Sweden is lost.
With an unstoppable invasion of Muslim migrants and a judicial system that refuses to prosecute their crimes, the nation’s progressive government leaders have definitively surrendered the future of Sweden into a Muslim majority. It will only be a matter of time until a revolution occurs similar to that of Iran in 1979, when the country’s republic is overthrown and replaced by an Islamic theocracy and hijabs are forced on the women of Sweden. It’s a reality that Swedes had better accept sooner than later as it has already happened to many other less willing nations within the last century.
Under Sharia law, there are harsh penalties for blasphemy, witchcraft, female indecency (exposing your body/not wearing a veil in public) and devil worship- ranging from a life in prison (with the press declaring you committed suicide) to public execution. There will be no mercy shown for those who profaned/denied the image of God whether the act occurred during or after the new rule of law was instituted. Therefore, any and all Swedish bands with such lyrical content will be quickly and efficiently strung up en masse when the new government arrives.
And if all this sounds crazy to you, just read the tale of Iranian metal band Confess and the horrors its musicians have been forced to endure. After recording the lyrically harmless In Pursuit of Dreams (of which song titles include “Did You Get My Last Massage?” and “What Doesn’t Kill You Make You Exhausted!”), the band’s vocalist Nikan Kosravi were thrown into prison, forced in solitary confinement, and denied bail for almost a month. The kid’s parents had to sell their houss and pay $30,000 for him to be released, and he faced the punishment of death by hanging for the crime of blasphemy. He eventually hired a human trafficker to smuggle him out of the country to escape a 6 year prison sentence!

FYI Those are Saudi Arabian women being hanged, for all of you hijab-wearing feminists out there
But all the while brainless beta-cuck musicians existing in a Gothenburg liberal bubble like Tomas Lindberg of At the Gates will be decrying nationalism and populism as the horrifying bogyman that threatens their world. They will cheer the eventual institution of Islamic government as “the end of a tyrannical Christian reign” and will not even notice the militants sneak up behind them until the bag is thrown over their heads. Some of their fans will cry and throw tantrums and in retaliation be beaten in the streets, but they will ultimately do nothing as their Swedish death metal heroes are hanged by the neck right before their very eyes.
If you have ever played in a Swedish death or black metal band, you’d better get the hell out of the country before the day of Sharia comes (I’m giving it less than ten years). And if you’re in a band on the below list, I am not kidding you: you are going to die!!! To the rest of the world, prepare yourself, because it is likely only a matter of time before the musicians of following bands will likely be executed in front of a liberal metal world that was too dumb and too feminine to stand up to what is happening:
Abominate (witchcraft)
Ages (blasphemy)
Age of Heresy (blasphemy)
Arch Enemy (blasphemy, female indecency)
Air Borne
Angst (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Antichrist (witchcraft)
Author of Pain (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
At the Gates (blasphemy)
A Mind Confused (witchcraft)
Bathory (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Battlelust (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Bedlamite (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Beastiality (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Bewitched (witchcraft)
Beyond the End (blasphemy)
Blacksnow (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Blackwinds (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Black Trip (witchcraft)
Blood of Serpants (witchcraft)
Burning Darkness (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Carbonized (witchcraft)
Carnal Agony (blasphemy)
Cermonial Execution (blasphmey, ironically will die in the same nature of the band’s name)
Coerced Existence (witchcraft)
Crucifyre (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Cryptic (witchcraft)
Cult of the Headless Witch (witchcraft)
Dark Oath (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Daemonicus (blasphemy)
Damnatory (witchcraft)
DCLXVI (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Decay (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Dead Winds (blasphemy)
Death Metal Militia (blasphemy)
Defaced Creation (blasphemy)
Demolitia (blasphemy)
Demorian (blasphemy)
Desolator (blasphemy)
Devestation (blasphemy)
Devian (blasphemy)
Dissection (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Dhraug (blasphemy)
Diabolical Masquarade (witchcraft)
Dion Fortune (witchcraft)
Discarnate (blasphemy)
Dod (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Droneologist (witchcraft)
Edge of Sanity (blasphemy)
Eldrit (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Ending Quest (blasphemy, witchcraft)
Epitaph (blasphemy)
Erupted (witchcraft)
Exhumed (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Eyecult (witchcraft)
Flavros (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Folie a Deux (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Frantic Amber (female indecency)
Frozen Winds (witchcraft)
Graviators (witchcraft)
Grief of Emerald (blasphemy)
Grime Bath (blasphemy)
Grotesque (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Gutter Instinct (blasphemy)
Habitat (witchcraft)
Haimad (witchcraft)
Helsefyr (blasphemy)
Hidden (witchcraft)
Hin Hale (witchcraft)
Holocaust Winds (witchcraft)
Horde of Hel (blasphemy)
Horned Serpent (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Hyperion (witchcraft)
Hysterica (female indecency)
Icon Blood (blasphemy)
Imperialist (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Imperious (blasphemy)
Imprecator (blasphemy)
Kaos (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Kaos Sacramentum (witchcraft)
Keks (witchcraft)
Lefay (witchcraft)
Likblek (witchcraft)
Loch Vostok (blasphemy)
Lost Concinnity (blasphemy)
Lost in Lunacy (witchcraft)
Mardrom (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Marduk (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
MarysCreek (blasphemy)
Matricide (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Manifestor (witchcraft)
Mindless Sinner (witchcraft)
Morgana Lefay (witchcraft)
Mork Grning (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Morticum (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Mortum (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Nahvas (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Nattfrost (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Necrophobic (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Raging Steel (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Rev 16:8 (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Obscura (blasphemy)
Obscyria (blasphemy)
Obscuratum (blasphemy)
Octinomos (blasphemy)
Oferd (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Okkulta (witchcraft)
Ondskapt (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Of Fire (blasphemy)
Polterkrist (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Plague Angel (blasphemy)
Posk (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Sacramentum (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Sanctum (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Sanguis (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Sanity Assassin (blasphemy)
Sanity of Impiety (blasphemy)
Satans Helvete (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Saturnalia Temple (witchcraft)
Scourge (witchcraft)
Seid (witchcraft)
Skarseld & Mjod (blasphemy, witchcraft)
Satanicus (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
SlaughterCoffin (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Sleeping Majesty (witchcraft)
Snakeskin Angels (witchcraft)
Sordid Flesh (blasphemy)
Sorghegard (blasphemy)
Skymning (blasphemy)
Snotarar (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Sordid Death (blasphemy)
Soulreaper (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Strykjarn (blasphemy)
Svartus Krakus (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Svartur Dodur (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Taetre (blasphemy)
Terato (witchcraft)
Therion (female indecency)
The Abyss (blasphemy)
The Crown (blasphemy)
The Graviators (witchcraft)
The Moaning (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Trident (witchcraft)
Turbocharged (blasphemy)
Tzaraatg (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Undivine (blasphemy)
Unleashed (blasphemy)
URX (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Vanhelgd (blasphemy)
Vargheim (witchcraft)
Vargagrav (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Vanmakt (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Vergelmer (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Verminous (blasphemy)
Vomitory (blasphemy)
Vorgus (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Terrorama (blasphemy)
Wan (witchcraft)
Watain (blasphemy, homosexuality, witchcraft)
Wicked (blasphemy)
Witchery (witchcraft)
Witchgrave (blasphemy, devil worship, witchcraft)
Witch’s Coven (witchcraft)
Wormlight (blasphemy, witchcraft)
$ilverdollar (witchcraft)
Tags: At the Gates, blasphemy, death, Immigration, invasion, Islamic law, metal, Muslims, Occultism, progressive liberals, public execution, Satanism, Sharia Law, sjws, Sweden, Swedish Black Metal, Swedish Death Metal, theocracy, Tomas Lindberg, witchcraft
Cool list
Nigga u forgot ENTOMBED
I live in a 100% Muslim country (Morocco) and we have black metal, alcohol, sluttiness and raging feminism just like the west. You are just being paranoid
If 10 years pass and no shariah law comes to Sweden will you concede you are wrong?
Never concede! They’re turning us into shemales for Muslims to rape! I bet there’s no trannies to rape in Morocco hence migration!
If nothing happens, then you must take matters into your own hands. Make shariah look like kindergarten in comparison.
Phew! I feel better now!
Morrocco is a dirty shit hole that has completely been destroyed due to a mixture of culture and Islam. Maghreb does not have sluts but prostitution and sexual tourism. 20 years ago it was a great country but now it’s full of liars and thieves.
How do you know that?
Tourists of all forms are cancer.
And nothing of value will be lost
I like the Watain part.
I don’t see Opeth listed for homosexuality. This list is too incomplete!
hi, hello! I´m all open for homosexuality. Opeth is kinda cool, gets me in the vibe for some rimming. So, do you wanna cyber ??
You trippin B
Entombed, Dismember, Hypocrisy, God Macabre need to be on the list. Opeth should be executed first.
DISMEMBER “Shadowlands”
Who watches the watchers
hiding behind the light
who’ll pay for their crimes
will you die for their lies
the star and the crescent moon
symbol of slavery
soaked in blood
throughout history
Fanatical minds
enforce the way and law
pound the weak into submission
forced into misery
betrayed by their leaders
they’re sent out to die
on blooddrenched fields
all praise allah
Deadly, Opium for the mind
it dulls the senses and kills the soul
Garbage, Holy verses of the koran
justify their war on other lands
No fear of dying martyrdom awaits
it’s easier to die than to live
I do not follow the scene that much anymore but can anyone indentify any band who had the balls to blaspheme against Islam in a very open and public manner (not the useless bedroom black metal unlistenable projects no one cares for but a band, a real one)?
Where my dogs at?
Fuck you X. Get out my hood biatch…
Fuck you EZ
Becoming halal meat.
Bathory’s already dead retard
Not all of them
I’m a better rapper than you.
At this point, Sweden would benefit from being under Muslim rule.
Failing to mention the Greater Israel Project & talking about immigration this late in the game…you LARPing faggot. Keep on bitching over the symptoms as the Jew chuckles & intensely rubs its hands in the background.
All it needs to do is to commit another lazy Mossad false flag on that mosque in Jerusalem blaming it on Deus Vult retards ensuing endless chaos in these multicultural shitholes. So go bomb AIPAC or send one through BB’s head when he returns to cuck your puppet orange fucktard, whatever you have to do than repeating Jew garbage & being a cannon fodder good goy.
LOL you’re afraid of jews? lol. You are a goddamn PUSSY. Let me guess you’ve got jews in your sandwich!
Heh got im
Nice deflection Hasbara
You forgot Lord Belial.
A melodic black / rock band.
One of the songs is called “PURIFY SWEDEN” and contains this idea:
Or are they already long gone from the country?!! =)))
Lord Belial, by the way, is about the only swedish band, apart from Bathory, that I can tolerate at the moment.
Sweden, mighty Sweden
The time has come for war
We must purify this land
These plains of forgotten glory
We must Unite!
Upon the mountains we shall stand
Guarding what must be ours alone again
Exterminate those who oppose us one by one
This is our land which must be purified
Purify Sweden!
Destroy all which is dedicated to god
Purify Sweden!
All fucking mosques must burn
Purify Sweden!
Molest all islamic believers
Purify Sweden!
Apostolic fathers must die
Fearless we stand amongst those we hate
Proud we´ll stand as we walk our land alone again
Buddha, allah and jesus fucking christ-the whore!
Must be erased from the memories of every Swedish born
We must Unite!
So hear us now-swear allegiance in the name of all Swedishness
Under the banner of the land of Sweden you all must fight or die
Let your hate rise with fury, let your fury show you the way
Guard and cleanse our land which must be ours alone again
Purify Sweden!
Destroy all which is dedicated to god
Purify Sweden!
All fucking mosques must burn
Purify Sweden!
Molest all islamic believers
Purify Sweden!
Apostolic fathers must die
Let the cleansing begin!!!
Apparently Lord Belial don’t know much about religion, or they’d realize that to put Buddhism in the same category as the Abrahamic revealed religions is fallacious, given that it is an atheistic/agnostic religion{or maybe one could be Buddhist and a deist or pantheist}- like Satanism itself is
Buddhism isn’t even a religion.
And there are different schools of buddhism. Some are idealist, other materialist.
But in the context of this song, it seems not to matter much. The song is ethnonationalistic, where “swedishness” is assumed as the highest ideal. Buddhism is obviously unswedish.
hmmmm… i think the sole member of Bathory left Sweden a long time ago, LOL