Why don’t metalheads have power?

Bruno of Katornas writes:

Saturday – 3:10AM @ 32Degrees(C) – link below is an epitome of a successful person raking millions of money! she’s 36, and with all the millions she’s earning – she could manipulate mankind in a snap! I’m in my early 30s now and I’m back to level 1 here in first world! I could have been living here last 2002 but to my regret, I did chose the wrong path and that is by : SELLING CDs and WASTED MY LIFE packing orders for about 11 years!

playing satanic music to fight christianity??? hail satan??? those were brainless!! how about desecrating cemeteries to “scare” christians?? are they scared?? let’s face it : the only way for you to defeat christianity is to make christians stop believing on it! and the only way to do that is to have lots and lots of money!! I mean BIG MONEY!!! you’re in control of everything! do you really think your evil corpsepainted heroes are earning big “playing” their shit touring and gigging in wacken?? think AGAIN!!

Qourthon re-defined Black Metal, invented Viking Metal, made a million of followers all over the world and so what??? he died a lonely man! worst thing is someone even compared him to Whitney Houston explaining the difference between the two!! that’s literally FUCK UP!!

who else? schuldiner?? dio?? those people’s legacy were remembered but anything else?? however, try to look this up: Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, etc – those people defines POWER!!

if you’re happy with your life getting drunk, getting wild in your room while listening LOUD to Bathory’s “Massacre” (not that I’m complaining… don’t get me wrong I’ve done my fair share here), then be stagnated in where you are at! happy with your mere salary while making someone else rich??? then be stagnated in where you are at! I can’t imagine bands like the “big four” still exist. I’ve met ellefson and mustaine last february and all I can say is that they’re happy where they’re at. btw, sorry no pics uploaded; not a metal fan boy here…

reaching 50 years of age playing the same shit over and over again for the next 20-30 years!! those guys got money but where are they spending it?? buying guitars?? buying cars?? anyone of you here knows Manny Pacquiao??? that son of a b*tch got lots of money but you know what… he’s busy buying houses, a Porsche, and a wife that is busy planning for her next liposuction! unbelievable! that’s just TOO HUMAN!! If I’m having money like that I will build my own private army and get ready for what it should be! maybe investing it building a bombshelter buried 3000 feet under the ground, who knows…

so how much more for a struggling evil black metal band who seeks attention by worshiping satan and making literally USELESS NOISE any retard is capable of doing??? well you can cry for satan but that’s just won’t work! you can cry for money but it won’t come to you like the fantasy world gives you…

money defines power! POWER GIVEN BY DRAGON – MOUTH OF A LION – BEAST FROM THE SEEEEEEEEEE??? haha, yeah… I’ve WASTED MY LIFE doing that garbage but I’m still in my early 30s and it’s never too late to rake more money and do the plan and put it into action! in my country alone; money can deny justice, money can make you kill a dozen of people and simply get away with it! so… SHOULD I EXPLAIN MYSELF MORE?

last winter I’ve met a guy and he plays drums and trust me, he’s the USELESS PERSON I’ve ever met! talking about “metal collection” all day?? beer?? eating chips?? jamming?? he doesn’t even have a job to support himself but an allowance from the government!! WHAT KIND OF A STUPID LIFE IS THAT!!! no offense to all of the people around here but it’s a different path now, so…

it doesn’t matter who you are and what religion are you into as long as you bring misery to mankind YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT!! a few months ago, another flyer was posted here and it was like a METALHEAD and a CHRISTIAN PRIEST. the funny thing is that, all the support goes to the LONGHAIRED GUY and no one likes the priest because he’s sinking his dick into kids! and I remember a line like this: “who is the real monster now????” LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF, hahaaaa!!

I thought “metalheads” wanted to be evil all the time??? people don’t like varg because he’s a murderer and he’s burning churches, boooohoooo! some even called him gay because the guy’s good looking, played casios, and not the typical MONGOLOID LOOKING METALHEAD posing with POINTY GUITARS and a boatload of SPIKES! varg killed someone by stabbing his head, burned down SEVERAL (not just one) churches in norway and someone in the internet calling him “gay”, that’s hilarious…

killing yourself is not the solution but someone else…
think again and do something relevant/irrelevant…
change is essential, take the risk, playing safe is stagnation…

He makes a good point.

People who are into metal are not big supporters of modern society.

We can either drop-out, and wage a fantasy war in our own apartments, or get powerful and be effective.

The more emotional someone is, the more likely they are to do the former and not the latter.

But only the latter gets results.

Bruno’s best paragraph:

playing satanic music to fight christianity??? hail satan??? those were brainless!! how about desecrating cemeteries to “scare” christians?? are they scared?? let’s face it : the only way for you to defeat christianity is to make christians stop believing on it! and the only way to do that is to have lots and lots of money!! I mean BIG MONEY!!! you’re in control of everything!

In contrast to what the underground has become, now that its music is popular — drop-out and fantasy LARP (about metal) central:

last winter I’ve met a guy and he plays drums and trust me, he’s the USELESS PERSON I’ve ever met! talking about “metal collection” all day?? beer?? eating chips?? jamming?? he doesn’t even have a job to support himself but an allowance from the government!! WHAT KIND OF A STUPID LIFE IS THAT!!!

Metalheads, stoners, and other drop-outs do not make change. They complain. Sometimes beautifully, but those days seem gone now. What’s left is the failed, and it justifies its failure with more alienation.

7 thoughts on “Why don’t metalheads have power?”

  1. Belisario says:

    So that means the way for a metalhead to be “effective” is to become a money-owned whore like… pretty much everyone else? It sounds too easy. It actually sounds like the easy blab from any mid-30 burnout metalhead.

    Metal is not about killing other people or burning churches. At least not necessarily. We like Varg mainly because of his albums, not because of his deeds. Otherwise we would right now be worshipping Breivik and saying Varg is “gay” since he just managed to kill one sole tiny guy and burn a few timber cottages nobody cared about.

  2. Dope says:

    Nice collection of Zines At least it is very large

  3. Cargést says:

    This argument has been made by the owners and writers of this and affiliated sites many times, and yet the best Hessians I know pay absolutely no heed.

    The message of Death Metal is this: civilisations are doomed. Specifically, the ease of life to which the denizens of the West (and the World) have become accustomed will suck away every drop of will and power from the gawping throng, until, baseless and floundering, the entirety will collapse. This ‘way of life’ will die, and no-one will lament its passing.

    The message of Black Metal is this: beyond that death, comes a dark, unforgiving rebirth. Value will return to humanity, because life will become difficult. Men of ‘virtue’ will remain when all others fail, and from them will grow new civilisations, doomed to rise and fall as every single other. To deny the cycle of life and death is to deny the truth which all of us have come to know: Only Death is Real.

    This man that is quoted above has written it himself: “change is essential, take the risk, playing safe is stagnation”. I will repeat the principle point: “change is essential”. Change is the very essence of this corporeal existence, the quality which sets our physical world apart from the Forms, Ideals, Gods, Brahman, etc. Why conquer a stagnating dung heap when you could carve out your own kingdom in the forbidding wilderness?

    Drop out. Fuck off. Become all that you were born to be. Leave the cess to be dessicated in their glass and steel tombs. The world will come crashing down, with or without our help; it is necessary for us to be ready to act as “fertile soil” for what will come. The West is dead, though the spirit remains.

  4. Is it because they are:

    A) aspics


    B) Aspics


    1. What’s with the ongoing Asperger’s meme?

  5. AVFN says:

    I couldn’t disagree more with this article. It completely misses the point of metal as an alternative culture and the nature of our fight. We are fighting a cultural war against two thousand years of the Christian weltanschauung, and this war cannot be won by money or extremist action alone. True, those two things are potentially valuable resources in our fight, but ultimately we need to change the world-view of our civilisation, and this cannot be done by force, but only by recruitment and coercion.

    Every extreme metal album and garment is a piece of propaganda, and every extreme metal band, whether they are aware of it or not, is a carrier of the extreme metal world-view (to a greater or lesser extent). For every person who turns on to extreme metal, we get a step closer to the cultural acceptance of what extreme metal represents. And in the end, that is what we need: a strong base of cultural support that will one day allow for a revolution or renaissance in western culture based on our values.

    I of course agree that we need more extreme metallers in positions of power, but this does not mean that we need rich or wealthy extreme metallers. Money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Instead, what we need is true extreme metallers in positions of cultural significance, for e.g. as editors of magazines, journals, papers, as lecturers in universities, as teachers in high schools, as members of arts and cultural councils, as authors, actors and directors of the stage and screen. These are the positions which will give us real power: id est, the power to win hearts and minds to our cause.

    Its a shame this person chose to look to ‘Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong’ as icons of power, because these peoples’ power was fleeting and has earned them infamy. It is not through men like this that the liberal left has won its position of cultural dominance. Nor, I might add, is it through men like that that Christianity won over Europe. Of course, there are many examples of successful forced conversion at the hands of men such as Constantine the Great, Charlemagne or Olav den Hellige, but before these men could enact such campaigns Christianity won a strong base of cultural support.

    In short in comes down to a distinction between power and authority. Money may be power, but culture is authority, and power without authority is not only ineffective and fleeting, but ignoble and base. I get the feeling that this Bruno is either a somewhat fatigued person who has not the stamina to devote his whole life to extreme metal and its philosophy, or, a person of average intelligence who does not understand the nature of power, authority and history and has hence been easily fooled by the judeo-christian cultural propaganda which equates money with success and worth.

  6. sonofevil says:

    Sure he’s making a point, but he’s also a whiny, inarticulate bitch about it. I disagree with the other comment, culture wars are destined to fail. Metal should just accept that it cannot change the world. The usual ways of power are the only ways to do that, but if you play the game and become a capitalist to do evil, you are doing the exact same thing thousands of other capitalists are doing. And really, fuck those bastards. What the hell is metal about that?

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