… I can’t seem to cum at this site, I thought anus.com was a gay porn site, hoping to see lots of big fat juicy dicks but what’s this? Metal music? What a turn off! I’m gonna need me a bigger rubber dildo now, jeez. Think I once got buttfucked by a dude into metal, think he mentioned The Sword and Mastodon, anyway he was even more girlie than I am…
Meh, The Sword have way better t-shirts.
I think ANUS needs to do an expose on war metal, one of the most ferocious and battering approaches to metal.
Some grandiose examples:
These are just some of the more elite bands.
You also need a review on the great Beherit side project Goat Vulva.
More, more black/death/grind/war metal so I can finally cum…..
… I can’t seem to cum at this site, I thought anus.com was a gay porn site, hoping to see lots of big fat juicy dicks but what’s this? Metal music? What a turn off! I’m gonna need me a bigger rubber dildo now, jeez. Think I once got buttfucked by a dude into metal, think he mentioned The Sword and Mastodon, anyway he was even more girlie than I am…
hahahaha. do you have any elite happy hardcore acts too?
uhm yeah dude i’ve one hard-core right in between my hairy legs… cumm check it out