American beer got a lot of flack, but that reflects the situation forty years ago. Now, a number of independent breweries make great beer, and as in everything else, if you avoid the normie product designed for cultureless desire zombies, you can find some good stuff.
Lone Pint – Brewers Select Black IPA has effectively ended my quest for the perfect beer. It is a dark beer like Negra Modelo but without the pancake-syrup sweetness, and with a depth of flavor that mixes bitterness and the piquant to make an enigmatic, intriguing paradox.
The beer is both malty and bitter, spicy and mild, and through the ongoing tension (not resolution!) of these constituent parts, it wrests a complex flavor out of a simple profile. Expect a struggle, not a smooth slick streamlined flavor. It makes for the best flavor when drinking.
To instigate offtopic troll madness, because we can:
The whole “intelligent-metal-academia” thing is (oxy)moronic, because the genre is the opposite, as in animalistic and shackle-breaking. What made the 80-90’s great, is not because the music was great (only some classical music can be called great), but rather that it was more convincing – that’s the key-word to this so called greatness you internet warriors are so crazed about.
I don’t think metal is supposed to sound “good”, but rather “bad in a good way”.
So convincing.
Fuck Brett, you decline two thirds of my comments and yet you let this mealy mouthed milquetoast say his piece?