From Duane Timlin:
So the Fairly big news, after our conference call between those of us in Narcotic Wasteland, the decision was finally made to let the cat out of the bag. Im sure some of you have noticed that name pop up, Now it’s time to come clean about it.
Narcotic Wasteland is the brainchild of Dallas Toler Wade. For those of you living under a rock Dallas is from the mighty Nile! He recruited longtime friend and old bandmate Ed Rhone (Teratosis, Dukallian Rebirth) Who then recruited me (almost every band).
We’ve been hard at work the past few months coming up with material, which were at eight songs now and more on the way, as well as a gameplan for this band. The idea behind Narcotic is to play what we want to play be it punk, thrash, death, black, whatever we feel at the moment is what were gonna do. Were ready for this news to spread, I’ll be posting videos with Sickdrummer after the camp, and will be throwing more bones at ya’s between my auditions, and while Dallas is filling his duties to Nile,( New album early spring!) and the Narcotic will be around there spring, early summer.
We look forward to getting out there and killing you, or at least watch you kill yourselves! It’s Time to Die…….
And remember to sodomize the fallen, Duane. We love the band name. Hail Satan!
a band about where junkies live?
Can you scream Eyehategod ripoff any louder?
Sit down in my dick son!
“The idea behind Narcotic is to play what we want to play be it punk, thrash, death, black, whatever we feel at the moment is what were gonna do.”
So mostly they will just be giving each other blowjobs.