On August 6, 2013, Impiety will release its latest assault upon the world of mortal beings. Titled The Impious Crusade, this mini-album (that’s an EP for you 80s fanatics) will include five new songs of what we can only assume is the characteristic ripping fullback-rushing-at-Satan rhythmic metal that has made Impiety famous.
Unfortunately, assume is all that we can do. Other than describing the music as “innovative, brilliant and totally unforgiving,” the band has given us no clues. However, Impiety rose to fame for — in a time when bands were “experimenting” by including known influences from other genres — being cuts-to-the-bone pure rhythmic high speed chaotic death metal. Unlike war metal, they kept in the complexity of old school death metal and worked in even a bit of melody without turning into the over-tuned saccharine that afflicts many metal bands today.
In short, people have loyalty to Impiety because Impiety had loyalty to metal at a time when it was unfashionable and definitely not trendy to do so. Over the years, their output has been consistently within this theme, although it has improved, and has attracted numerous tributes. With this release, however, more may be afoot because the band are suspiciously mute on the topic of style.
The Impious Crusade will be released on Hell’s Headbanger’s Records, who promise more information today on this developing story.
Tags: death metal, impiety, War Metal
Impiety is shitty. Even shittier, Jeff Hanneman died from liver failure. The future is indeed grim.
I liked older Impiety a lot better, when they were the best duck fronted band around at the time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYKTTC41vmM
Impeity are amazing, you are a homosexual. Hail the official band of the ANUS blogpost trolls!
Impiety is back! Now where is Brutal Slayer of Christians Noble Hessian Warrior of Death??
and dead brain cells for all!