Hamm’s is one of those sorts of beers your dad used to drink back in the day especially if your dad was from Minnesota. My dad wasn’t; I just bought a thirty rack as it was cheap and fresher than the High Life, Coors, and Pabst Blue Ribbon as I am a dirty metalhead. If you are going to headbang, you might as well get a buzz. You’ll be caring more about the music, so what you are drinking needs to be cost-effective while tasting only decent. I banged out Obsessed by Cruelty and Persecution Mania while drinking Hamm’s for this review. The original CD version of sloppy, raw speed metal as drunk band for a beer review; Chris Witchhunter died of alcoholism. I drank six cans for this review to get full Hamm’s experience.
The beer pours out your consistent dehydrated urine gold beer color. Hamm’s is not one of those pure chemical lagers so it leaves a decent head of foam unlike Coors. It’s also not hydrated urine light yellow, lighter than a highlighter. The beer smells like corn flakes, beer, and slight herbal hops. This is a beer for people who like beer, not people who drink IPAs that taste like orange juice or coffee stouts that taste like chocolate milk. Hamm’s is beer beer.
The taste is of beer, corn bread, and lemony hops that remind me of dish-washing detergent. Tastes great just like beer. The problem with Hamm’s is it’s lack of effectiveness even when compared to Pabst Blue Ribbon. I drank six of these in a couple hours. I was only drunk for a little bit. It’s not a Coors Light experience where you drink ten of them, never get even buzzed, an wake up the next day feeling like embalmed corpse in a morgue with all blood sucked out of you and replaced with chemical preservers. Hamm’s is a good buy, just not a very efficient buy. Reminds me of a less offensive Rolling Rock Extra Pale Lager.
Quality: ***/*****
Purchase: ***/*****
Tags: american adjunct beer, beer, hamm's, lager, molsoncoors
I grab two 30 packs of this each time I drive through West Virginia to PA, it’s cheaper by miles and has a better taste and feel than the average 6$-10$ 30 packs like a Genesee but I agree it takes a lot of them to you a good buzz going.
While I have to disagree with this idea of drinking anything containing alcohol just for the effect, I liked this review.
I am from Minneapolis, I started drinking this when I was broke until I was arrested back in 2007