Most people don’t know the story of thrash, or how in the 1980s, an unlikely group made some of the most vital music in metal. And as of last year, it has come back. With a vengeance.
Bands to keep an eye on as this art form surges back to life.
Most people don’t know the story of thrash, or how in the 1980s, an unlikely group made some of the most vital music in metal. And as of last year, it has come back. With a vengeance.
Bands to keep an eye on as this art form surges back to life.
A revival? Has something happened apart from Metalenema releasing their own album?
Wiggers like Eminem and Korn make the white race look bad…
While DRI, COC, SOD, MDC, Cryptic Slaughter, Fearless Iranians From Hell, Chronical Diarrhoea and Dead Horse make the white race look good…
Any questions? Email me at…
Adrian, I think it has less to do with racial identity and more to do with good vs crappy music.
Nevermind, none of my opinions matter because I just remembered that I suck cocks.. HAHAHA
@Knur: I would guess it has a bit more to do with the fact that 80s/early 90s nostalgia is very much "in" at the moment. Just look at the stuff like Transformers and G.I. Joe, cashing in on this in movie form. Or Tron, in the near future. I rarely go a day without seeing someone on my university campus with some nostalgic T-shirt, with the apparent intention of saying
Thrash revival bands have been around since 1997.
Always confused as to why you list those crossover bands as thrash and lump Sodom, Slayer, and Kreator into other areas. Hopefully the thrash revival will finally die and a revival of good death metal occurs.
This band will remind you that thrash addressed real-world issues without lapsing into idiot politics, or getting emotional. It was the music of the dispossessed suburban child trying to make sense of the adult world as concept, and remains some of the most vital and insightful protest music ever created. — FIFH site
I hope it won’t be the next industry cow, and a excuse for wacky comedic antics and immature leftist rhetoric this genre can be prone to. The kids who listened to this in the 80s would, nowadays, sadly be addressed by metalcore. A good reason for old cowboys to set things straight.
Unfortunately glam is also getting a revival, with even more sickening incarnations and parody bands.
Talking about death metal revival, Razorback records is oozing with such bands.
yeah, razorback fucking rules
Hexlust – not too shabby!
Adrian McCock,
If I knew who you were I would kill you…FUCK YOU!!!
Hexlust – lame retrothrash that fails to bring the spirit back.
HAHAHA disregard that, i would totally suck Adrian McCock off.
This website is not the only great source of death metal out there…I was a big fan of before it got taken down…it was’nt as elitist and closed minded as you fucks are and the bands were a 100 times better and more fucking interesting…
Asshole, you make yourself look gayer than anyone talking about sucking cocks all the damn time, somebody’s gonna fucking take your comments off this message board and you’ll never be allowed to post ever again…
It’s funny how you cowards post shit talk anonymously on the internet but you can’t take the heat in reality…
The metal scene does’nt really need you to survive…I miss already…
I’m so butthurt that I forgot its called DEATHMETAL.ORG.. and HESSIAN.ORG will be up and running again soon. I suck cocks.
lol @ adrian. butthurt faggot.
Adrian just doesn’t get it.
Hello. My name is Adrian McCock or Mike Oxlong.
The bands listed in the article have little to nothing to do with the thrash sub-genre. Listen to the new Overkill record and realize what thrash metal truly is.
Thrash and ‘thrash metal’ are two completely different subgenres.. Thrash being a crossover of hardcore punk and metal, and ‘thrash metal’ being a marketing term applied to speed metal. Also, the new Overkill record isn’t a good example..
Just caught DRI a couple of months ago…they still fucking rip, just older.
Seconded. You all should capitalize on any and every opportunity you get to see D.R.I live.
shit yeah, saw them a couple days ago!! lost a fucking shoe in the crowd lmao
wow lots of homos still in the closet here….
album coming soon! old school thrash!