Scott Ian makes a few points:
Before the Internet, the only way to steal music was to walk into a music store and physically walk out with something, and you were stealing, and you knew it. You knew, unless you’re a fucking maniac, that there was a consequence. If you got caught, you were going to get in trouble.
On the Internet, there is no consequence for stealing. Nobody gets in trouble for stealing music, nobody gets in trouble for stealing movies. Illegal downloading has no consequence. So until there is a consequence, it’s going to happen more and more and more, and people are going to see less and less original and good content from the record industry and movie industry. – Anthrax’s Scott Ian: Take Away Illegal Downloaders’ Internet Privileges
First, he’s right — it’s stealing, if it’s the only way you get the album.
My experience is that with underground music, people who download tend to later buy the album, and those that do not had no plans to buy anything anyway.
For mainstream music, all bets are off. Then again, the attention span there is much shorter.
Maybe it’s time for Scott Ian and Co. to either make music like Beyonce, or make music like Incantation.
No middle ground.
Yes, there was no way to copy music with a dual cassette deck, nope. You had to go into a record store and steal music or buy it. There was no way to hear music otherwise before the internet came around.
Man, it must really suck that all musicians are motivated by money. If everyone keeps pirating, the concept of music will literally cease to exist!
Goddammit why do I have such a tiny penis? I can’t even take a piss without getting angry!
Yo homies! You gotta check out this underground track! It’s a wicked mix of NWOBHM, industrial and hardcore rap. Evil freshness at its best! MMFWCL 14/88!!
Why does ANUS support racism? You do realize that mixed race people are healthier and more resistant to disease. Really, skin pigmentation is nothing to be proud of, it’s nothing but laziness as Nietzsche said. Be proud of your own accomplishments, not things that happened 300 years ago that you had no involvement in. Race is just a social construct, what that means is society that gives ‘race’ meaning. Irish, Italians, and Poles were at various times considered ‘non-white’ but they were assimilated into America’s cultural mosaic, African-Americans can also be assimilated. It is simply ignorance that prevents this from happening. Tribalism and racism are products of an uncivilized barbarian mind.
My studies of the mean IQ of nations has revealed that whites are inferior to Jews and Asians. Makes sense, Jews conquered us with a foreign religion, Thor and Odin were defeated by a guy who advocated ‘turning the other cheek’, and they still today rule our economies and governments. Asians built civilizations such as China and Korea, whilst northern Europeans were illiterate barbarians — on the same level of development as sub-Saharan Africans — and who made their livings by pillaging their neighbors and selling each other as slaves to Arabs.
As a eugenicist, I think all white people should breed with Jews and Asians to improve their inferior white racial stock.
When “Well, I just wanted to check it out, and then I liked it so I bought the record.” (Ian) is stealing, then record companies hyping their crap in their usual ways is, well, fraud.
technically, stealing implies that the person you take from has lost the thing, when you download, there is a new thing in the world, nobody lost anything, except potential future sales, but this can’t be considered like theft, it may be a fraud but that would imply attacking the person who put the record up for download, not the downloader.
You smokin your law books?
I like to steal jizz. When I’m at a Mastodon concert, I wait till my fellow fags are too drunk and pass out. Theny I unzip them and start sucking their teeny cocks until they unintentionally cum in my mouth! I like to repeat this several times that night.
Am I thief of jizz?
So it’s not cool if I don’t hate any other race but prefer to mate with my own (white)? That sounds pretty RACIST to me.
@ Judge jewdy
Absolutely not your honor, unlike teft, Copyright was invented only very late in mankind’s history, once Gutemberg made writing books and selling them a profitable industry which the kings could tax, as well as a dangerous means of spreading new ideas that they would need to control (and realy not to protect the writers).
So stealing is an objective bad thing for all humans, copy violates some specific law that could well be changed without breaking society.
Using the word “stealing” in place of “copyright infringement” is a gross misrepresentation of reality which serves only as an attempt to terrorise the public.
Conclusion : Scott Ian is getting on the dark comfy side, and I’d bet the next album will be less good.
All day all night all day all night all day all night all day all night what the fuck?! i came to spain and i saw people party i told to myself what the fuck what the fuck…. all day all night all day all night viva la fiesta viva la noche viva los dj’s i couldn’t believe what i was living so i called my friend johnny and said … JOHNNY LA GENTE ESTA MUY LOCA
Thor and Odin have been defeated…FOR NOW
@mixed race is better, exactly what I thought when i was reading the supremacy blabber. Racism is scientifically & biologically Wrong: A proven fallacy. & while metal ethos bends towards non-conformity, any writer/artist’s work in ANY FUCKING CENTURY is an expression of individuality (and advocates individuality in itself).
ANUS does not support racial superiority or racial purity.
ANUS supports sensible conservation of races and cultures.
In this day and age, anyone who screams RACIST! is anti-white…which makes them a racist.
In this day and age, anyone who brings up shit like “anti-white” makes them a racist and a baby.
There’s no way to be racist against the white devil. The only way to promote TRUE anti-racism, equality, and multiculturalism is to kill and rape as many whites as you can.
I give a flying fuck, but only a flying fuck. A grounded fuck or a floating fuck are fucks I do not give, but a flying fuck is most assuredly the kind of transportation of fucks that I give. Fuck you.
Kyle from Incantation has a moustache.