0 thoughts on “Dead Horse”

  1. The Surgeon says:

    So Boil(ing) is okay to listen to? Fantastic, the surgeon is inspired.

  2. Levy_Spearmen says:

    Why can’t I choose to be deported as my sentencing? I doubt Mexico can do shit about the U.S. shipping criminals over.

  3. Gaahl says:

    HELHEIM fron Bergen, specially their firts album needs an engrossing review too Brett!

  4. lol says:

    Hey fags, remember that time I said I found a chick at a club? Well I just took her on a date, and then we went back to my place. BAZING! Just dropped her off at her place (she has work tomorrow), what have you faggots done tonight besides masturbate? What will you faggots do over the weekend to change your sorry lot in life? Hahaha, fucking losers.

  5. Dominating Fucker says:

    “Hey fags, remember that time I said I found a chick at a club?”

    You mean one of those chicks-with-dicks homos like you engage in anal sex with, no fag, you most be again on the fucking wrong website, stupid anal-ridden fuckwad!

    “Just dropped him off at his place (he has work tomorrow),”

    And then you thought you really needed to share this with the anus.com readership hoping no one will think you’re a fucking emotionally immature loser for doing that. Because of course there’s nothing childish of using self-referential trivialities as method to for a cheap trick of self-importance. “Bazing” you are a fucking idiot!

    In a few years when you grow up little gay mongoloid you’ll realize two things, 1) only losers wait for the weekend to enjoy themselves, 2) you’re mentally age 10, unaware you exhibit yourself as a fucking retard and, can’t get enough of it!

    To answer your question fag, today I went to the gym, nothing like pumping iron, later I fucked a sweet girl doggy-style and of course I made her cumm, bullied a few fucking hipsters and enjoyed some killer black metal albums.

    Now fuck off you tiny dick homosexual emo, go the fuck back to your video games and boring gay-indie-pop shit music!

  6. Dominating Fucker says:

    Jesus, why am I so unfunny and unintelligent? Did I seriously expect slow applause or something at “boring gay-indie-pop shit music”? Is English my second language? I make this blog look bad. My very existence is a giant wooden sign that says “only insecure, probably repressed homosexual neanderthals take anus seriously”.

  7. even on anus you're a laughingstock says:

    “To answer your question fag, today I went to the gym, nothing like pumping iron, later I fucked a sweet girl doggy-style and of course I made her cumm, bullied a few fucking hipsters and enjoyed some killer black metal albums.”

    Yup, just another great day in fantasy land. The only parts that might be believable are enjoying your fairy black metal mp3s and doing your 45 lb 1 rep bench max at the gym. Maybe that wasn’t the only thing you were “pumping” there.

  8. St. Bart says:

    >you’re mentally age 10
    >guy still listens to black metal


  9. fartz says:

    Sorry you “evolved” out of a higher form of music than anything you like, St. Bart!

  10. St. Bart says:

    Yup Ildjarn’s bedroom strummings and Averse Spergira sure are better than Bartók and Dün. Glad I listen to this site’s suggestions of what’s acceptable listening and not!

  11. brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death says:

    What a little faggot, I bet you can’t even squat half your bodyweight. Come at me bro, I’m 5’10 and 220 pounds of pure beefy muscle and can squat 400 lb ATG. You don’t want to fuck with me.

  12. loliez says:

    >I’m 5’10 and 220 pounds of pure beefy muscle

    Ahahahaha, the only way you’ll get action is as a bottom in the bear scene you corpulent midget. No woman would even bat an eye at a short little beaner like you; the word is out, HEIGHT DOES MATTER! Not to mention you sound fucking obese, ‘sall muscle tho, amirite?

  13. brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death says:

    Last night I was convincing a hipster he was really a fag. I made him bend me over and fuck me up the ass – raw, what kind of fag screws a stranger with no protection? I bet he has AIDS ‘cuz he was such a fag. Then I spooned with him all night, haha, what a fag that guy was!

  14. brutal slayer of christians, noble hessian warrior of death says:

    Lmao @ 5’10 being short. Isn’t the height in your Eastern European ghetto 5’7 or something? Oh yea, it’s because half your population is starving from malnutrition. As I said, don’t fuck with me bro. I’m pure muscle and will deadlift the shit out of you.

  15. Dominating Fucker says:

    “only insecure, probably repressed homosexual neanderthals take anus seriously”.

    You nailed it fag, that’s why you’re here every single time to prove us wrong by not taking every post seriously, ha ha hahaha fucking pubescbent blowjobber!!

    @ even on anus you’re a laughingstock
    What’s hard to believe is you actually nit-picked and replied to such triviality and still don’t realize that whether you choose to believe or not believe is irrelevant to the fact that you’re wasting you’re time typing trivialities on a site you don’t like! And what’s more… you’ll come back to repeat this futile cycle. I’m here because I respect this site. Whoever doesn’t needs to create “fantasy” justifications to be here in the first place. Fine, but don’t pretend you’re not being a loser for doing that.

    @ St. Bart
    “>you’re mentally age 10
    >guy still listens to black metal

    Irony is fun, let me try:
    > guy still reads comments about a guy who still listens to black metal

    > fag takes time to reply to an internet comment at a site allegedly he shouldn’t be concerned visiting in the first place.

    > nhgaa ooungha bugha bugha indonggha

    > he thinks “lol” is not gay or, has come to terms with his homosexuality. I bet you look really cute when you get fucked in the ass!

    Alright fucking retarded emos, nice talking to you I’m sure you’re dying to reply to me, since you’re obviously not here for the reading material; in the meantime please resume to your cocksucking anal stretching jizz gargling habits.

  16. tiny midget says:

    I know who you are Dominating Fucker, you’re that guy from the Angry Black Metal Elitist blog, you can not fool me, you may be bigger than me but my tiny fists are lethal.

  17. Dominated Faggot's theme song says:

    so that means you think of dominated fucker in your free time, in your room, while you are on the net??? jesus christ he should be flattered at being so influential and popular in your life but beware he might think you are hitting on him and beat you up bro. just ignore the guy.

  18. Dominated Faggot's theme song says:

    I love that song it makes me stick random stuff up my manhole. We hipsters should have our own theme song, something that represents our gayness, mhh any Mastodon song would do.

  19. but why? says:

    u mad

  20. @but why? says:

    u gay?

  21. big bear @ loliez says:

    But last night we had such a great night didn’t we honey? I made passionate love to u, ur tight butthole opened up to me as a blooming flower awaiting the summer spray.

  22. Levy_Spearmen says:

    Your making me hard, bro!

  23. just kill yourself bro says:

    >Irony is fun, let me try

    pitiful, your aspergers is showing, HARD

  24. Levy_Spearmen says:

    Ironically non-ironic, hmm?

  25. @ just kill yourself bro says:

    A lazy reply from a lazy cunt.

  26. @ just kill yourself bro says:

    >Irony is fun, let me try

    pitiful, your aspergers is showing, HARD

    hahah you forgot the “lol” part fag!! ha ha ha ha

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