I dunno.

        1. a soul that will never rest says:

          you only have to be prepared to take enough psychedelics to forget language altogether at least once, that plus staying in shape and listening to the best of extreme metal will reveal much.

          1. Dream Long Dead says:

            Not the kind of answer I’m looking for, but thanks for your concern.

            1. leaving tbe arena of anthropology says:

              well in that case, yes, thats the way its always been, and the vast majority of discussion will always already have been rendered redundant centuries earlier. here may be your chance to discard the human race. but if you choose to understand why, you have to start at the beginning, and study the intellectual development of western civilization, by reading THE REPUBLIC first. you have been warned.

              1. The Republic is necessary reading for any education.

                1. stoner says:

                  yes, and the alternative is to be some sort of zoo-born enfant sauvage with varying achievements in good taste, and i dont mean that disparagingly.

                  it is worth noting in this conversation that understanding presocratic thought is essential to understanding not only the scope of the achievement that is the republic, but the beauty of it as well. at least worth finding a few good lectures on the subject to gain a minimal appreciation of the intellectual climate in Plato’s time.

                  1. Good point, or at least this: one has to understand the eternal aspects of human civilization and history.

      3. Exposer says:

        “” is a misleading title, it should either be or Part of it is promoting some bands and the other part is Brett inserting his inevitably moralistic/humanistic wingnut views (which he covers up oddly contradictory sounding term of “Transcendental Nihilism” or such) whenever possible into a genre that is largely anti-moral, anti-political and basically anti-everything, but just so happened to have a few far-righters here and there that he can capitalize on (Burzum must be the best band ever or else the house of cards collapses).

        It’s more about his politics, rather than the music I figured, so I smell a damn poser here.

        1. You mean, it’s not about your politics so you’re having a tantrum.

        2. Michael says:


        3. Dddeeeeiioopppp says:

          A lot of metalheads are too pussy to even give NSBM a chance. I’ve heard this many times, “it’s just like Christian rock where the message is more important”, when in reality for most Hitler is the new Satan and represents a mocking rejection all that is sacred in the modern world and it acts as a great barrier to keep a leg of black metal truly cut off from the mainstream. Wolfnacht, Order of The Deaths Head, Seignuer Voland, Svolder, this is good stuff, and it won’t be reviewed positively here (and I can’t crack Brett’s code for what is good especially comparing the good old to what he says is the good new). And also fuck you I hope you get AIDs.

          1. No point not looking into these, but in my view the big problem of NSBM was that much of it has too much Oi/RAC influence. That is hard to mix into metal anyway, but the genre also tends toward formless droning and ranting like most political music because it sells itself with politics and not quantity. For examples, look at Leftist punk… it’s all boring, unless the Leftism is an afterthought, a type of marketing used to con unwary teenagers into thinking they have found something deep and new when in fact they are getting an old failed idea. The “Christian rock/metal” comparison is also apt, but even more on point is the rock music they feature in churches, which seems designed to be insipid but have guitar solos of a fireworksy nature.

            As far as Hitler being the new Satan, politically yes he joins the CSA there, but the real Satan is just biological realism itself, and Hitler only partially bought into that (remember he wanted to replace social class and was detested by the aristocracy).

            1. Cynical says:

              You can for certain skip looking into Svolder — that band makes listening to Grand Belial’s Key sound like a good idea in comparison. Basic hardcore punk songs played in “exotic” middle-eastern scales, but padded out with artistically unrelated bridges to extend the song lengths, because apparently the idiot behind the band thought that fake-prog gestures would make basic punk more appealing.

          2. An Australian Painter says:

            A better recommendation from that sphere is Totale Vernichtung, somewhat similar to the music of Infamous, but original enough to be a distinct artistic expression. It’s good stuff.

            1. We always get better, but we never get well.

      4. Pusberry says:

        It’s two choices, go along with the herd or be left out. Bitches you be irrelevant now.

    3. Flying Kites says:

      Couple pointers that might help getting on with the rest of life:
      a) Human nature belongs to nobody and everybody at once, meaning that an individual is to pursue a path in life that intersects, parallels, but rarely belongs to another except where we meet at dying and the whole family rearing thing.

      b) Humanity is quite possibly an error. We need to go beyond limits and conditions, not set them up to control others.

      1. a) It is important to pay attention to reality, but we each have niches.
        b) If you do not control the bad, it rules you.

    4. Torgo says:

      None of the modern “stuff” is working out so good. Technology makes microplastics. Immigration macht genocide. Welfate state make blue hair reddit losers. Democracy makes us stupid and weak. Dont’ get my ass started on cell fones.

    5. M.C. Ultra says:

      Ruling Leftist Party: diversity is our strength!

      Diversity: (wrecks absolutely everything)

      Also Ruling Leftist Party: why are the kids voting far-right OMGF

  2. I cant find my penis pills says:

    old man brett conveniently remembers how much he hates boomers just as the darkness begins to creep in

  3. Exposing insane retards who claim to be realists says:

    “” is a misleading title, it should either be or Part of it is promoting some bands, which is fine, and the other deceptive part is Brett inserting his humanistic wingnut views (which he covers up as “Transcendental Nihilism”) whenever possible into a genre that is largely anti-humanistic and anti-political and basically anti-anything, but just so happened to have a few nazi’s here and there. So for decades he’s capitalizing on that shitty minority, and now everything has to be exactly the way he preaches — Metal must be of the far right even if the bands feel otherwise and Burzum has to be the best band ever in his darwinistic paradigm of the ubermensch from Scandinavia, or else the house of cards falls apart.

    It’s not about the music, as much as it is about his obsessive political and philosophical views that are disconnected from the real world. I smell a fucking poser here.

  4. Exposing the insane says:

    “” is a misleading title, it should either be or Part of it is promoting some bands, which is fine, and the other deceptive part is Brett inserting his humanistic wingnut views (which he covers up as “Transcendental Nihilism”) whenever possible into a genre that is largely anti-humanistic and anti-political and basically anti-anything, but just so happened to have a few nazi’s here and there. So for decades he’s capitalizing on that shitty minority, and now everything has to be exactly the way he preaches — Metal must be of the far right even if the bands feel otherwise and Burzum has to be the best band ever in his darwinistic paradigm of the ubermensch from Scandinavia, or else the house of cards falls apart.

    It’s not about the music, as much as it is about his obsessive political and philosophical views that are disconnected from the real world. I smell a fucking poser here.

    1. Vlad Impala III of Gothenburg says:

      Haha I’m sure you posted three times on purpose, a well-known power bottom mating call. I never read that about superior scandinavians, but it’s true for sure, I would know. I’m well pleased that they managed to take the Deathmetal. web adress, since that’s probably my favourite genre and it’s the only metal webzine/blog/whatever where both content and discussions are smart and interesting in a unhinged yet coherent and slayer-ish kinda way. Free and smart everyone becomes a little hateful now and then. Sieg Geil

    2. masturbators hammer says:

      amerika is DMU2.0 and you dont have to agree or even care: this is philosophy.

      transcendental nihilism is more precise than wingnut humanitarianism, and also nore precise than, say, esoteric platonism.

      bretts arguments are logical. does logic matter? i do have my doubts. welcome to being a skeptic.

      1. Irrationalism has its place too. Gut instinct is important, but not equal, and it needs training with mental discipline and life experience before it is coherent.

  5. Cry me a river says:

    Here’s the definition of eugenics according to nature, not according to Brett’s contradictory, overcomplicated pseudo-religious views:

    Guy comes up behind you, clubs you in the head, steals your car, rapes your wife, burns down your house. You die, He wins, regardless if his IQ is 120+ or not, or if he’s of white-western origin or not.

    The gradual extermination of western culture is because it is weak, and deserves to die.

    1. The gradual extermination of western culture is because it…deserves to die.

      Mask off!

    2. Baggins says:

      The true definition of eugenics is the aristocratic manor culture of post-glorious revolution Britain; a swelling of quality breeding, pursued and directed by men of great taste, that eventually reached critical mass and gave us the industrial revolution as a by-product.

      1. The problem is that they produced good but did not remove enough of the bad.


    Dear Brett:

    Would you say bands Ripcord and Septic Death play thrash o hardcore punk? What is the difference between thrash and metalized hardcore punk ?

    Thank you


    Serious Questioner

    1. From what I remember, Septic Death was closer to hardcore punk. Metal is more riff-focused and has more flexibility in song structure. It also expresses a different outlook, less “why me” or “i’m so cool” and more “reality is cool.”

  7. Rally For Democratic Socialist Black Metal says:

    What’s Hypocritical in ” death to only some “? It’s Honest, But For Two Objections: 1. Minorities hear their name in it, and they’re Scared Shitless of Round II. 2. Scapegoat Slaughter is Individual Insecurity / Short Sightedness. Not Enough. Death To Most Is The Game Changer. Not like it ever hid itself.

    1. To be a minority group is to fear the majority turning on you at any time. It is one of the ∞ reasons that diversity fails. Herzl was the clearest voice on this topic.

  8. To All Idiots Bitchin' About " Metal-Not-Real " says:

    Might is real, Beauty is real, Brains is real, Skills is real, Talent is real. Do they show themselves in Metal? YES! ( when they do ). PLUS, Imagination, Fantasy, Fiction, Dreams, Plans, Projection, Are All Based on Reality, cannot be had any other way than this. You Know It. So, What Are you Really Compaining About? Be Honest With Yourselves for a start if you want to get things going for you ( which i esteem you don’t ), and avoid bothering with others / trying to get everyone equally down so you feel better for your condition / wasting time if it is so.

    1. And the kicker: Right is not objective.

      In fact, nothing is objective.

      We are all imperfect lenses, but some lenses are more focused than others.

      1. Gnarly says:

        These lenses seem so imperfect and specialized it makes you wonder just how much of the whole of reality even the best of us are capable of understanding.

        1. This is why (1) “free will” is bunk and (2) hierarchy is essential. Get the best precision you can.

  9. To All Idiots Bitchin' " Metal Not Real " II says:

    Think Cinema, Literature, Painting, so on. Realism as a Genre in any Art is indeed mostly about mundane everyday things. Work, family, Routine, Antagonisms.
    Think then: 1. Do you like it?, Would you rewatch a couple through divorce, someguy teaching, employees chating? Hell no, unless you are female ( not all ) or gay, or dead inside. Hell no unless your soul is as chickenbrained, sick, toxic, full of poison to both swallow and spit on anyone you can. And I’ll hail a hero whoever can go through ” a farmer trying to save his property, project housing / unemployment town folk hanging out interracially, wow academy nomination man!, oldman picking olives, Cannes man! ” without fallin’ asleep or lookin’ away / masturbatin’ on smartphone ( Defence / Reaction when Assaulted ), or facing depression on spot, ” not feeling well, go outside to get some air, must get my pressure pills / a drink right outta here! ” ( Souls Do Die, If You Have One ). Reek Of Death And Bad Genes, Don’t It? Or is it ” conditions turn us this way, we’ll shift if Conditions Change man! “. Elections, Reform, Revolution, keep running from yourself, or, hell, neutralize / eradicate the Best!

    1. Death/black is closer to magical realism. Very much about real-world topics, and the fantasy is there as metaphor.

  10. To All Idiots Bitchin' " Metal Not Real " III says:

    Enter Idealism, in Realism. Dramatization maybe, Horror, Sci Fi, Fiction, Depiction of indeed Rare Grandiose / Landmark / Peak Events / Individuals. You are more drawn to it right? If it must be ” What Most People Want ( the real average person man! ), then here you go! The above SELLS as Much, in music, movies, series ( I hate ’em but.. ), written word, depicted in paint or photo , play, video game, architecture, sports even. Ping pong is ok, racing-basketball etc. sells better because it’s About Power! Judo, I love it, Most Will Choose good ol’ boxin’, tae kwon do, mma, it’s more Exciting! That stuff, yes, Sell, us much us ” let’s get all together! ” soulcrushing surrender to the herd, girls fight over groom, GOSSIP, Trigger, Human Relationships ( fem. again.. ), Homos / Predators bullying women / femkids to submission. If it don’t sell more it’s either heavy manipulation or disgenics / equality allowed / pushed. You Are Naturally Drawn To Health & naturally designed to obey Power. If your soul is in the right place build on it. If it is surrogate, fantasizing, wishing, actionless support, well at least the basis is correct, why oppose it? If it’s anti-superiority struggle,you’ll submit in pain. Like, yes, 1933. The most active-virile voted for it, the lazy-giveruper were convinced / won over / willingly submitted like can’t-help-herself lioness-in-heat opens up to alpha male, right after / at a later time / propagating / terror / they were right after all, whatever. Also keep in mind, Materially Escapist can be Emotionally Realist, emotion and logic aren’t necessarily antithetical, they’re tools on objectives after all. Re-enter HORROR ( again Metal’s parent, of many ). Just ” my ass ” leads to Mice. They fit, yes, they survive best & more then any mammal ( of which they were the first, lizards with hair ). Strive for triumphs leads to Men ( yea, descendants of rodent, the ones that will carry all to the Stars though ).

    1. You Are Naturally Drawn To Health & naturally designed to obey Power.

      For genetically healthy people, this is true; at the very least, humanity needs to stop fearing power. We are still rebelling against the kings like angsty teenagers.

  11. Grey Aza-thoth says:

    Hating/loving everyone equally is for retarded bands like Cattle Decapitation or the majority of those toilet-core bands that play in that childish Czech festival, obscene extreme. Nein Danke.

    1. It’s more of the egalitarian fallacy. The MRAs say that all women are idiots; I say there are differences between women, but complementary roles are essential. The TERFs say all men are useless; I say there are differences between men, but casual sex ruins male-female relations. The WNs say that all Negroes are terrible people; I say there are differences between Negroes, but that diversity is suicide with any Other races or ethnic groups. The Leftists tell me all rich people, White people, and kings are awful; I say there are a lot of individual differences, but Leftists are people with high mutation load who need to shipped off to the third world. So it goes.

      1. Monstrosity says:

        Leftists are people with high mutation load

        Except for all the Leftists in largely homogenous, largely Leftist countries.

        1. Mutation load can occur within homogeneous countries. People who should have been eaten by bears generations ago bred profligately instead.

  12. Negative Citizen says:

    If metal is all about breakin’ the fuckin’ rules, there is no bigger rule to break than the Judeo-Islamic commandment that we are all equal in the eyes of God. He thinks most of you are retarded narcissistic personality disorder weaklings.

    1. Hessian Murderer of Black Death says:

      Metal is not all about breaking rules

      1. I tend to agree. Metal is about finding beauty in power and melancholy instead of trying to find beauty in the neutered, oversocialized, and domesticated human world.

  13. Cuba is as communist as a Dixie plantation says:

    1. You are only equal in His Eyes after death. Inequality while alive is both assisted to continue & forced if shaky in every religion. 2. Nationally / ethnically homogenous Is Not Quality or, often, Race homogenous. That out of the way: 3. France is the only reliably leftist & transparent enough country there is. Sweden is so-so, Russia or China are respectively largely unknown & impenetrable. So: 4. France has two or three distinct population groups ( recent immis excluded ). The brunette / big nose ones tend leftier visibly. As for Swedes, there’s weakling, and Survivable Down Syndrome or other ” Greta Plus Spectre ” conditions slowly amassing likely due to their Redistributive Economy + Dom. Cult.

    1. Ethnic homogeneity is a necessary but not sufficient condition. It greatly improves quality, unless you sabotage it.

      Same is true of IQ. Take a smart kid and nerve gas him a little bit each day and you have a dumb kid.

      Egalitarianism is always wrong.

      Greta may be the result of generations of alcoholism as well. These round-faced peasanty people are what happens whenever society gets too settled.

  14. Warkvlt is High IQ Music says:

    The “I hate everyone EQUALLY” crowd sound like the worst possible mix between christianity and neckbeard atheism. They all have boners for the exact same bands (Gorgoroth, Watain, Kreator, etc, basically the only not-cancelled extreme metal) yet accuse everyone with taste if somehow “shilling” for Burzum, Mayhem and Bathory because they haven’t realized – or pretend not to realize – that people would rather listen to Hvis Lyset Tar Oss over Satananus Diabolicanus Diplodocum Ex Machisma Leviathan or whatever the last Dark Funeral AI-generated drone shit they released.

    And the new postcovid emometal bands make Sewer and Amon Amarth sound creative. Taylor Swift with distortion fml.

    1. It is essentially secular Christianity plus bourgeois logic: be equal to everyone, therefore they cannot attack you, and then you can keep piling up cash.

  15. Ludi says:

    Metal & Society

    “The origins of music lie far back in the past. Music arises from Measure and is rooted in the great Oneness. The great Oneness begets the two poles; the two poles beget the power of Darkness and of Light.

    “When the world is at peace, when all things are tranquil and all men obey their superiors in all their courses, then music can be perfected. When desires and passions do not turn into wrongful paths, music can be perfected. Perfect music has its cause. It arises from equilibrium. Equilibrium arises from righteousness, and righteousness arises from the meaning of the cosmos. Therefore one can speak about music only with a man who has perceived the meaning of the cosmos.

    “Music is founded on the harmony between heaven and earth, on the concord of obscurity and brightness.

    “Decaying states and men ripe for doom do not, of course, lack music either, but their music is not serene. Therefore, the more tempestuous the music, the more doleful are the people, the more imperiled the country, the more the sovereign declines. In this way the essence of music is lost.”

    “What all sacred sovereigns have loved in music was its serenity. The tyrants Giae and Jou Sin made tempestuous music. They thought loud sounds beautiful and massed effects interesting. They strove for new and rare tonal effects, for notes which no ear had ever heard hitherto. They sought to surpass each other, and overstepped all bounds.

    Herman Hesse,The Glass Bead Game

    1. Deadphones says:

      We sought to surpass all bounds, to forget they were ever there, to extract every last tremor of feeling to be found at the intersection of philosophy and individuation. But now, here comes vaporwave, heralding a golden age.

    2. Perfect music? Music exists to express sanity about what we find in life. It transports us from fear to acceptance and maybe transcendence. But perfection exists only in the holy Book of Lies.

      1. Lusi says:

        „ Music exists to express sanity about what we find in life“ The modern/postmodern approach to art: paint and record the sounds when you wipe your ass and call that art & music. There is a reaso. Why baroque art is appreciated, it is beacsue it strives for eternity, something higher than what you find in life.

        1. wiped ass says:

          i cant tell if youre accusing metal of being asswiping sounds or not

          1. Are we talking about deathcore? Heavy cheeseburger defecation sounds.

          2. Ludi says:

            Did I say that metal specifically was the sound of asswiping? I was talking about the contemporary approach to art which takes zero talent and could be reproduced and surpassed by any kindergarten child. The most mundane is elevated as art. To paint a baroque painting or compose a fuga à la Bach takes years of training and true talent. Taking a crucifix and submerge it in piss takes zero talent. Children are fascinated with pee and poo. Not art.

            When it comed to metal it would make sense to say that Death metal has been reduced to a footnote to Morbid Angel‘s Altar of Madness, Black Metal a footnote to Bathory and Heavy Metal a footnote to Iron Maiden. You could even say that since 1991 metal is one big karaoke fest. It is just as dead and formalized as blues or jazz. All you need to do is to play in the boxes to be metal.

            The original point was that loud music is a sign of a decaying society, extreme metal and noise core being the uttermost sign of that.

            1. Thrashymicus says:

              well i wasnt sure you were, since this is DMU, but the implication was possible in your statement, and thats why i asked you to clarify. no need to insult my intelligence, if youre going to attempt serious conversation.

              i agree with you that metal is now formalized and overwhelmingly uninspired. but that doesnt mean rolling around in your own shit and piss cant be done artfully. most people just dont have much to say, and dont FEEL the weight of that, because theyre too busy convincing themselves that there must be SOMETHING to say, so their art sucks.

              1. metal is now formalized and overwhelmingly uninspired

                Jazz after 1967, rock after 1989, punk after 1985, metal after 1994.

        2. Hessian Murderer of Black Death says:

          Glimpses of the eternal can be caught in life, and eternity is indeed within us

          1. …and to add to this, we can connect to the eternity and timelessness all around us; this is the transcendental and it is the gateway to the divine, just like nihilism is a gateway to realism which opens the door to the transcendental.

        3. Why baroque art is appreciated, it is beacsue it strives for eternity, something higher than what you find in life.

          I might sound a caution here… to posit that life is illogical and the opposite of eternity brings us back to metaphysical dualism. Life is logical; nature is supremely logical. This is why Mozart makes pot plants grow.

      2. Music exists to express sanity about what we find in life.

        Sort of. It’s about the bond between self and eternity, in my view, but also about making life as it is understandable, so that we desire to improve it from within. For us to have transcendence, we must first accept this “imperfect” world as “perfect” by understanding why it must be this way.

    3. Paul Ledney railed against “purity.” I take his point, but I rail against “perfection.” Actual perfection includes imperfection because otherwise would be informational stasis.

      1. Morpheus says:

        Informational stasis, The Architect, The Oracle, The One

  16. - Whip Lash Neck Grabber - says:

    1. People speak-sing-carve ( do art ) to assert themselves only, it cannot be had any other way. It’s all Survive & Procreate, from amoebae to man. Plus all False Signal, like joy in eat/fuck/humiliate etc, not The Cause itself but the Nervous System’s way to lead/avert & reward/punish. 2. Indeed, as above, I see -folk joined in common cause-, Bark in different Pitch & Seek different Sounds. The OKs want the peaceful to not rock the Boat in serving their Interest, the Not OKs want the violent to Upset things such that they might end on Top of it.

    1. To add to this, the point of self-interest is that it overlaps on things like civilization. People who do not understand this are gassable parasites. Most of them are endogenous, spawned of easy jobs and easy credit.

      1. Jewish " Soviet Dissident " says:

        On Self-Interest the only question to ask is: Who’s Interest? It’s inseparable from anything alive, so one will have to Judge, Case-by-Case, for himself.

        1. The best self-interest is that of the intangibles. It causes us to rise above being what we are now into being what we are or were destined to be.

  17. - Hogtie Slap Reward - says:

    3. Compare typical Right W. men. The Sedentary desk-cum-property show in suit-and-tie ” I’m good, you be too please! “. The Seat-less appear in animal leather,their skin, or sth akin to a poisonous reptile ( prove-your-worth youth, fascists, or ” players ” ), ” me not good, you suffer too “, if only to leave a seat vacant.. 4. Amongst metalheads-right-of-the-Bell-Curve, the bigger in size, testos, loud-type ones tend to, awkwardly, trad, doom, melo & always-on-tour-bands. The quieter tend to the bloodthirsty- darkdripping-backpages projects, as if to reach what they deem they miss.

    1. Right-wingers got destroyed by classical liberalism. “All I need is enough money to escape the rest so Social Darwinism works” translates into job-worship along with christ-worship and flag-worship, at which point the brain of the Right-winger is pus behind the eyes. The far-Right snaps out of this frame of mind but adopts a Communist-style assembly line view of life which is miserable. All Leftists of course are insane, retarded, and criminal. There is something biologically wrong with them, which is one of the many reasons we throw them out of helicopters.

      1. Gas Vienna School says:

        Classical Liberalism is Compromise of Incompatibles. I wouldn’t trap myself in it like schoolgirl psyche Maggie. Fascism-Plus is often the same. You can’t be Sane and promise subsidies to raise birth-rates-for-all-Native. Far Right must choke low, even AVG IQs, & disturbed souls first. There’s a few that understand the cause, and their own limitations, and act accordingly ( i may have one or two akward germans in mind ).

        1. Neither vein of the Right will work. We need a simple principle that radiates from the top: hierarchy itself. Reward good, punish bad, ignore everyone else.

  18. - Sadist Dom Ennobled Subject - says:

    All in all though, Individual Triumphs is only half the work to be done. You need a Functional Collective with Aims-to-Achieve for personal victories to matter at all, otherwise it’s in vain like jerking on quicksand. That’s where Transcendence, Nationalism, roots to peaks Dynasties come in. And it’s not so much, in my sights, on perfection-harmony-balance-epochs. It’s to follow-train-learn, then step into your Father and best Him. then step down for your Son and be Bested by Him.

    1. Transcendence, Nationalism, Hierarchy… these are the goals and principles that harmonize decentralized systems. Then we need monarchism, capitalism, and some kind of rigorous eugenics to clear out the Undermen.

  19. Or.. says:

    ..It’s bit messy..

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