Thread of the stupid

Metal has always had a dual nature. Part of it wants to be epic soundtracks that transport us away; part of it wants to be rockin’ party tunes.

Metal is both Ennio Morricone and Spinal Tap. At the same time.

While much of the rock-n-roll influence can be blamed on moron magnets like Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin, or even the doofus metal writers who insist that metal began with The Who and Cream, a lot of the blame needs to fall on Black Sabbath as well, although they almost escaped. When their songs fail, it’s usually because they gave up on creating some kind of mood and went for more warmed-over rock music vapidity.

You can see this thread of rock-n-roll — jaunty, bouncy, offbeat, ironic, pentatonic, simplistic — running all the way through metal. It’s like a congenital trait marring a family line. Among other things, it’s easy to tell because rock-n-roll is exclusively on the surface. It tells you what it’s thinking and what you should think; it may be cryptic, but there’s never another level of interpretation. It’s made for mass consumption.

Metal at its best is more something you absorb, then intuit meaning from. It tends to be chaotic, using chromatic scales as its base for ultimately melodic and rhythmic freedom, but then trades away that freedom when it makes the ongoing narrative of song structure trump all else. It is both anarchistic and the anti-anarchistic in that it insists on reality. It’s not about personal drama, love affairs and how you feel after some trivial event. It’s about the breadth of existence, the big picture, and how interesting life is if we just quit that personal drama.

But the thread of dumb bouncy music remains. What do these have in common?

  • Pantera – Far Beyond Driven
  • At the Gates – Slaughter of the Soul
  • Lamb of God – Ashes of the Wake
  • Meshuggah – Chaosphere
  • Arch Enemy – Wages of Sin
  • Opeth – My Arms, Your Hearse
  • Alestorm – Back Through Time
  • Gojira – From Marths to Therius
  • Mastodon – Leviathan
  • The Haunted – Revolver
  • Baroness – The Blue Album

All of the above are basially rock albums using metal technique. These don’t expand your mind; they put it into the rock mode of personal drama, bouncy drums, familiar and yet not really exciting pentatonic noodling. Since the music is unexceptional, the aesthetic must be powerful: they trick out their music by playing it at different speeds, adding weird instrumentation, adding weird imagery, and the like. But it’s not really musically different. Baroness is closer to Hootie and the Blowfish and the Dave Matthews band than metal; Gojira is closer to Fugazi and Mudhoney than metal; The Haunted and Pantera are closer to Biohazard and Sick of It All than metal.

Do we ever get bored of this? The audience for it obviously does not, but they pass by so quickly.

The lifetimer metal fan is a better bet if you’re a band. Make seven quality albums and metalheads will buy them for the rest of your life.

It’s better than taking a one-time lump sum by recording your five sold-out metal-flavored rock albums, and being forgotten by your witless fans within two years.

0 thoughts on “Thread of the stupid”

  1. brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death says:

    I vandalized my local church by spraying the lyrics to Kingdom Gone all over the entrance. It was pretty cool, fucking christian scum.

  2. give it a rest, housepies says:

    “All of the above are basially rock albums using metal technique.”

    Sorry, this is supposed to be a bad thing, how exactly?

    *Pantera – Far Beyond Driven*

    Yeah, everyone agrees Cowboys From Hell and Vulgar Display of Power are the classics, I’m sure Prozak keeps those in his mom’s Mazda. LOL YAY GO TEXAS METAL!!

  3. your taste is shit says:

    _At the Gates – Slaughter of the Soul_

    Their only good album. It’s also more of a thrash metal album with an extra dose of melody and melancholy. This is the only musical and listenable thing they’ve ever created, everything else was shit and failed experiments.

  4. Rico says:

    That’s great dear DLA writers but you’re forgetting that shitty poser metal is the kind of music everyone on this site (besides trolls and haters) already knows it’s crap. There is a fair amount of metal albums that flew under the radar back in the day and we continue to ignore those albums because since “they’re not the best of” then they should be ignored. Why not give those albums a footnote, at least?

    Death and Black Metal cira 1990-1994.
    For instance: Necropsy (fin), Morgoth, Dr. Shrinker, Abhorer, Funebre (fin), Rippikoulu, Nirvana 2002, Crematory (swe), Viogression, Abhoth, Accidental Suicide etc. And for black metal: Obscurity (swe), Sadistik Exekution, Root, Tör, Mystifier, Bestial Summoning, Goatpenis, The Black, Agatus, Primigenium, Zephyrous, Betial Warlust etc.

    All these albums from 1986-1994, I’m not saying they are all hidden gems, many of these bands might be mediocre and rightfully forgotten, but my point is that the metal connoiseur already knows Gojira is crap but might not know that obscure lost demo band that surprisingly made quality music but never made it big. You catch my drift. No one, I repeat no one on the internet except some scattered blogs unearths those obscure bands/albums and I think the DLA could find fresh ground there to write about metal again.

  5. Dominating Fucker says:

    @ your taste is shit
    That’s because you don’t like metal, you like rock n roll disguised as metal and dumbed down to your lower IQ level, so you can understand it without getting that itch to go back to your indie rock albums and ramm random objects up your rectum! Go back to your pop music you retarded emo-faggot! Fuck your mother too bitch!!!!

  6. Metal connoiseur, lol what irony says:

    “All these albums from 1986-1994, I’m not saying they are all hidden gems, many of these bands might be mediocre and rightfully forgotten, but my point is that the metal connoiseur already knows Gojira is crap but might not know that obscure lost demo band that surprisingly made quality music but never made it big.”



    Gojira is miles better than your redneck metal like Dr. Shrinker and Swedish high schooler bands.

  7. Metal connoiseur, lol what irony says:

    Disregard that, I suck cocks since my daddy raped my anus. sob sob

  8. blaumph! says:

    lol Dominated Fucker still here making an ass of himself, I seriously hope that’s a troll because if you’re putting up that persona non-ironically you are a mental pygmy and a sad, sad little kid.

  9. and his dad abuses him sexually, ajajaja says:

    also Dominated Faggot is either mexican or from some shitty slav country, not quite sure yet

  10. ddd says:

    How do you know?

  11. juanito gonzales = dominated faggot says:

    Because of his clearly subhuman intellect and ape-like disposition. Also his mom told me between gulps of my cum.

  12. Sean Culroy says:

    @Metal connoiseur, lol what irony
    sorry mate but if you think gojira is better than the mighty dr shrinker than you’re on the wrong wrong website mate. early death metal is awesome because its brutal, dark and evil without even trying to be mate. gojira is very commercial i say, sound a bit gay even if i may say so. bland and commercial that is mate. don’t pretend to be a metalhead because no one will believe you, come out of the closet mate, if you’re gay accept it and move on with your life.

  13. Sorry :( says:

    1.) Don’t ever disrespect Black Sabbath. What do you expect from a proto-metal band but to be linked to rock. That was needed in order to evolve to a heavy/doom metal band.

    2.) Obviously, Brett Stevens/DLA/Vijay/whatever……has never listened to Mastodon. “Leviathan” is pure metal. Yeah sure, it has rock derivatives but the album is pure metal. It’s hard to even classify it under any specific subgenre.

    Yeah, they’ve pretty much sold out at this point but their early work beats a majority of death metal bands here in the archives.

  14. Metal Connoiseur says:

    You faggots, everyone knows Power Metal is the best Pantera album. Where else can you hear masterpieces like this? Surely not from some shitty aspie clown band like Burzum.

  15. death metal = garbage, sean culroy = boorish homosexual says:

    Stop calling me “mate”, no I will not have intercourse with you or mate with you.

    “because its brutal, dark and evil ”

    Clearly things every mature music fan cares about.

    “without even trying to be”

    More like while trying WAAAAY too hard. lol @ those inverted crosses and other immature shit.

    “the mighty dr shrinker”

    I think you’re the only person to have ever referred to this third rate outfit in a bottom-tier music genre as “mighty”, other than the denizens of some Ohio trailer park.

  16. DAVE MUSTAINE says:


  17. Dominating Fucker says:

    @ metal = garbage, sean culroy = boorish homosexual

    Ok you piece of shit, that’s it, I know I hurt your mother’s ass last time I had a piece of that action but that’s not a reason to say I’m mexican, I’m from Poland u fuckhead,, you’re still a fucking retarded homosexual hipster! Mastodon is the worst hipster band ever, they play faggot rock for downsyndrome morons with short attention spans and gaping rectums hungry for fat nigger cock. just like your stupid heroine addicted mother that made a fatal mistake at letting her cunt be flooded with jizz…then she pumped you out and decided you’d listen to crap rock disguised as metal. Fuck your mother asshole!!

  18. @Dominating man-ass fucker says:

    Poland fuckers are generally retarded. Just look at Rob Darken. He still wears knight armor. That’s pretty fuckin’ faggy. Are you like him Dommy fucker.

  19. tiny midget says:

    quit all you guys, stop this madness of behold the wrath of my tiny fists! dominating fucker, stop acting like my son Levy_Spearmen, you other guy with no name, please continue being a poser elsewhere. can’t you see you are acting like kids?

  20. @tiny midget says:

    Please feel free to walk in the direction of my cock and commence opening your mouth wide to suck it. There’s no need to get on your knees or anything. You’re too short. So give me pleasure, that’s all I ask of you.

  21. Dominating Fucker says:

    I am Rob Darken you retarded hipster fag! And I’ll tell you this, there’s nothing like the sight of your slutty mother’s creamed up pussy! I slide it in with almost no effort. I should behead the worthless bitch, take a picture and send it to your fucking grandma. I’ll think about it.

  22. says:

    Some good old bands

    FLAMES (Greece)

  23. Rico says:
    I hear you bro, but many of the bands you mention have already been discussed on the Metal Hall or on older versions of the DLA and can be traced through the search engine. But I think we agree many more bands should be reviewed (except for Incubus, they’re Christian) and you know this site won’t accept Christian bands. More suggestions:
    Afterlife (usa), Impaler (gbr), Desecrator (gbr), Coprophilia (fin), Disastrous Murmur, Convulse (fin), Excruciating Pain, Cemetery, Mordicus, Derketa, Maimed, MegaSlaughter, ExMortis, Crucifix (usa), Eulogy (usa), Chemical Breath, Hazael, Wombbath, Goddefied, Demented Ted, Wings (fin), Insanity, Pavor, Tsjuder.

    Man so many cool bands out there that are hidden. I think there’s so much awesome metal that could be reviewd on this site!

  24. Rob Darken = fag says:

    If this is really Rob Darken, then I must say your music is brilliant but you’re seriously a closet homo or you’re outright gay (I can’t tell by your attire)

    Also, you’re on a metal blog with other homosexuals so I think that solidifies it.

  25. you're an idiot and a poser, you were abused as a child, you suck cocks says:

    @Rob Darken = fag
    man just go away and listen to your Mastodon shit, you think you like metal but you don’t, you’re a fag and a poser… of all the metal websites why’d you chose to come to this one? go suck on your mother’s dick. you are a retard.

  26. To the fag above me says:

    Because I like metal and I like uranus. Two reasons I can give you fag.

  27. I only speak the truth says:

    Mastodon first two albums were equally (if not better) as good as majority of what’s on DLA. Honestly.

  28. I only speak the truth says:

    Disregard that, I’m just a retarded teen faggot and I am frustrated because my penis is too small. if only it was bigger, at least the size of tiny midget (sighs).

  29. I only speak the truth says:

    Don’t disregard that. God! It’s one of those days! I need to take my medication. Anyway, Rob Darkskin is a fag, Tiny Midget is a perfect candidate height wise for gloryhole porn and Mastodon is pretty fuckin’ good.

  30. Dr. Shrinker says:

    no one cares about mastodon at this site, even if it’s as good as the DLA band selection. why bother trying to tell metalheads about your favorite band? also you keep telling everyone “fag”, yet your requested fellation from tiny midget, isn’t that homosexual behavior? Dominating Fucker keeps saying he likes your mom’s cunt so I don’t think he’s a fag, at least compared to you. You are seriously stupid and I think the only reason you like Mastodon is because you’re a fucking she-male looking for young fresh cock!

  31. Please don't say the "c" word says:


  32. I only speak the truth says:


  33. Mecos says:

    Mastodon is hipster metal for idiotic homosexuals. So bend over and allow shemales to ride your asshole

    Here is the proof:

  34. :) says:

    “legit metal bands who get any coverage in Spin magazine (Mastodon, High on Fire). – Noisecreep”

    That’s all that needs to be said from that article.

  35. I only speak the truth says:

    Yes, I am a she-male who has had sex with Dr. Shrinker.

  36. poopstains says:

    Metal is shit. Noise rock is where it’s at.

  37. poopstains says:

    Swans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emperor

  38. Negru_Choda says:

    I’d just like to say that the worst, most forgettable rock song by Black Sabbath is better than anything by IMPETIGO and NUM SKULL.

  39. Horny Granny says:

    I just wanna say that Mastodon is an idiotic band as artistically serious as Pokemon. It’s appealing to morons and hipsters because it panders to their wounded inferiority complex. Fans of this band are there for late night anal sexual abuse.

  40. brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death says:

    Negruvoda is a fucking faggot with shit taste in metal.


  41. Questioner of Faith says:

    @ brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death

    Hey dude, what’s your quarrel with that Negruvoda guy, he doesn’t even post here anymore? The newest fag-hater is the abouve guy that doesn’t have a name; he is a regular idiot that talks shit about metal. What’s so aggravating about the Negruvoda fellow?

  42. Kontinual says:

    We’ve updated the Heavy Metal FAQ with new information and clearer articulation of the beliefs behind metal music. Our basic belief is that heavy metal art is that espouses the anti-civilizing principle in order to keep civilization from becoming a cancer. Check it out and let us know what you think.

  43. The truth has spoken says:

    I think no one cares, also you’re an idiot.

  44. queerhammer says:

    lol Dominated Faggot is from Poo-land, who called it that he’s just some inbred oligophrenic slav? lol enjoy your inferior genetics and shit music, you dumb 12 year old

  45. Urinal Hammer says:

    I can’t believe that someone actually said that Slaughter of the Soul is a good album. I don’t like any At The Gates, but that album in particular is really fucking bad. It’s emotive ear candy and rock riffs. Excuse me, now, I have to go hurt the feelings of a power-metal fan while enjoying Autopsy – Mental Funeral.

  46. @Questioner of Faith says:

    Negru Voda posts at least 90% of the comments here, he just constantly changes his name.

  47. Butcher says:

    >It’s emotive ear candy and rock riffs.

    BAWWWWWWWWW, masochistic metal faggot teen too much of an aspie to enjoy music that actually sounds good? Go kill yourself, worm, you’re already a failed experiment in inbreeding.

  48. Butcher says:

    Disregard that, I’m just upset because I haven’t been able to find anyone to go down on my gaping hole in the past 24 hours. If anyone knows of any hot thugs in the San Francisco area who love to pound whitey’s hole, please hook me up!

  49. Metal Nigger says:

    Mastodon is shitty ‘groovy’ metalcore for effete homosexual nerds who get bullied at school and beg their daddy not give them another load of hot jizz up their rectums. It’s rock’n’roll that sounds like The Beatles played in an elevator muzak style for liberals who are afraid of the traditional metal aesthetic. If you listen to them, go fuck your mother and suck your brother’s dick, you repulsive cunt.

  50. if you're riding in your chevy and you feel something heavy says:

    wow SO much better than order from chaos’s version!!! party ova here yall!!!

  51. Butcher says:

    Hell yeah, so groovy and they have cool beards and clowns in their video! Anyone who doesn’t like this music is a complete aspie teenage antisocial faggot with zits.

  52. Metal Nigger says:

    Actually I love Mastodon and I actually suck off the members of Averse Sefira in my spare time.

  53. Kelly says:

    Is it just me or is it happening to everyone when you try to use the anus search engine you get the following message:

    We’re sorry…
    … but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.

    See Google Help for more information.

  54. Anti-Metaltards says:

    “effete homosexual nerds who get bullied at school and beg their daddy not give them another load of hot jizz up their rectums”

    anus readership in a nutshell.

    “afraid of the traditional metal aesthetic”

    That’s like saying “afraid of the pro wrestler aesthetic”. Metal, especially the greasy hesher garbage promoted here, is about as scary, serious, deep and homosexual as professional wrestling. I’m sure when you see 14 year old kids take black and white photos of themselves in clown makeup it’s frightening, captivating and transcendental or somesuch bullshit to you pea-brains, for the rest of us functional individuals it’s utterly retarded like the vapid excuse for “music” that accompanies it.

    Oh, and rock music > fag metal, any day. That Mastodon song is the shit, by the way, that’s how you craft something that really has POWER. Not like the repetitive, monotonous wishy washy pointless treble abuse you queers circle jerk over because some fat virgin cyberbullied you on the internet and said it was good. You make me fucking sick, I spit on you and your HIV-ridden graves.

  55. dumb inbred polak with a brow ridge, broadcasting from his parents apartment in a depressing soviet high-rise says:

    hurrr durrr ur moms gaping pizdahole

  56. says:

    And for those of you idiots who didn’t quite get it:

    GOOD At the Gates:

    lulzy terribad At the Gaytes:

    lol look how “deep” he tries to be in that video over an awful, awful turd of a song.

  57. homersexual says:

    can we have moar underground metal stuff?

  58. Urinal Hammer says:

    Question for ANUS detractors:

    What is ‘mature’ music? What is a ‘mature’ aesthetic? What do kind of music and ideas do ‘functional’ individuals listen to?

    I notice that die-hard antagonists of usually offer criticism designed to make ANUS ideas look comical, but never propose alternatives.

  59. Lightning says:

    Q: If ANUS is so fail/gay/irrelevant, why is the troll reading this comment right now emotionally compelled to respond to these blog posts?

    A: Because the troll reading this comment right now does not want propositions to be true. They do not want it to be true that there is beauty and meaning in the forms of music praised by this site.

    Q: Why does the troll reading this comment not want there to be validity in assertions?

    A: I can only think of two reasons. The first is that when they listen to black/death metal, and fail to have the kind of experience of this music which writers and readers have in common, they feel like they are excluded from something. In the mind of this kind of person, the only way they can retain their sense of personal esteem and importance is to claim that there is nothing of value outside their own realm of experience. The second reason why they might be bothered by is because they network of ideas/aesthetics inherently suggested by death/black metal is inimical to their own values/sensibilities; thus, it IS on some level threatening that people in their own broad peer group are inspired and motivated by this kind of music and make the kind of intellectual connections between art and idea that are made on this site….

    And of course, even the stupidest asshole in the world understands that the most expedient way of trying to damage an idea is to not to engage it directly with logic and questioning, but to draw a parody of it. Thus we have the spam crusade in the comments section.

  60. Der Meister says:

    Plenty of examples have been posted, it’s up to you to listen and figure it out, posing scum.

    Incidentally, here’s a good metal song about every angsty 13 year old’s favourite (and the favourite of aspies who are, embarrassingly, much older) German writer, Friedrich Nietzsche!

  61. @Negruvoda says:

    I’d actually love to talk to you about “traditional culture” some time, because you’ve made numerous references to it. I tried to engage you in discussion on, but you ignored me. Maybe next time?

  62. clown paint metal says:

    : If ICP is so fail/gay/irrelevant, why is the troll reading this comment right now emotionally compelled to respond to these blog posts?

    A: Because the troll reading this comment right now does not want Insane Clown Posse’s propositions to be true. They do not want it to be true that there is beauty and meaning in the forms of music praised by Psychpathic Records.

    Q: Why does the troll reading this comment not want there to be validity in ICP assertions?

    A: I can only think of two reasons. The first is that when they listen to Insane Clown Posse, and fail to have the kind of experience of this music which juggalos have in common, they feel like they are excluded from something. In the mind of this kind of person, the only way they can retain their sense of personal esteem and importance is to claim that there is nothing of value outside their own realm of experience. The second reason why they might be bothered by ICP is because they network of ideas/aesthetics inherently suggested by The Great Milenko is inimical to their own values/sensibilities; thus, it IS on some level threatening that people in their own broad peer group are inspired and motivated by this kind of music and make the kind of intellectual connections between art and idea that are made on Insane Clown Posse records.

    And of course, even the stupidest asshole in the world understands that the most expedient way of trying to damage an idea is to not to engage it directly with logic and questioning, but to draw a parody of it. Thus we have the spam crusade in the comments section.

  63. @ Der Meister says:

    I actually do like some Blind Guardian, but I find that many of their songs are overburdened by numerous guitar solos and too many melodic shifts. Where a crowded, noisy atmosphere sometimes works in death metal, giving it a winding, mazelike, abrasive quality which is a positive expression of the basic aesthetic idea, I don’t think that it works very well in power metal. Don’t you agree?

    Incidentally, do you ever think it’s kind of silly that you, as a fan of power-metal, are dismissing the whole of death/black metal as “immature” music for social rejects….. when mainstream society lumps black, death, and power metal together as adolescent noise? It kind of sounds, to me, like you’ve internalized society’s view of the music that you love, but you’re projecting it on to other people.

    I could be wrong, though.

  64. NV says:

    “Traditional culture” is a waste of time save for as a form of entertainment (e.g. in music) and dress-up, it’s just a bunch of peasant shit. It basically boils down to art (music, aesthetic art, ceramics, sculpture/carving, costumes, interior decor, dances, poetry, festivals and celebrations, and I guess rural way of life) but mostly it’s pretty useless. Better to focus on your own goals and wonder what it felt like to be Caesar and wake up every day with decisions to make that shaped an empire than listen to the prattling of dumb ‘murrifats who listen to shit music made by ignorant lowlife potheads who try to express how mad and emo they are at the world for being excluded from the poewr process through their stupid noise. Did you PM me, I haven’t logged on in ages.

  65. Mikael Asskerplunkfeldtgoodthefirst time says:

    Blind Guardian is too busy. They need to slow down and get in touch with their inner femasculinity.

  66. Lightning says:

    What is a better way to reach you than at

    I disagree with your comments about traditional culture. I agree that all of the peasant crap you described is a waste of time, but I don’t think that’s the heart of “traditional culture”; I think that the heart of “traditional culture” has more to do with imagining what it might have been like to be Caesar. Which is why it’s continuous and relevant now (and always), and not just some kind of historical live-action-roleplay crap.

    Anyway, you realize, of course, that even this very romantic idea you just expressed, about imagining what it was like to be Caesar, could be lampooned in exactly the same fashion you lampoon this website?


    Assclownery is double-edged and universally applicable.

    What’s a better way to reach you than

  67. stacey morgan says:

    all hail the new morbid angel. i always throw up suburban white girl gang signs when i blast this shit in my mom’s suv

  68. Some black metal landwhale ('twas a she) told me that Children of Bodom sound like video game music in an attempt to mock them. I find that ironic, since video game music (e.g. Rome: Total War soundtrack) is leagues better than anything produced in the me says:

    I don’t find that about Blind Guardian at all, maybe there’s “too many notes” for your low musical IQ, atrophied from years of abuse at the unisono of death metal, to handle. I have many complaints about them each specific to a different era of theirs (2/4 drumming on Imaginations, too many minor key songs, on record Hansi rarely sings without “heat” on his voice) but overall they’re a pretty choice band, you really can’t do any better in metal. The melodic shifts are a bonanza for me, they just keep givin’ er with good melody after good melody. I’m not actually that passionate about them as I was in my teens but I still enjoy them as music when I’m pissed off (all metal, I’ve found, is at least so some extent negative. there is no positive metal. none.) or need a waking up. For the most part Power Metal blows ass though, it has the right idea but the execution usually fails and what you end up with is a lot of tedious soundalike stuff that doesn’t sound very imaginative. I don’t think anyone who’s aware of power metal could lump it together with the “dress up in clown paint and cut your wrists GOR GOR GOR” metal. Ever notice how most of the bands involved in Power Metal look mostly normal (save for maybe some distinguishing feature like long hair or bad [yet “normal”] sense of dress) and are usually much older? The instrumental virtuosity, lyrical subject matter, usually “serious” un-ironic approach they take to their music, emphasis on trying to figure out songs that work melodically and harmonically instead of just lumping a bunch of chugs together, and the more muted approach that has nothing to prove but is just “heavy enough” all suggest a more mature approach than anything in the slapped-together XTREEM genres. Lost Horizon’s the perfect example of this; after the members of Luciferion got bored they sort of grew up they went on to make some pretty good power metal in Lost Horizon.

    The Caesar thing wasn’t about power tripping but more about the responsibility he had to take, you know that guy wasn’t goofing around and sitting on his ass taking drugs, listening to gay metal and whining on the internet about the decline of civilization, no, he couldn’t afford to fuck around or Pompey would have had his ass. I don’t see what’s so “traditional” about that. Best place to contact me is here, /mu/ or

  69. Anyone else reminded of Blod Draum by this? says:

    A black metal masterpiece

  70. the south park approach says:

    You’re all tryhard losers. The trolls and the trolls pretending to be trolls.

  71. Lighting says:

    @ Negruvoda

    I understood that the “Caesar thing” wasn’t about power tripping; it was about a person fully engaging reality by embracing their responsibilities and going far beyond them.

    I’m just trying to point out that the sneering, cynical style of trolling by caricature could equally be applied to that; or really anything.

    What I find is that you people who ‘troll’ ANUS or have a strong negative opinion about the site actually possess the characteristics that you attribute to the writers and readers of this site: arbitrariness, emotionality, dishonesty. I mean, look: you’re ranting about how all metal is negative and angry, and just confessed that in your teens you listened to it as angry ‘pump up’ music.

    But that isn’t how I experience it. Even the harshest, darkest metal sounds, to my ears, like its intensity and aggression stems not from a sense of frustration, but elation. It sounds ecstatic. I’m not alone in this experience, either.

    I don’t agree with ANUS about everything, but the apparent NEED you have to discredit everything that Prozak and company say about death/black metal is suspicious. Your zeal is suspicious. It suggests that there’s something that gets under your skin, here. What is it, exactly?

    Anyway, I’m always willing to talk about music, history, and whatever else, minus the caustic trolling and ego-games. Wouldn’t life be a lot less gay without the trolling and ego-games? Do you think Caesar was in to caustic trolling and ego-games?

  72. Lightning says:

    disregard that I suck nigger cocks

  73. Stop being so rational and civil! says:

    You didn’t even accuse anyone of having aspergers! You’re doing it wrong!

  74. hipstar says:

    Caesar was fascist scum.

  75. a progressive says:

    You see, if I was in power 2000 years ago, …

  76. FAGGOT says:

    Opeth – My Arms, Your Arse

  77. poop says:

    Anus is wrong. Opeth is bad because it’s a metal band doing prog in a really cliche and uninteresting way. No sociological bullshit.

  78. woop says:

    The funniest thing about this site is they aren’t even nihilists. Maybe they were one time, but they got old/soft/grew out of it, whatever you want to call it, and pretended not to. So now they make the occasional reference to “the nihilism of the universe” or somesuch as they espouse run of the mill careerist, society-oriented conservative bull.

  79. serious questioner says:

    So what do you guys think about Sorcery from Sweden? There is also a very obscure German band called Dysentery but can’t figure out yet if it’s grinding hardcore or grindcore, anyone have serious opinions about these bands?

  80. Ryan Dunn says:

    Thank you Lighting for your intelligent comments on this section. Trolls are funny but haters are not, they’re just lame and angry like the guy with no name (coward) fighting Dominating Fucker, he’s just an angry bitch coming here to let us know he doesn’t like the ANUS writings. I’ll say it again, if you dislike this site and want to discredit it, do it in a funny or non-sucky way, otherwise your teen angst will come through as boring and bitchy.

  81. Ryan Dunn says:

    Scratch what I just said. My anus is filled with AIDS.

  82. Ryan Dunn says:

    Thank you Lighting for your intelligent comments on this section. Trolls are funny but haters are not, they’re just lame and angry like the guy with no name (coward) fighting Dominating Fucker, he’s just an angry bitch coming here to let us know he doesn’t like the ANUS writings. I’ll say it again, if you dislike this site and want to discredit it, do it in a funny or non-sucky way, otherwise your teen angst will come through as boring and bitchy.

  83. Ruan Dunn says:

    Scratch what I just said. My anus is filled with AIDS.

  84. Dominated Faggot says:

    I live in Pooland my brain is the size of a pirogi and I have an oedipus complex for my fat babushka of a mother

    when I use the toilet after my dad visits my room I make the water look like red borscht

    also my name is Juanito Gonzales

  85. Forefather - Summer's Flame says:

    On this day of midsummer I present you with some appropriate metal:

  86. poopjokes thinks society is brainwashed says:

    I never clean my toilet. Flushing is painful enough for me. At least let me keep some of the sweet memories! When people visit me and complain I tell them it’s part of my Hindu religion and then they accept it. But deep inside I’d rather tell them the truth and tell them it’s part of my philosophy of poop!

  87. Hessian4Life says:

    R.I.P. Peter Falk! Another metal hero gone! May he rock on in the afterlife!

  88. brUNHILDE FAN #1 says:


  89. Levy_Spearmen says:

    RIP Peter Falk! What was your favorite Columbo episode, guys?

  90. Dominating Fucker says:

    @ Dominated Faggot

    I piss on your mother’s cunt you little coward hipster bitch! Open wide your fun hole it’s time pump your turd upwards, for you it’ll be like a flashback down memory lane bitch! You’re the gay fuckwad that thinks Mastodon is good music, how pathetic you stupid retarded cocksucker go brush your grandmothers rectum! Can’t hide the fact you’re a fucking poser!

  91. Dominated Dweeb's missing self-esteem says:

    Why are you talking to yourself? You realize you’re the Dominated Faggot here, lol. Now piss off, kid, you’re out of your league.

  92. Paint it Black says:

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colors anymore I want them to turn black
    I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    I see a line of cars and they’re all painted black
    With flowers and my love both never to come back
    I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
    Like a new born baby it just happens every day

    I look inside myself and see my heart is black
    I see my red door and must have it painted black
    Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts
    It’s not easy facin’ up when your whole world is black

    No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
    I could not foresee this thing happening to you

    If I look hard enough into the settin’ sun
    My love will laugh with me before the mornin’ comes

    I see a red door and I want it painted black
    No colors anymore I want them to turn black
    I see the girls go by dressed in their summer clothes
    I have to turn my head until my darkness goes

    Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

    I wanna see it tainted, tainted black
    Black as night, black as coal
    I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
    I wanna see it tainted, tainted, tainted, tainted black

    Hmm, hmm, hmm,…

  93. that feel when none of your shit-ass metal or aspie tier classical (lol corelli) will ever surpass this in majesty and beauty says:

  94. Adrian loves men says:

    Cool we get these bands suck and are for fags. Can we have some underground metal reviews or links and shit? Or at least some new reviews on shit? That’s how I found out I liked metal from this website, now it’s just gone stagnant going over the same old shit over and over. Opeth sucks, we know. Now can we have some more metal stuff instead of rants?

  95. Dominating Fucker says:

    @ Dominated Dweeb’s missing self-esteem

    A hipster is just a trendy version of the average modern citizen. These people are disconnected from any sense of hierarchy or values except an ethic of convenience toward personal comfort. When one of these boring ordinary soulless drones feels that he or she is completely forgotten by the world, they come to this blog with their bitchy whining faggot hate. Fuck you Mastodon hipster!

  96. Dum-dum Faggot says:

    lol what’s the matter buddy, a hipster’s fucking the girl you liked for 4 years in school but never spoke to? Awww cheer up big guy, I’m sure once you cut that greasy hair of yours you won’t have such disfiguring acne anymore.

    You don’t even know what a hipster is, faggot. Like I said, you’re in way over your head here. Get out.

  97. The Hipster who's fucking Dominating Fucker's crush who he has never talked to because he's a raging faggot says:

    Bitch gave me the claps. Whatever, I’m going to see how many PBR cans I can fit in her asshole.

  98. Nigger's grab your buckets and buggy in down to the nugget hut, 2 bucks a nugget, 1 buck a bucket says:

    Let me shed some light on this situation…

  99. Dominating Fucker says:

    I don’t even care for that whore anymore!

  100. Dominating Fucker says:

    @ Dum-dum Faggot
    Ok the problem is you’ve down syndrome you fucking cunt. You’re a retard and you’re gay. You should be sterilized, not because you’re a faggot but because you’re and inferior human being. You’re on the wrong website cocksucker, go back to the metal-archives or your favorite gay porn site fucking pansy emo. We understand you don’t like so fuck you and fuck your shemale dad.

    Get a boyfriend with a larger cock, if the one you already have has a tiny dick like yours and can’t satisfy you, shithead. But don’t come here with your whining teen angst because you’re lame and boring you piece of shit son of bitch! We understand you don’t like metal, you dig hipster fag rock, fuck you asshole! You’re like a whining little bitch with bad taste in music. Prozak rules and underground Metal kicks ass!

  101. lol u mad bro? says:

    ^ blah blah blah, with an extra helping of butthurt

  102. Everyday Normal Guy says:

    I wonder what ANUS thinks of cockroaches. Should we exterminate them or try to preserve them? I ask because I am really annoyed by them but I also want to be a conservationist.

  103. Lightning says:

    Cockroaches are fine. So are idiots – until they multiply to such a degree that their noise drowns out everything that isn’t stupid.

    In my view, it’s not even really a question of extermination. Fantasizing about exterminating the extra baggage of human stupidity is an idle fantasy. I’m more interested in establishing a society that, even if it can’t elevate everyone to Bhodhisattva-genius status, can at least inculcate them with a sense of the goodness of the world (i.e, that it’s exciting, mysterious, and worth preserving instead of effacing) and their own relative placement within it (i.e, humility, dignity… the two go hand in hand).

  104. Lightning (Strikes your ass) says:


    Death metal sounds the way this looks:,r:8,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667

    The deity depicted in this image is a Buddhist deity reseponsible for the preservation of Dharma. I post this because I’d like to point out that this ‘ugly’, busy, ‘angry’ imagery has a positive context in Buddhist religion, and its use is not coincidental… Mahakala is death and time triumphant over all human evils.

    I think that, though black/death metal is amateurish and confused by comparison, in essence it strives to convey something similar. A lot of us here at ANUS understand this instinctively. If you don’t see this relationship, it’s because you can’t (and are consequently frustrated/confused by your sense of inadequacy and exclusion), OR it’s because you simply don’t want to acknowledge the connection, because you’re a weird cowardly faggot or you just think it’s gay or whatever.

    In the former case, you’re excused, because the reality is that people process art and information differently and do not always arrive at the same conclusions or share the same affinities. If you’re in the second group, you’re psychologically damaged and respond by trying to abuse people who are doing something worthwhile on the internet. That’s fuckin’ heroic.

  105. you're welcome says:

    Dude, you broke the internet with that link. You could just post this:

  106. German Goo Girls says:

    Spam is not appreciated, well fuck your ass

  107. GGG says:

    Try playing death metal to a buddhist. I’m pretty sure he won’t see this alleged “connection” either. The connection is purely invented. No one who hasn’t read prozak’s ramblings would ever think of such a thing. Death metal is soulless music about being dark and brewdul and extreme for no reason, it’s pointless enough that anyone can paint it however they want. In the end you can’t quote me a death metal musician who interprets his gay music in the same way you do.

  108. Levy_Spearmen says:

    Yeah, well we’re nihilists, so fuck your meaning, mahng. Derp dorfud. Dor dooplop. Lobloo.

  109. Levy_Spearmen says:

    ^^ Dorfundo lunderlop nilboob. Eb lol.

  110. Lightning says:

    Woah, did I fuck up this page with that link?

    Oh well. Sorry. I admit it, I’m a noob.

  111. daris darison says:

    Looks like we’re having a very heavay, uh, hea-vay bertation tonight

  112. Lightning says:

    Woah, did I fuck up this page with that link?

    Oh well. Sorry. I admit it, I’m a noob.

    @ GGG: Actually, there are a lot of metal musicians who have expressed similar ideas, and take their music seriously as a means of expressing the same basic themes. They don’t all express themselves in a very articulate way, but that’s not the point. In fact, that’s part of the charm – the point is that it’s organic, and spontaneous. It’s young, amateurish, sometimes confused, half-serious, but has a distinct direction in which it points. Why are you trying so hard to convince us otherwise?

  113. Lightning says:


    :: insert churlish laughter here ::

  114. back in 2004 the guitarist of Skinless sold me a Mastodon - Leviathan CD and told me it was the best band ever says:


  115. @GGG says:

    We’re just going in circles here…
    ” go read any old Morbid Angel, Profanatica, Necrovore, or Mayhem interview.”

  116. poop says:

    “Try playing death metal to a buddhist. I’m pretty sure he won’t see this alleged “connection” either.”

    Lol. I like how white entitled nerds use buddhism as some shorthand for grand enlightenment. If it’s foreign there must be nothing wrong with it, right?

  117. a random guy who doesn't like anus says:

    “Lighting”, I think you’re obviously pretty thoughtful and are making some good points. But the way the articles here are written is only going to attract people like the loudmouths/quasi-trolls you’re debating.

    I just don’t think anyone’s ever going to leave one of these comment sections with a better understanding of the flaws or merits of death metal.

  118. brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death says:

    Skinless, I fucking hate those wiggers so much. Back in 2007, this girl I really liked went to a show where they played and ended up making out with the lead singer. FUCK YOU JASON AND FUCK YOUR SHITTY BAND.

  119. GGG says:

    @ poop

    Uh, I was only talking about Buddhism cause the other guy brought it up, dipshit. Actually, I had this passage typed up but the gay ass filter here had some fit over it, trying again:

    Also, Buddhism is gay and inferior to Western culture. What great learning have Buddhists, in all their thousands of years of meditation produced, in comparison to the last 100 years of Western science? Instead of finding excuses to justify gay music I’d rather listen to good music which is already in touch with the valid truths that are universally acknowledged.

  120. GGG says:

    Please specifically quote me a death metal musician saying that. It’s always “yeah we tried to be more brutal than Bathory, mayng”. This perception you have of death metal, something entirely recreational and even more ideologically vacuous than punk, is entirely false.

  121. GGG is easy to troll says:


  122. TRUE HARDCORE FAN says:


  123. A Call For Blood says:

    The Irate one was kind of dope, the last one was melodic metalcore gayness though despite the decent vocals. Here’s two of my favourites combind into one, pretty valid message for this site:

  124. 8==> says:

    Why is Asia so much better at metal than Europe? Sigh’s Scorn Defeat is the best black metal album of the 90s. Even that shithead Euronymous realized how good it was.

  125. Dominating Fucker says:

    @ GGG

    Silence, you retarded sub-human parasite. Behold the grandeur of my cock, bow down to it in awe, agape… prepare to suck it.

    Just like your fucking junkie mother does!!

  126. do your parents know you're gay yet? says:

    lol good one bro

  127. Truth - rename Polen to "Greater Kaliningrad" says:

    Pooland is a nation of subhumans that should be divided between Germany, Austria and Russia. Just like the old days.

  128. Bomb Dresden Again says:

    Germany is a nation of subhumans that lost two world wars and is now turning into Little Turkey. At least Poland is still mostly Polish.

  129. so prozak says:

    what totally edgy and contrarian opinion do you have against gay marriage in New York?

  130. herp says:

    LOL @ people actually thinking that Mastadon is worthwhile music.

  131. derp says:

    LOL @ people who don’t.

  132. Lightning says:

    For the record, I’m not really that impressed by most schools of Buddhist thought. The point isn’t to give metal credibility by comparing it to Buddhism in particular, but to simply demonstrate that there’s a precedent for the use of this kind of “ugly, dark, aggressive” content in a way that is essentially positive. In that sense, it parallels ‘negative’ spiritual symbolism in Buddhism, Hindu, etc. How many metal bands have borrowed the imagery of Kali, for instance? It’s not a coincidence – the artistic form supports this kind of content.

    Again – you can argue that this is gay. You can argue that Buddhism is gay, and that metal is gay, and that everything except for your trite set of hobbies is gay. What you can’t do, however, is argue that these artforms are motivated at least partially by certain impulses. You keep saying that metal bands are just dumb kids trying to be “dark” – well, why? Why darkness? Why all the elaborate dark imagery? Why the constant references to H.P Lovecraft literature, the references to mythology, and so on? Why the fascination with cheesy sword and sorcery? What kind of value does this imagery have to people?

    I anticipate your response: “LOL GAY MALLTRASH ESCAPISM CANT GET LAID”, but this doesn’t mean anything. You could attribute those motivations to almost any human activity under the sun.

    I realize I’m not going to convince you, GGG, or Negruvoda or whomever you are. You don’t WANT to be convinced, because you’re some kind of troubled loser who doesn’t understand why truth is better than falsehood. But the object here is just to illustrate the hollowness of your arguments for other readers.

  133. burp says:

    Have you watched Mastodon live? They can bore you to death even if you kinda like the albums. Yep, probably because they have shitty songs.

  134. twerp says:

    Have you watched Burzum live? Oh wait….you can’t because Varg sucks at guitar and he’s too much of a puss to play live. Yep, probably because he has shitty songs.

  135. twerp says:

    Disregard that, I love listening to Hvis Lyset Tar Oss while I get monster cocked by niggers dressed as Vikings.

  136. twerp says:

    ^ as all Burzum listeners do.

  137. @Some black metal landwhale ('twas a she) told me that Children of... says:


  138. oh lightning says:

    it hurts to see smart people get trolled :(

  139. fffff says:

    Negru_whatever is some sort of career troll btw, and I’ve seen a serious positive review of his analyzing Autopsy’s Mental Funeral, among other things.

  140. NegruVoda says:

    My only career is to suck cocks, 2 big or 3 or 4 small at a time.

  141. NegruVoda says:

    your 100% metal forum, btw, is full of 100% faggots

  142. Keep your butthole stuffed! says:

    Keep your metal true!

  143. literally says:

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

    *Lady Gaga is more pure, hessian music than metal because she promotes anti-individualistic messages, thus redirecting energies to building society and conserving worthy ideals for future generations*

  144. Jenny says:

    @ twerp – 25 06 11 – 19:20

    A Mastodon/hipster cocksucker on the wrong website. You don’t like Burzum?
    That’s fine with all Hessians at this site. You like Mastodon? That’s fine with all hipsters at other
    sites however faggoty. Question is: if hessians are hessians and hipsters are hipsters,
    and no one can change that, what the fuck are you doing on this site? It seems to me like you envy or
    despise the fact that we uphold some metal music as something as relevant as life itself! You and me will
    be 70 years old and Burzum will still be selling records to young metalheads, let’s see if Mastodon can
    do the same.
    old a

  145. impulse202 says:

    “Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself. It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker. Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own). Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

    You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you. The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity – “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!”

  146. Lightning says:


    That’s partially correct. You’re right about the self-serving, disingenuous use of the term ‘hipster’. You’re wrong, however, about whether or not hipsters exist objectively. The hipster isn’t a specific group of people in our society identifiable by their taste in music or their manner of dress. Hipsterism is actually a universal phenomena afflicting all cultures and sub-cultures. To put it most simply, the hipster is someone who appreciates things solely on the basis of their status as a social token – for the hipster, nothing has inherent value or beauty that isn’t determined by its placement on an imaginary socially derived hierarchy of values.

    What this means is that it’s completely possible for a hipster to posture as a ‘Hessian’, and it’s also possible for someone to listen to Mastodon without being a hipster. I acknowledge that it is completely possible for a person to have an earnest love of Mastodon. And no matter how gay I think Mastodon is (pretty fucking gay, pretty fucking bad, with virtually no redeeming value), the earnest Mastodon fan is much less repellent than someone who appropriates all the things that I love, for all the wrong reasons.

  147. Dominating Fucker says:

    Glad to see you around Bret! I hope you stay and write reviews for the DLA, like Rico said and Devamitra suggests,
    there are still worth a while bands that could be noted on this site.

  148. Parnassian says:

    These comments are an insult to homosexuals.

  149. pic related says:

    Mastodon is awesome, if you don’t think Blood and Thunder is a good metal song you are a serious faggot and a hypocrite. Get the dildo out of your ass next time you listen to it and approach it with a clear mind. DURRRHUR BUT THE AESTHETICS OF THE VIDEO ARENT BLACK AND WHITE AND THERES NO CAPES AND HE DOESNT MAKE ANY DRAMATIC GAY GESTICULATIONS AT THE SKY

    Dumb Faggot, shut the fuck up kid.

  150. dick related says:

    Fuck off fag.

  151. headbanging causes brain damage says:

    this is you:

  152. @Jenny says:

    Dumb bitch, Mastodon is still selling more albums than the whole Burzum discography.

  153. fuck off now bitch says:

    ^ And Lady Gaga is selling many more than Mastodon, faggot.

  154. @Jenny (I'm not a fag says:

    Yeah but a gaG is a pop artist. Mastodon is not pop. They’re not even hipster. Their fans may be but they have old-school metalheads as fans too. Nice try.

  155. Fruity MetalFly says:

    Is metal for homosexuals? I dunno, lots of cock sucking here on this metal site, so I guess it’s ok, right? Help me out guys. Is Gaahl really mediocre scum because he sat on the king of hell’s infernal dick, or because he wrote some of the more inferior gorgoroth songs? does sucking cocks mean you’re a failure of nature, incapable of all this intuiting of metal as great art?

  156. re burzum vs. mastodon says:

    well, now Burzum are shit too, according to anus.

    umm, for some reason

    certainly not over petty internet domain drama. NOSIREE

  157. hipster says:

    Burzum vs. Mastodon? There should be an online poll seeing which band is better.

  158. shove a poll up your ass says:

    Die hipster.

  159. hipster says:

    I’ll shove your poll up there fag ;)

  160. @hipster says:

    Yeah, the one that gets fewer votes is better.

  161. hipster says:

    Mastodon is better then. :) I expect them to lose with kvlt dork fags out there.

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