Interview with Garden Gnome

Every genre hits a ceiling. How does jazz rise beyond The Shape of Jazz to Come, electronica exceed Computer World, classical beat the Beethoven nine symphonies, or black metal surpass Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Pure Holocaust, and Transilvanian Hunger?

The answer will disappoint everyone: by using them as the new baseline and writing more intriguing melodies. Genres that go senescent focus on quantity over quality, but genres that endure stick with the classics and focus on not technique but artistic content to continue evolving.

Garden Gnome is one of those projects that like Impaled Nazarene is as much provocation as music. Luckily the creator took more than a few minutes to set down some thoughts that needed expressing about dungeon synth, black metal, and the nature of the gnome.

What was the Garden Gnome project and what was its intent?

Garden Gnome was forged by my boredom with the Dungeon Synth scene: a scene in which the musically inept are content to praise themselves for formulating and championing the most moronic of trivialities; hot dog synth, dinosaur synth, and the like, each unbearably superficial, hailed by mindless supporters for no reason other than their blind obsession with novelty, not unlike the hipsters of the late 2000s and early 2010s, as if the mere presence of “originality” were enough to justify its existence and fandom. Generally speaking, the “music” of Dungeon Synth, if such a term can be applied, is devoid of any artistic value; its meanderings lack meaningful development and contrast. It is very evident that the bar in Dungeon Synth is not merely low; it is subterranean, too far buried beneath what Dungeon Synth could have been as a form of black metal-inspired ambient music that it seems to mock its original potentiality like a circus mirror parody. As an inside joke, and to be subversive, I manufactured Garden Gnome as a Trojan Horse to slip unnoticed into the core of this world of mediocrity, not with the intention of capitalizing on it, but rather to subvert it from within by using its own devices; fantasy and medieval aesthetics in a “novel” framework.

Thus, True Gnomewegian Dungeon Synth emerged in 2021. Created in a few hours on my Korg Triton keyboard, the album quickly caught the attention of several DIY Dungeon Synth record labels; I believe because the novelty of the project gave it a post-hipster appeal. Therefore, I started to churn out dumb Bandcamp releases in rapid succession, with the inside joke morphing into an outside one. I also started using another keyboard, a Korg Kronos, for additional textures.

To clarify, I don’t mean to disparage all of Dungeon Synth; some projects, like Khand, have been lumped under its umbrella, even though the Khand guy refuses to accept the Dungeon Synth categorization. Secret Stairways, Old Tower, A Good Mage, and others that I can’t recall right now, are rather decent, too. But the vast majority of Dungeon Synth is sheer novelty and should be disdained and left to rot in obscurity. There’s a reason why Jon Rosenthal of Invisible Oranges is Dungeon Synth’s biggest defender. Not only does the current state of Dungeon Synth carry hipster DNA, but it also enforces conformity to neoliberal identity politics within its social circles.

How well did it succeed?

In terms of stirring up controversy within Dungeon Synth circles, Garden Gnome was quite successful. It has garnered a substantial following on Bandcamp, with followers sending semi-frequent donations – thank you to those who have contributed! However, when it comes to mass appeal and the music reaching a broader audience through effective marketing, that has been missing. Substantial spikes in interest only occurred when the rabble-rousing went semi-viral.

One record label, larger than the DIY labels that had released cassettes of the project, expressed interest in releasing The Gnomer of the Beast. However, as a neoliberal cautionary measure, they asked if I had ever supported NSBM. I explained that I listen to music regardless of its political affiliations; I can listen to stuff like Burzum and Napalm Death without letting the politics of the bands interfere with my enjoyment of the music. The mere fact that I admitted this, that I don’t impose political boundaries on my music consumption, was enough for the label to leave me on seen. This is what I mean by the neoliberal identity politics in the Dungeon Synth scene: it is more important than the music itself, and Jon Rosenthal of Invisible Oranges does rejoice in that fact!

Do you listen to any of the music?

I don’t listen to my own music for pleasure, but I occasionally revisit it to analyze it to pinpoint deficiencies. As for Dungeon Synth, I only listen out of curiosity. It’s not part of my daily routine; I only check it out when something stands out. The problem with the music of Dungeon Synth is the overwhelming amount of low-quality content, which makes it extremely difficult to find anything worthwhile. This problem brings it intimately close to the current state of extreme metal; OSDM being on par with hot dog synth in terms of vibe being the principal source of expression.

My music consumption is mainly oriented towards classical music, extreme metal, electronic, and ambient music. Dungeon Synth could fit into the ambient music that I consume if it were worlds better… It would need a complete overhaul: the social circles nuked and restructured, and some kind of quality control imposed on the music. Unfortunately, I don’t see this ever happening!

What got you interested in Dungeon Synth?

I initially expected to find black metal adjacent projects, like the Burzum prison albums, Neptune Towers, Lord Wind, and similar works. However, what I discovered were shallow imitations and what seemed like quasi-video game music. As it is currently known, Dungeon Synth can’t justify its existence beyond its social circles. Similarly, I can’t justify Garden Gnome beyond its reaction to these very circles.

What are the strengths of the genre?

The potential strength lies in the capability, creativity, and intuition of the composer. World-building is a significant part of the fantasy aspect of Dungeon Synth; imagine if they would focus on music-building instead. While this may still be possible, I believe the Dungeon Synth micro-subgenre is so far gone that those capable of pushing it forward should do so on their own terms. They should forge their own path and create something separate from the musical dead end of Dungeon Synth. Do not fret if you’re not a part of a scene; become your own scene! If the music is worthwhile, it will eventually find an audience.

Will there be more Garden Gnome, or have you transitioned to a new project?

There are no plans for additional Garden Gnome releases, unless I find myself in a financial bind and need some quick Bandcamp money. As for upcoming projects, the Goatcraft tracks have been submitted for a split with Serpent Ascending, which will likely be the final Goatcraft release. I’m currently working on a black metal project called Amorphophallus Titanum, for which I’ve recently secured an excellent vocalist. Time will tell whether it leads to an official release.

A couple of years ago, I met up with Marko Laiho (Beherit), and we created some noise together. It’s entirely possible that we may collaborate again in the future when our schedules align. Outside of public music, I’m currently in grad school, where I’ve integrated music into my academic pursuits. Out of respect for the privacy of the department, I prefer not to disclose details about my upcoming piano performance next month.

What, in your view, is the goal or utility of art?

I find much significance in the Schopenhauerian notion that the artist should, whether directly or indirectly, expose the errors of their age. In this regard, nature-oriented art holds the greatest potential to endure and exceed the period of its creation. I do not refer to ecological art in this context. While ecological art raises awareness of the Anthropocene and climate change, it often carries an ecofeminist perspective in which the symbolism conveyed (more of a “mood”) takes precedence over its broader impact.

How do we know what is art and what is entertainment or decoration?

I still believe that art should embody a certain level of craftsmanship and philosophy, capable of disclosing truths that go beyond the materiality of existence. However, I reject any Heideggerian phenomenological framework that attempts to explain everything. Reality is far greater than our faculties of reason, and if we try to constrain it within a phenomenological system, it will inevitably fracture our reasoning. In short, art should infer profundities greater than subjective experiences. Entertainment and adornment only reinforce subjective experience.

How do people follow your ongoing projects?

Necroclassical YouTube is probably the place for music stuff.

Thanks for the interview! Cheers from the great state of Texas!

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62 thoughts on “Interview with Garden Gnome”

  1. I'm outta here says:

    This is either Brett talking to himself, or this Gnome person is so dependent on Brett’s ideas that it doesn’t make a difference anyway.

    1. Third option: we share influences (Plato, Schopenhauer, Evola, Kant, Nietzche, at least seem implicated).

      If it were me there would be more pimping of Chandler and Pym as well.

      1. And I'm back in says:

        Which is option two in disguise.

        1. No, because those are not my ideas, but what you are expected to familiar with to be a relevant contributor in the 120+ zone.

          1. At the gates says:

            That particular combination of ideas most likely is. And the majority of people way over 120 haven’t even heard of Evola. Then there’s the usual Burzum, Beherit, Neptune Towers and Lord Wind mentions.

            Not your fault (maybe), but it gets a little echo chamber-y to interview people who basically only repeat your worldview and tastes to such a suspiciously precise degree.

            1. From the outside, maybe it seems that way, but I think you will find that if you dig in, there are significant differences in our outlook.

              If lots of people shared my outlook, I would be irrelevant. Instead I am ignored by most except for a small sliver. Have you considered why that is?

              1. Halfway out the gates says:

                I bet there are differences. You have your thing, while he probably has more of a checklist of your thing. I’m not sure if that’s true, but it’s the way it seems, for what it’s worth.

                Exactly, very few people share your outlook. And apparently you have a superfan in this garden gnome guy.

                1. I would not agree; he and I have some very fundamental differences of opinion, but they did not come up in this interview. Even more, if your idea is that everyone with a classical education is a Brett fan, you’re in for some rough surprises.

                  1. Never mind the gates says:

                    Being “familiar with” Plato, Schopenhauer, Kant and Nietzsche is part of a classical education, yes. But picking out these in particular, plus Evola, as influences and also name-dropping those particular bands is oddly specific. But you do you (too).

                    1. This is getting silly. At this point, everyone who is not a normie or Leftist is familiar with Evola, if they read philosophy at least. The others are a common selection for higher-IQ people to pursue. I am sure there are others this interview subject reads who are not particularly relevant to an interview on a metal website. No idea what you mean about the bands; the ones mentioned from metal are some of the classics.

                    2. I'm silly now says:

                      It’s the particular combination of philosophy endorsements and metal endorsements and what’s left out. Pointing to the fact that e.g. Nietzsche or e.g. Burzum are included in more general categories is irrelevant. After all, only a small sliver of people listens to you, wasn’t that what you said?

                    3. Yes, which if you think about it points to a source outside of what I do.

                    4. Yahweh says:

                      I hope you’re right and that that independent thinker doesn’t turn out to have been a yesman all along.

                    5. Hey silly says:

                      You’re repeating yourself

                2. painkiller says:

                  those of us who think that this website is worth a piece of their time are kindred spirits

                  i think that using the word hipster as a synonym for the last man is fucking stupid and has too many superficial connotations that don’t need to be attached to the ideas that some sickly and nerdy but also talented and spirited german dude was fleshing out 150 years ago

                  viva la difference

      2. LGBTQuestioning+ says:

        “If it were me there would be more pimping of Chandler and Pym as well.”

        Are you referring to Raymond Chandler? Apologies if that’s a dumb question.

        1. Yes, Raymond Chandler, who invented much of the modern noir.

      3. Doug says:

        Comply and no one will complain.

        1. I’m still enjoying someone posting under the username “Democrats all have aids and suck cock.”

          1. Pauline French says:

            Are the people on this site cock-sucking experts?

    2. Flying Kites says:

      Now we need a cult of personality for Brett. Let’s all just act like him all the time, study him down to the mannerism and go public with it. Hilarity!

      Hails to Beherit! Hails to Goatcraft! Be the goat your nanny needs.

      1. If people were going to imitate anything, I would suggest these:

        * Reading of the Western canon in literature and philosophy
        * Growing of wild plants
        * Smoking of pipes and cigars not cigarettes
        * Shooting Communists and throwing them out of helicopters
        * Repair, reuse, recycle, upcycle
        * Pegging of holy assholes
        * Wear green everyday

  2. Jews are annoying and their pussies smell like a sewer fuck mayonnaisepussy smell mayim bialik and Rashida Jones Sabrina carpenter Taylor swift says:

    I feel like Darth Vader gangster rapping to this…

    The madcop
    Mauisaurus prime rap rockzilla
    Medieval metal
    Murder hornets

    This Garden Gnome needs a hip hop antisemetic anti diversity makeover

    Blackhawaiianswissthai lesbian raprockzilla genocide shit

    No wiggers spics Jews ghetto blacks drug users liberals fags

    Just katty sorez rejected dykes rap metaling on my anti jew like black dick

    Hahaha crush rap so no kikes can play it…elEminem most definitely haha

    Do you think deathdoomraprock could work huh?

    U think supervillain rap metal could work Brett?

    Oh yeah room and boards suck ass….

    1. In no universe is bounce-metal ever a good thing. It is simply what the idle and unfocused brain produces to keep itself from feeling the cold of eternity. Like Gilligan’s Island or buying Ninja products from infomercials at 4am, this is how humans cope with being lonely, insignificant, powerless, and mortal.

      1. Whoremac McFarty says:

        You like feeling all those things?

  3. Cringe says:

    Is this the guy from that Necropolis podcast who pretends to others and himself he likes classical music?

    1. The great thing about classical music is that it is actualy the most accessible genre. All you have to do is listen to it.

  4. Vigger says:

    I can’t believe this guys liver still functions.

  5. trad > death says:

    I like Pure Holocaust, but I feel like Immortal are too stupid for it to be transcendent or any sort of peak.

    1. Goofy, yes, but so is much of metal and all of rock. Stupid? I wouldn’t say so.

  6. ZebraCrossing says:

    What do you think of Cormac McCarthy?

    1. AName says:

      BTW, who will write the script for Blood Meridian adaptation now? John Hillcoat? Nick Cave?

      1. Flying Kites says:

        I heard of Blood Meridian from the Cruelty Squad Steam discussion online boards. How about we write the script for IMPERIVM EVROPA?

        1. I have never been able to like Cormac McCarthy. It’s literature for posers and hipsters, sort of like Atwood, Angelou, Kingsolver, etc.

  7. STGeezuz44 says:

    Gnome ‘em All
    Show Gnome Mercy
    In Gardens with Satan
    Electric Gnome Synthesis
    Don’t Break the Gnome…

    1. Anthropologist says:

      Gnome sayin’? *gang signs*

  8. Metalheim says:

    This guy sounds very intelligent. Too bad he is too drunk on the podcasts he makes and goes on rambling about stuff that is of no relevance.

    1. Come to a Meeting Near You says:

      Hi, I’m Dan, and I’m an alcoholic. A long time ago I was really into heavy metal music, but toward the mid-90’s it got so bad that I started drinking, and I kept chasing that tunnel downward in a spiral to Hell until I woke up one day and I had voted Democrat after silencing my iPhone so the constant notifications from Reddit would not get me thrown out of the polling place. I had hit rock bottom, and if the constant ache in my anus was any indication, I had also been to the far-off lands of femdom and radfem and had experiencing pegging with a vegan dildo.

      1. “Every time you kill a Communist, an angel gets its wings.” — Brett Stevens

  9. Democrats all have aids and suck cock says:

    The following race of humans suck dick…

    Russian fags
    White kids
    Thug blacks
    Drug dealer fags
    Cartel fags
    Nu metal fags
    All lesbians
    All shemales fags ect
    Death metal rappers
    Black metal rappers
    Nu metal rappers
    Hallie Jackson
    Mulattos fucking mixed bullshit
    Marilyn Manson

    And yes all of modern liberal faggot sellout ass Europeans

    Except Varg vikernes

    I wanna kill korn Necro slipknot and rob hot topic stores

    Hahaha fuck you

    And would you lick brett
    Hillary’s funky white oussy having ass

  10. Dudley Diddlesworth says:

    Legit question: Did you fuck the interviewee’s mom and is this unexceptional sycophant the lustchild of your more than likely inebriated/stoned (possibly both?) copulation with said mater?

    1. Straight Outta Martha's Vineyard says:

      He fails to endorse your mindless hedonism and belief in life as meaningless, so you assume he is a clone. This says more about you (low T) than him.

      1. We should talk about how low T or general ill-health (mental/physical or just physical) is behind lots of behaviors like promiscuity, gambling, addiction, religious fanaticism, altruism, egalitarianism, etc.

        Most of these people need to be gently tossed from oceanbound helicopters. Whee!

    2. I never have sex with the family members of interviewees.

  11. Democrats all have aids and suck cock says:

    Mad huh?




    one spics breed to much with blacks
    Spics butt in black affairs
    Spics never mind their own business
    They think everyone wants to be them
    They laugh like assholes
    They’re mostly liberal
    They don’t belong here
    They’re wiggers

    So in part…

    Fuck you…

    1. Voluminous Flatus says:

      Trump: Let’s send all the Mexicans back!

      USA: (landslide vote)

      1. Al Ahuakbar says:

        ANUS: let’s send the Italians back.

        (massive public fear)

        1. If we are going to send the Hispanics, Africans, and Orientals back — this is a bare minimum requirement for our survival — we should also send back the “white ethnicities” that are actually hybrids, like Italians, Irish, Jews, Arabs, Slavs, Irish, and anyone from NYC.

  12. Blacks are stupid pointless assholes fuck hip hop and rap metal... says:

    Hey Brett

    How would one go about banning bitch ass rappers and minorities from

    Playing metal
    Stealing ideas
    Haunting ones brain

    Otherwise telling muds their not allowed to ruin black metal like everything else the make

    Can u answer please I’d like to know please hahahaha

    1. Brettberg O'Paddywack Stevenowski says:

      Would we think about other races at all, if diversity were not eating all races alive at the same time?

  13. Porn sucks hip-hop sucks korn sucks haggy pants suck wiggers suck so much I wanna still rape Sarah Silverman in her jew ass too bitch... says:

    Check out these cool transexuals

    The Belodon
    Brimosaurus prime metal
    Borealonectes bug police

    The Galt
    Gnathomortis prime raprockzilla
    Ghost rider metal
    Grim reaper police

    The Nazi Ischyrodon
    Ichthyotitan rap rockzilla
    Industrial death metal
    Insecticon police

    The Dakosaurus prime
    gangsta rapzilla police

    Hainosaurus prime
    Horror metal hip hop
    Hydrorion police

    The sfpd
    Styracosaurus prime raprockzilla
    Satanic death metal
    Stegosaur smilodon simolestes

    The vile
    Viking death metal

    Hey Brett what if your daughter gets raped by a black man will you kill the baby what if she liked it and wants the kid will you raise the little fucker huh?

    Any mulatto jokes anyone?

    1. Any daughter of mine who marries an Italian, Irish, or Pole is getting shipped to Africa, God Damn It.

    2. History will judge us by one thing: how many egalitarians (Jacobins, Democrats, socialists, Communists, anarchists, Christians) did we throw out of helicopters?

      1. Accountant says:

        Choppers? What happened to the chippers? Is it the new economy?

        1. We could just stuff them into a giant Varg-approved composting toilet.

          1. Flying Kites says:

            Coprophagists need to eat too.

  14. Nothing is at it seems says:

    You want food, I’ll give it to ya. On the D4 sanctuary server, I got banned twice for minor crap, like calling someone a cuck and generally stirring things up. It’s pathetic how thin-skinned the world has become.

    Suffice to say, you can’t say anything. I hope Poe2 will destroy D4, which it certainly will…

  15. All white women are whores so are the faggot ass Jews spics and loose ass Russians hahaha says:


    Okay asshole

    Nothing as it seems
    Brett Stevens
    Black metal
    Death metal

    U guys like the transformers?

    And Brett if you were a decepticon which one would you be?

    I’d be Trypticon or abominus or cyclonus or skorponok shit….

    The samurai god
    Shark rap rockzilla
    Shonisaurus prime police

    Shay-t shitstorm shockgun showdown form sharkraprockzilla

    Black guys come back as dino necrocons the four knights of horrors of the apocalypse brah

    Wanna fuck around Brett?

    Hahahaha Brett would u fuck a half jew vietnamese transgender hung ass freak huh?

    I wanna rape Hallie Jackson savannah sellers savannah Guthrie Hoda kotb Sabrina carpenter Britney spears gal Gadot Jew white latina asian bitches bottomless on a toilet…

    Hey Brett is anal sex good for you is it healthy ok?

    1. I did some reading on this and the likely answer is that anal sex is not really good for you, at least in large amounts. The poor rectum gets battered and the gut microbiome gets disrupted. There’s also whatever happens when a whole load of jizz hits the viral and bacterial load of the descending colon. So no, I can’t recommend it from a medical perspectiv, and point to the skyrocketing rates of anal and bowel cancer as a possible warning sign for the health risks of sodomy.

  16. GGALLIN1776 says:

    For dungeon synth it sure sounds alot like COF up to the mid 00’s.
    Is Martin the Dungeon Dwarf?

  17. Ubertragic Art says:

    Needless to say, but it is important to notice: you can, eventually or occasionally, surpass the BM masterpieces musically, – but you will not see the recognition which the classic works had in the times. Due to lack of danger and certain kind of “electricity” in the air, it’s really tricky task to emulate the feeling of those bright and fresh times not going to self-deception… Cannot rid of that bitter knowing “everything is rotten away and never to be restored”. That’s why we see so much retro-bands here and there. And no ideas nor invention.

    1. Musically surpass? I don’t think those words match up; art fits the expression. You can add jazz chords but like jazz that ends up going nowhere.

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