My name is Jaime Perez, and I play drums for Texas death metal band, Severance. Earlier, we self- released our 4th full-length album, and we are looking for labels/distros to help us distribute our music. I was wondering if you would be interested in trading items in your catalog for some Severance cds. I have started a little distro as well, and I could help sell your stuff at our shows, as well. Let me know if you can help us out. Thanks for your time, …and best of luck to you.
My name is Jaime Perez, and I play drums for Texas death metal band, Severance. Earlier, we self- released our 4th full-length album, and we are looking for labels/distros to help us distribute our music. I was wondering if you would be interested in trading items in your catalog for some Severance cds. I have started a little distro as well, and I could help sell your stuff at our shows, as well. Let me know if you can help us out. Thanks for your time, …and best of luck to you.